Ndrew Pan'quu


Revolutionary autistic mystic misfit ♑🌅 ♊🌙 ♍⬆️
Powerful info! Explains an awful lot. The history goes so deep its mad! But the deepest thing that people seem to overlook is not just about how many children are dying and being slaughtered. But how many children get trafficked during every humanitarian crisis especially war time. During war time traffickers literally call it harvest time. Taking as much advantage of the chaos as possible. Remember the connections Epstein and Maxwell family had to Mossad. #childtrafficking #palestine #israel
93 14
8 months ago
I won’t stop till these people run the world! They know how to keep rivers pure, don’t contaminate lakes, don’t pollute the air, don’t use the sea as a plastic bin, don’t destroy trees and habitats, don’t need pharmaceuticals, don’t ever feel the need the scam anyone. Whereas us ‘civilised’ people worship religions that war with each other about who’s the most peaceful
78 17
1 year ago
Shout out to the real artists around the world who spoke out against covid!! Every artist had 2 whole years just to mention it just once in their songs. Yet most of them didn't cus money was more important when they already had enough anyway. Even rappers who hate the gov or police never said a word about it what a shame!! I literally had teacher in my class that I was assisting taking the piss out of me cus he personally knew vaccine experts at AstraZeneca that were far more qualified than me to know anything about the vaccine. Not so funny now the whole 'Andy from stoke' thinks he knows better than medical experts and world health organisation. Turns out i did cus i used basic math to know you can't rush a vaccine let alone mandate it. Especially when the vaccine efficacy was 92% and survival rate from covid was 99% leaving a 7% deficit in logic. All the tax payers money that went into designing, manufacturing, distributing and all the GPs bonuses should be refunded. If they don't we need to really turn up at their houses and demand it back cus angry letters will be laughed at. They only understand firm talks face to face. Literally people died and are permanently disabled from these jabs and it was clearly all about money. These vaccines were produced so vastly so quickly it was impossible within the given time frame to make that many. Meaning they were planned to be manufactured way before 2020! @spraggabenz3 #vaccine #astrazeneca
29 2
1 month ago
This is why i never give into division. If certain people blatantly start trying cause it for reasons that aren't of lawful matters then chances are they're paid saboteurs, shills or controlled opps. People forget who the realest enemy is just cus they aren't easy to see!! Unity is our biggest weapon
29 1
2 months ago
Yeezy porn! Theres deffo an agenda to socially engineer hypersexuality on the younger masses. So many youngster love anything yeezy. For someone who's made and prided themselves in a christian album saying that promiscuity and porn ruined his family life and damaged his soul it's one hell of a u-turn. Thing is people won't see anything wrong with it. As long as no1 gets hurt fair play but knowing full well all the young yeezy trainer wearing crew are gonna get hyped about it that will cause long term effects on the younger generations is wrong. Sexual harassment, sexual assault, rape, revenge porn is all on the rise especially due to smart phones and last thing we need is someone as famous and influential with younger people as Kanye to make Christian porn. Its very interesting how stormy daniels is indirectly related to this
16 16
2 months ago
We can speculate all day whether he's controlled opp or not but at the end of the day. No one actually 'knows' unless you're Garcia himself or his handlers. we_r_one_x summed it up perfectly by saying regardless of if he is or isn't. The message remains true about satanic child trafficking and people shouldn't just passively shrug their shoulders at the situation just because their own aren't the victims of the injustice. Being in Ukraine atm without my brother knowing I'll never share our ancestral land with him again has been incredibly hard. Yet seeing Garcia win put a massive smile on my face and gave a bounce in my step. Symbolically just seeing a man of faith who cares about the children win over a materialistic bad mannered egomaniac os good. Especially In his winning speech bringing a light on saving the children. The rabbit hole goes wayyy deeper than most people can imagine. The reason why highly profitable satanic blood-lust sports like war happening almost on every continent every day is because satanists get to depopulate and give a huge offering of blood spillage to their demonic deities they worship. Satan isn't even the highest demon in the hierarchy. Its mad that during the time of Garcia sounding crazy P Diddy got caught being another (one of many) Epstein like people. Also justin Timberlake released the MOST DEMONIC mainstream music vid I've ever seen!! Called 'No angels'. Puts lil nas wearing thigh high latex boots and twerking on the devil to shame. Timberlake flaunts a high class blood lust party ritual summoning a demon and initiation into collective willful demonic possession (selling your soul) all in one vid for kids too see!!! You can check the youtube comments. Court of public opinion is having enough of overt satanic propaganda bwing shoved in the youths facea! Yet Garcia was threatened with having his fight cancelled for speaking up about it and you couldn't question vaccine safety without your account being deleted. That's full on proof of well established demonic powers imposing their influence over us. #garcia
51 4
2 months ago
Today is the hardest day of my life without my big brother Mark. He was everything to me. He would have been 32 today. We were like yin and yang. People would always comment on how special and unique our bond was thanks too mushrooms and crystals. We were all about the truth and tried our best to make the world a better place together. Theres so much more that i could say but I'm too heartbroken writing this and the words can't come out just now F O R E V E R W I L L B E L O V E D ❤🙏
107 67
3 months ago
99 2
4 months ago
I honestly don't have a fucking clue how truthers can't see that global super powers and mainstream media aren't in the same club. Unless they're dumb asf or controlled opp. Why is it scousers are usually always on the ball and on job?!
24 7
4 months ago
Hello, it’s Marks brother Andrew here. With sadness I regret to inform you that my brother @markpankiw passed away peacefully in his sleep on Saturday January 20th. We really appreciate all the love & support that we have received. Thanks to everyone who has reached out. Our mum is taking such comfort from the messages and stories about Mark, he was very loved & will be so sadly missed by all who knew him. The celebration of Marks life will be held on Sunday 18th February at The Old Chapel Eturia. ST1 5PE. Starting at Midday. We would love as many of Marks friends & family as possible to be there. If you are reading this through my Facebook I'm unable to reply to any messages or comments as I can't access the Facebook account the reason why this is on my Facebook account is because I'm sharing this via my Instagram account. So if you want to reach me then you can on my Instagram @notes.on_notes
96 83
4 months ago
3 0
4 months ago
Too many people are focused on judging, berating others in the 99% and call themselves truthers forgetting the whole point is too focus on the immoral globalist 1%
60 1
5 months ago