Stephen Rooney


Dublin has some big Pride energy today.
23 4
5 years ago
It's an off-white Christmas!
18 0
5 years ago
Ah, my "Crap, @franplusfran is pointing a camera at me" face. Long may it live.
46 7
5 years ago
"Let's go on holidays" they said. "It'll be fun," they said. (Our house is on the right. No one's hurt. Our stuff wasn't damaged. We have a lot of wine.)
11 3
7 years ago
Bless whatever kind, wonderful person put out a box of free books and fresh rosemary.
12 0
8 years ago
Curing TB was all well and good, but when will science find a cure for bed head?! #AskingTheBigFloofyQuestions
10 1
8 years ago
Turns out that deciding to make cookies at 1am does not yield pretty cookies. However, they're tasty as hell, and the first time I've made anything in like a year. So yay anyway!
8 2
8 years ago
Really feeling the love out there for Fine Gael.
3 0
8 years ago