Alberto Núñez


Lifetime Drug Free Bodybuilder @team3dmj Coach @wnbfofficial Pro Bodybuilder LMC S02
👉 SWIPE THROUGH TO SEE OUR NEW 3DMJ COACHING PLANS 👉 🔹 We’re more than contest prep coaches. 🔹 We create and cultivate athletic careers for serious lifters. To reflect that, we’ve created some new plans to get us working together earlier than ever. Some of our most successful competitors on the world stage worked with us from a distance for over 5 years before their first contest preps and stage appearances. Some of our most satisfied and and fulfilled recreational lifters simply have a video call and program delivered every 16 weeks indefinitely. 🔑 We can’t ignore how much better these athletes feel, look, and perform than those who contact us just a few months before their next season or photo shoot. 🔑 Our mission has always been to offer “holistic coaching to help athletes fulfill their true potential in all facets of life”. And we believe these coaching changes give us a better chance to do just that. ⬇️ View all prices and the full FAQ section at the “COACHING” link in our bio @team3dmj 💪 ⬆️ #Team3DMJ
595 18
3 months ago
Let me help you get out of intermediate purgatory. Program starts Monday🫡
665 27
8 months ago
If we’d been taking the same approach to training for the last 15 years…you’d have to question if we actually learned anything from coaching and if we’d stayed up to date with the science. While some things never change, many things do and there is always room improve. So, fortunately, our training approaches absolutely have changed with time, and they will continue to do so! Anyone who tells you everything is figured out and totally settled has an ego that’s bigger than their brain, or is trying to sell something more than results! This was an awesome discussion we had and it made me nostalgic and proud to reflect on our growth as a team. 🧠 HERE’S WHAT YOU’LL LEARN IN OUR NEW SHOW: 🔹 Why has their been a shift from tracking volume as total tonnage to tracking volume as hard sets? 🔹 How do the coaches consider range of motion and muscle length considerations within their programs? 🔹 How can you be open minded and try new things without blowing up your current program and its progress? 🔹 How do you differentiate productive learning and observation from chronic and unproductive overthinking? 🔹 How have we overhauled our approaches from a decade ago? 🔹 What always stays the same in the bodybuilding game? ...and more! ⬇️ Find the 3DMJ Podcast on Spotify, YouTube & Apple Podcasts 💪 ⬆️ #Team3DMJ
323 4
5 days ago
Straight from the Bodybuilding Program Design course in The 3DMJ Vault 💪 Bert gives you 3 training programs. Brad gives you the volume-calculating spreadsheets for them. Eric explains all the science theory behind them. Click this post in our bio for a direct link @team3dmj 👈 #Team3DMJ
349 5
16 days ago
Many ways of doing this 1, 2, 1, 2, 1,2 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3
1,193 32
19 days ago
A friendly reminder that there’s a difference between loving the bodybuilding journey, and thinking bodybuilding will fix your life because you’ll “look better”. #Team3DMJ
652 17
25 days ago
So when SHOULD you include back squats and front squats? 🔹 You compete in powerlifting or olympic weightlifting 🔹 You do not experience pain in those movements 🔹 You practice them frequently enough that they are technically sound, even with heavier loads or higher reps 🔹You do not mind the extra fatigue (compared to hack squats or leg press) that may accumulate 🔹 You thoroughly enjoy them (do not only have an ego-based attachment to them) 🔹You understand that there might be better options for hypertrophy, but your enjoyment matters more to you personally at this time Any others? Drop em below! 👇👇👇
1,363 82
28 days ago
As you get stronger, you can progressively overload by holding a DB in your free hand. I use two hands in the video, but I usually perform this movement while sliding my hand on a wall next to me.
1,334 48
1 month ago
And knowing the “middle of the road” number is just the starting point. How does your multiplier go up or down based on age? Athletic background? Weight history? Goals? Current activity level or job? Presence of a menstrual cycle? These are some of the things Alberto goes over in his “Calculating Your Calories” video course. (link in bio @team3dmj 👈) And once you finish the calories course, you can move on the “Calculating Your Macros” video course next. Those are just 2 of the 25 courses included in a Vault VIP Membership. You can get our whole recommended learning roadmap for free at 3DMJVAULT.COM #Team3DMJ #NaturalBodybuilding
539 16
1 month ago
The cure is here
4,263 97
1 month ago
Ideally, all of this has been covered BEFORE the first contest prep begins. — This checklist is from @nunez3dmj ‘s video course, “CONTEST PREP POSITIONING”, where he tells you exactly how to create your own long-term competitive bodybuilding timeline. ⬇️ Click this post in our bio @team3dmj to get it 💪 ⬆️ #Team3DMJ
758 15
1 month ago
Straight from the “Contest Prep Q&A Collection”, one of 25 educational video courses in The 3DMJ Vault 💪 ⬇️ Click this post in our bio for a direct link to all of them @team3dmj ⬆️ #Team3DMJ
263 7
2 months ago