Old Capital Square Dance Club


3 1
18 hours ago
Tonight was fun 🤩
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18 hours ago
Nothing casual about the brothers.
19 0
1 day ago
Heath is my Linda Rebbe. ❤️ #goodnight saturdaynostalgiaisallright
12 2
1 day ago
It’s Saturday night. Maybe
11 2
1 day ago
August 3rd/old rock house/saintlouisflyovercountry
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4 days ago
This is from 2017. It was our entry to the NPR tiny dick series. It’s called “up the walls”. Written by Zach Attack
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4 days ago
Robots steal our music while we work and sleep.
11 1
4 days ago
Satirical take on American attitudes about guns and gun violence. Featuring Jesus as a stranger in a strange land Animation by Jess Adkins Songwriter Jesse McClary
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4 days ago
Jesse and Drew went STLPR a few months back to talk more about robot dongs?
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5 days ago
We’re just one of many independent bands this has happened to. This is our story.
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6 days ago
Our second single in the “robots stole our music” series. No emails or telephones/nothing left but a pile of bones
25 2
6 days ago