PJ Kennedy


Scrapmetal artist and fabricator located in Northern California. Custom commissions available. Appointed godfather of the #scrapmetalarmory
Today was kinda of a big day in history if you think about it.... It's the last day of the crowns rule over the Americas. #pfeworks #3rdofjuly #crown #welding #weldernation #crowns #thecrown
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16 hours ago
I really do enjoy make these. Who doesn't love a bottle opener that looks cool behind the bar. #pfeworks #scrapmetalarmory #scrapmetalartist #scrapmetalart #bluedemonbluecrew #weld #mancaveart #mancavestuff
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1 day ago
Memory Monday to the first podcast i was able to be a part of. It was a really good time drinking beer and talking about myself and my journey. It's a shame that it is unavailable to listen to anymore. #pfeworks #populationcontrol #podcast #scrapmetalartist #art
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2 days ago
Five years ago I made this neat little mini golf bridge for a customer who had a neat backyard putting green. I remember this was a challenge to not only make it look like the golden gate... But also to get the angles of the deck right for the balls to roll over it correctly. All and all it turned out pretty cool. #pfeworks #goldengatebridge #goldengate #bridge #putput #minigolf
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7 days ago
Weddings are fun! Congrats to the bride and groom! #pfeworks #rings #diamondring #weddingday #scrapmetalartist
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10 days ago
Friiiiiday! Finally! Who our there had a week? Whis really going to enjoy this weekend? #pfeworks #friday #fingerstyle #fingerfriday #finger #flipoff #flipofffriday
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12 days ago
Throwback to one of last year beach vacation builds. This little dude certainly had a good time on the island. I don't think he's left since. Anyone else feel like they need a week of sun on their skin and sand in their toes? #pfeworks #beach #beachvacation #palmtrees #coast #islandlife
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13 days ago
Hopefully y'all have enough fuel to get through the week. I know this chick does! #pfeworks #pistonhead #pistonpeople #scrapmetalart #carpartart #garagebuddy
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14 days ago
Weddings! I love weddings! Drinks all around! Actually one of my favorite parts of weddings is making the newlyweds a special piece of art to remember their special day. It's always fun to see their reaction to it and how they are almost always displayed over the years. #pfeworks #wedding #weddings #rings #diamonds #diamondring #weddingday
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16 days ago
So this Lil guy has a good back story to him. I was changing the oil in my truck the morning I was planning on leaving for vacation, yah I know great planning but I was crazy busy. So I get the ready to screw on the new #STP oil filter and it doesn't go more than a thread or two. The cut on the thread isn't great so I decided to ride my bike the couple miles to #Autozone to exchange it. After looking at the "good" one I was given as an exchange I decided to buy another brand filter as well because my gut told me it wasn't going to work.... Well my gut was right. What pissed me off is that the STP filters were on sale if you got the high mileage oils and these filter in particular are their "top shelf" model....... Well the top shelf filter that wasn't made right is now "Sir Thaddeus Princeton Widow" the only male black widow to need glasses to see. His wife died before their marriage could be consummated..... And broken hearted and truly in love with his lost bride never remarried or went on a date again. Now he lives alone in auto shops across the country looking for old sparkplugs to consume. 😂😂😂 #pfeworks #scrapmetal #scrapmetalart #scrapmetalartist #scrapart #metalsculpture #metalart #metalartist #metalsculpture #art #weldernation #weldedart #welder #weld #weldart #upcycle #recycled #steampunk #steampunkart #gift #oilfilter #fram #clorox #spider #mechanic #shop #spiders
42 1
18 days ago
The grind is almost over. Don't let the last little bit of the week burn you. Isn't the controlled chaos awesome at times? #pfeworks #empireabrasives #scrapmetalart #welding #fabrication #maker
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19 days ago