

YouTuber, Gamer and Movie Fan. A big fan of Movies, Video Games and all things physical media. Love Nintendo and PlayStation.
Andor Now this is what you call a quality TV series Disney, after various disappointing projects and feeling like dragged out films into 5 hours TV series. But Andor feels perfect for the TV with lengthy quality episodes and a fantastic storyline. A prequel to Andor from Rogue One wasn't something I was sold on and took a while to get round to this, but this is easily the best Star Wars TV series and the second best thing Disney has done with the beloved IP (the first being Rogue One itself) Whilst it takes a couple of episodes to truly get going, Andor is an impeccably well written and tense series, that's quite low in the stakes of other films and shows in Star Wars, but this makes it all the better. Following a whole host of interesting characters as well as Andor himself, it is a show that keeps you on the edge of the seat right to the end. The episodes in the prison are some of the tense and heartbreaking stuff I've seen on Star Wars. After the so-so Acolyte series, it's wonderful to be positive about a Star Wars project and I can't wait for the next season next year as it leads up to Rogue One, bring it on. #movies #films #thefallguy #blurayhaul #4k #4khaul #movie2024 #moviehaul #ryangosling #Theboys #physicalmedia #bluraycollection #blurayhaul #thriller #dvd #boykillsworld #samrami #actionfilms #signature #movies #movoe2024 #films #starwars
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3 days ago
Hey everybody Playtendoguy back with the last video of the day and it's my unboxing of the latest 4K release by Arrow of Crimson Peak and wow it's a beautiful release. So tune in and see what it's like and as always thanks for watching #secondsight4k #hmv #hmvpremiumcollection #amazon #markkermode #movie #halloween #horror #horrorfilms #movies #youtube #physicalmedia #bluraycollection #blurayhaul #thriller #dvd #memoriesofmurder #bongjoonho #curzon #withnailandi #arrow #purplerain #prince #crimsonpeak
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5 days ago
Hey everybody Playtendoguy back with another video and today I'm going to bring you my unboxing and review of the latest Warner Bros 4K release of Prince's Purple Rain, so tune in and see what I think. As always thanks for watching #secondsight4k #hmv #hmvpremiumcollection #amazon #markkermode #movie #halloween #horror #horrorfilms #movies #youtube #physicalmedia #bluraycollection #blurayhaul #thriller #dvd #memoriesofmurder #bongjoonho #curzon #withnailandi #arrow #purplerain #prince
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5 days ago
Hey everybody my latest video is up and it's my unboxing of Arrow's latest release of Withnail & I and unfortunately it's a joke of a release, so tune in and see what you don't get in this disappointing release . As always thanks for watching #secondsight4k #hmv #hmvpremiumcollection #amazon #markkermode #movie #halloween #horror #horrorfilms #movies #youtube #physicalmedia #bluraycollection #blurayhaul #thriller #dvd #memoriesofmurder #bongjoonho #curzon #withnailandi #arrow
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5 days ago
Hey everybody my latest video is up and it's my unboxing of the 4K limited edition of Bing Joon Ho's classic Memories of Murder. So tune in and see what it's like and as always thanks for watching. #secondsight4k #hmv #hmvpremiumcollection #amazon #markkermode #movie #halloween #horror #horrorfilms #movies #youtube #physicalmedia #bluraycollection #blurayhaul #thriller #dvd #memoriesofmurder #bongjoonho #curzon
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5 days ago
The Boys Season 4 mid way point I've finally caught up with The Boys and all up to date with all the shenanigans going on with The Boys, Homelander and the various Supes. And coming straight from Season 3 there's certainly a drop in quality, it's still enjoyable but there's a few things I'm not huge on. From Frenchie and his relationship, it just feels forced and out of nowhere, some other characters have also changed their personality a fair bit out of nowhere. So hopefully these are resolved throughout the season. And the political stuff is a bit too on the nose for me, yeah The Boys has always been topical but it's a bit too much in the current climate, TV is an escape and episode 2 nearly made me switch off. Thankfully episodes 3&4 are a great improvement showing some interesting stuff about Homelander and his past, Butcher and his mortality. Also liking the stuff with A train too. Sister Sage is a cool new inclusion but can't stand Firecracker. Hopefully the season can continue to be great and can't wait to see where it goes next #movies #films #thefallguy #blurayhaul #4k #4khaul #movie2024 #moviehaul #ryangosling #Theboys #physicalmedia #bluraycollection #blurayhaul #thriller #dvd #boykillsworld #samrami #actionfilms #signature #movies #movoe2024 #films #Thebpys
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10 days ago
The Boys Season 3 After the fantastic season 2 ending, season 3 catches up with the crew a while later and they're all moving on in some ways. But The Boys soon get back to what they do best, with plenty of intrigue, gory moments and Supe shenanigans there's a lot to like here. The soldier boy storyline is cool and adds a lot of depth to the world being built here and the inclusion of small injections of V to both Butcher and Hughie makes for a nice change of play. There's a lot to like in the series and there's plenty of fun to be had, another quality season of TV. #movies #films #thefallguy #blurayhaul #4k #4khaul #movie2024 #moviehaul #ryangosling #Theboys #physicalmedia #bluraycollection #blurayhaul #thriller #dvd #boykillsworld #samrami #actionfilms #signature #movies #movoe2024 #films #Thebpys
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10 days ago
R.I.P Donald Sutherland, one of the old school actors of Hollywood has sadly passed away, from M.A.S.H, Don't Look Now, Kelly's Heroes, Invasion Of The Body Snatcher's to even the 90's film version of Buffy he had a wide and varied career. So sad to hear he's passed away, but a legacy of incredible films and performances will ensure he'll never be forgotten #donaldsutherland
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13 days ago
Atari Mania An absolute steal from Smyth's for an interesting looking game, for only £9.99 on both PS5 & Switch. This looks like a Wario Ware style game with Atari mini games, sounds like a fun time to me. It also comes with some art cards. So pop into Smyth's and see if you can get a copy. #nintendo #ps5 #playstation #ps4 #stellarblade #videogames #films #games #gamingcommunity #gaminguk #gamimgcollector #retrogaming #PS #bluray #4K #actionfilms #deadpool #deadpoolandwolverine #atarimania #gamer
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13 days ago
Star Wars is still a banger after all these years, with a timeless quality of yesterday and an incredible opening to one of the biggest franchises of all time #movies #films #thefallguy #blurayhaul #4k #4khaul #movie2024 #moviehaul #ryangosling #Theboys #physicalmedia #bluraycollection #blurayhaul #thriller #dvd #boykillsworld #samrami #actionfilms #signature #movies #movoe2024 #films #starwars #theacolyte #starwarstheacolyte #disneyplus
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17 days ago
Star Wars The Acolyte Episode 3 After a mid season opener, The Acolyte takes a nose dive in it's quality with the much talked about episode 3 and yeah it wasn't great. Much has been talked about the Witch Coven and what they do with the force and yeah it's certainly a interesting take but not franchise ruining many has said. The Acolyte Episode 3 worse problem is that it's so, darn, boring a flashback episode that could've been told in a 5 minute sequence, not a lot happens here at all. The dialogue is pretty darn awful, with some baffling exchanges of dialogue and one of the most cringe inducing things I've heard in the "Power of One" chant. The episode has many plot holes which is done on purpose as I'm sure we'll go back to see the witches and Jedi point of view of the episode Great to see Squid Game guy here, he's still easily the main reason to watch this. Here's hoping they don't kill him off. Unfortunately Acolyte Episode 3 for me is the worst episode of Disney Star Wars yet, hopefully it'll improve and the ending result will be better, but Disney definitely needs to do some course correction and fast for this brand #movies #films #thefallguy #blurayhaul #4k #4khaul #movie2024 #moviehaul #ryangosling #Theboys #physicalmedia #bluraycollection #blurayhaul #thriller #dvd #boykillsworld #samrami #actionfilms #signature #movies #movoe2024 #films #starwars #theacolyte #starwarstheacolyte #disneyplus
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17 days ago