Michelle Mattos


🩷 Grad Student 💜 On the quest for colourful eyeliner 💙 Liverpool 🇬🇧 -> 🇺🇸 New York
Beachy peachy
43 0
4 years ago
59 4
2 years ago
Damp and glowy
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6 years ago
I’m utterly enamoured with this thing. Thanks dad 💖
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9 days ago
Dad, you’re pretty cool. Thank you for teaching me about airplanes, video games, cocktails, birds, music, and building furniture. There’s a lot more you’ve taught me, but you probably need to repeat it another 23 times before it sticks in my brain Hope you have an iconic dad day/birthday/fathers day @sultanofspring 🩵
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17 days ago
@sarahkaweems taught me about American History, American Government, and most importantly; how to ride an electric scooter
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19 days ago
Thanks for looking after me New York. I’ll see you again in September 💖
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1 month ago
Happy 2nd Mother’s Day mum. You’re so amazing you need two days (minimum) to celebrate your awesomeness. I think you’re pretty cool and a ginormous inspiration and all those lovely things. Enjoy your American Mother’s Day and I’ll come and hug you as soon as I finished this 3000 word paper (you know the feeling) 💖
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1 month ago
Why couldn’t it have been this hot when we were on the beach??? If I didn’t have classes today, I’d go right back 🏖️
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2 months ago
I’ve had to try multiple times to write a caption that sums up the emotions of the last ever Rooster Teeth stream, but everything fell short. I’ve been a fan for well over a decade, and worked with them for nearly 4 years- that can’t be distilled down into a few words- so a long, sappy caption it is. 🐔🦷 To say that the people RT bought into my life had a big impact on me is an understatement. I wouldn’t be here living my best life as an MA student in NY if @definedbyky hadn’t brought Hofstra into my periphery. If @chattykinson hadn’t answered every idea I had with a “sure let’s try it!”, if @eleekazolfaghari hadn’t supported me through some of the most difficult moments, if @theraighar hadn’t encouraged me when I felt unsure. And most importantly, if @thesteffie hadn’t slid into my DMs at 3am asking if I wanted to moderate Achievement Hunter. There are so many more people who made everyday a joy and they’ve all set such a high bar for any jobs going forward. 💚🖤❤️💙 One of the biggest sentiments is the grief that we’ll never all work together again. But I think the fact that we all existed at the same time to derail and rerail meetings together is magical. We will always carry a little bit of that @roosterteeth chaos with us wherever we end up. ✨ RT had its giddy highs and heart wrenching lows, but through it all we were an über talented bunch that tried our best. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for us all. It’s brighter because we have each other in it 💖 I love you fellow Roosters. We were here
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2 months ago
Google Maps’ favourite hobby is routing me through this area of New York, despite me wanting to avoid the “Empire State of Mind” blaring selfie things there at all costs
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2 months ago
Hope the Hofstra landscapers know that I’m always thinking happy thoughts towards them 🌸🪻🌼🌷
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2 months ago