Pond and Prairie


Catching fish and planting flowers with a focus on sustainability and environmental conservation.
Used weeds and fresh clippings to make some liquid nitrogen fertilizer. Green plant matter, brown sugar, water, mix, cover and let sit for at least a couple weeks. The longer the better. Eventually I'll cut this with some rainwater and water directly to flowers and produce.
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2 months ago
Needed to prune back the grape vines and decided to start some new grape plants with cuttings from the vines. If all goes well, these starts should be ready to go into the ground in 3 - 4 months.
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3 months ago
Planted a potato pot with my leftover seed potatoes, Russets and a stray Yukon Gold. I'll keep it in the shed while we have sub-32 degree nights.
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3 months ago
Brisk morning on Cheif Noonday Lake. Went most of the morning without a single bite, and was about to head in when the skunk was broken. Found a pocket of keeper Bluegills that was capped off with a nice 12" Crappie. Fresh Crappie tacos are hard to beat!
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3 months ago
Great day out in the rain. 3 small Largmouth all on a bluegill color Rattle-trap, 2 small Black Crappie, and 15 or so Bluegill all on slip bobber with a (dug from home) earthworm.
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3 months ago
Got the trellis frames in the ground this weekend. Had some much needed help from @adamschrems and all went smoothly. I'll hang trellis netting from these to grow cucumbers, squash, and mellon. #gardening #homesteading #sustainability
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3 months ago
Deer Camp 2023. Action packed would be an understatement. Got to see 2 bucks spar for the first time. Got a small buck opening morning after I left my stand and decided to walk though the woods. First deer for me, taken free standing. Bagged the large buck Friday morning, thought I missed him at first. That's why I took the small doe about 45 seconds later. (I hunt with a muzzleloader so these were tense moments. Lol). The buck downed in the pine trees only about 20 yards off. Easily the largest deer I've harvested. Did some amature measurements using the Boone and Crockett system, and he scores as a 14 point at 158 3/4". Roughly 85lbs of venison, all processed by hand. I'm a bit sore lol.
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7 months ago
Get the best seeds from the best plants.
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10 months ago
Getting rewarded with some beautiful blooms on the Hollyhocks. These plants will stalk up to 4' - 6', some growing even taller. They only bloom every other year, so in the future I'll stagger these so that I'll have blooms every summer. The blooms open from the bottom of the stalk and work up, blooming most of the summer and even into fall.
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1 year ago
Spent some time this weekend making some organic fertilizer. Plant matter, brown sugar, water, and coffee grounds. We'll cook in a covered bucket until it is a soupy mush. Then cut it 20-1 with water.
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1 year ago