James Porteur


New Social Group Rides from @cafeporteur . Gravel / Road / MTB.Riders of the lost Dark ! Sign up Now - /rider-of-the-lost-dark
Sir Dave is AWOL. Sadly no casuals this week. He is either on holiday, or in court, getting a small nest of fledgling seagulls legally removed from the depths of his beard, a place they once called home. Either way back soon!
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1 day ago
Thanks to everyone who has signed up so far for the ROTLD on Friday from @porteurbikesandcoffee . Remember for those not doing the full overnight route, you can join for the midsommer route which finishes in Arundel, where everyone shall regroup. You can then catch a train back to Brighton and Hove. You can also just join us for drinks at Porteur from 6 ish before people start to leave between 7.30 and 8 o’clock. The whole event is raising money for @samaritanscharity , so if you can come along and help us raise a bit more. You can sign up for both routes on @porteurbikesandcoffee website. Tickets are £10, free food for all participants. Plus it will be fun. Cheers
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15 days ago
On Monday at noon two very brave / self employed adventurers took on a challenge! The task, to fully recce the route for the upcoming “ Raiders of the Lost Dark “ overnight route from @porteurbikesandcoffee , which happens this Friday, 21st June. Captain, hero, father and route planner Dave led from the front. Sporting a beard so thick and golden it looks like it could easily transport Bees. The route started well, and great vistas poured over the two intrepid riders as they climbed over the first of many chalk humps. Spirits were high as they chuckled about how at night, most of these views would be lost to the darkness of the night & perhaps were not worth the effort when there is a perfectly serviceable road not too far away. Spirits reduced, when thanks to a particularly wet early summer, some fairly robust nettles and thorns had really made some of the route their own. “I wish my handlebars weren’t so wide “ shouted the assistant. “I rather liked my hands without all the thorns”. Captain Dave shot him a look! It was kind of look that got Dave down to last three, in a bid to become the label character on the new Captain Morgan’s diet spiced Rum and pineapple mixer. A look that managed to convey both pitty and contempt! The pair continued. After arriving in Arundel, our marauding mavericks were welcomed into the warm embrace of the Norfolk Arms. A large beautiful tavern with a carriage siding entrance. After charming the owner ,captain Dave managed to convince the establishment to stay open late for all participants of the ROTLD. This means it will be the official regrouping point for all of those completing the fullsomer route & the final resting/celebrating point, for those taking on the Midsomer, before catching last locomotive back to Brighthelm. After a brief respite and an in-depth discussion about the merits of filter vs espresso based coffees, Dave dragged a tissue across his face to remove the last remnants of a vegan pasty!“ Now we venture on! “ he exclaimed! Both riders knew, this would be the most difficult section of the entire route. The “Forest of Doom” as it had dubbed mere seconds before would be taxing. But did tax have to be taxing? TBC…
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15 days ago
Sign up now. June 21st. Race against the sun! Link to sign up in the bio. The Return of the great adventure! #southdownswaycycle #southdownsnationalpark #porteurrides #ROTLD
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27 days ago
Join @martin.aylward tomorrow at 09.00am for a chilled gravel group ride going east. All welcome, departing @porteurbikesandcoffee from 9.30. Enjoy.
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1 month ago
We’ll be running a summer solstice special on Friday 21st June. It will be a dynamo style ride setting off from Porteur at approx 9pm with two distance options. A race against the dying light! The Midsomer is 40k off-road to first checkpoint in Arundel with option of making last train back to B&H. The Fullsomer is 85k mostly off-road (overnight) following the downs west aiming to beat the sun to West Wittering beach with checkpoints in Arundel and Chichester. There will also be on-road options. Riders will be welcome to go at their own pace or follow the pack. There is no set start time, the aim is just to beat the sun. There will be food, refreshments, possibly a beer or two, possibly an early morning swim, fun guaranteed. We’re initially looking to gauge numbers to help finalise the plans, so please could you let us know if you’re keen.
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1 month ago
Thursdays are the new Wednesdays. Well for the next few weeks they are. This Thursday 7pm @porteurbikesandcoffee . All welcome. #midweekcasuals KEEP IT CASUAL!
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2 months ago
Casuals awaken! 6.45 @cafeporteur for a 7pm start. It’s muddy and dark, so bring light and skills. Enjoy. #MWC #returnofthecasuals
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3 months ago
A marvellously sunny @porteur_rides with an as promised, rare for this year, non-muddy route 😀 @samlaunders @chaswalker488 and I did a cheeky 40km pre-ride ride to warm up for the main event 🙌 And always good to ride with a bunch of smiling people 🤙🤙🤙 If you want to join the fun, next ride is on Sunday 7 April #gravelfun #gravelride #gravelforall #everyoneiswelcome #lovelypeople
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4 months ago
Sadly no Midweek Casuals tonight! The great leader has been struck with illness. Hopefully back up next week. Stay Casual.
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7 months ago
@martin.aylward has sorted the weather for tomorrow. Looks perfect for some social gravel riding. 09.00 @cafeporteur . All welcome
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8 months ago
Sadly no MWC this week. Weather is not Casual compatible. Stay safe.
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8 months ago