Priscilla Chi 戚黛黛


Miss Hong Kong 2003 2nd Runner Up, 1998 全球華人新秀歌唱大賽finalist, TV Host, Event MC, Homebaker, Homecook, Foodie, Freelance, 中年好聲音2-100百強
首先多謝Anne 向海嵐 @anneheung 的邀請。❤️🫶🏻 昨晚睇咗一個好好睇嘅音樂劇「我們的青春日誌」 @ourjournalofspringtime_musical 呢個係香港第一個嘅長壽音樂劇!好Amazing! 😍👍🏻👍🏻 劇本寫得好! 好有message!好勵志!雖然故事係講一班學生最pure最熱血嘅時候,當我哋仲喺度講緊夢想或者大個想做乜嘢嘅時候,但係就算到我係中年或任何年紀嘅人都應該問我哋自己呢個問題。究竟你活得開唔開心?你細個個夢想係乜嘢?你而家想做咩? 睇完好開心之餘,成晚有好多位都笑到假假聲 ,亦都好多思考,啟發 Bravo to @tomchanys 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 演員做得好!角色人物個個都好突出同立體!今次特別去欣賞Anne做的嚴校長。台上見到佢又唱又跳又演,樣樣都做得好好。好似見到另外一面嘅Anne。學導演話齋,佢真係有好多的可能性。睇完佢嘅演出又戥佢開心,又妒忌。😂可以喺台上面做到你自己鍾意嘅嘢係件好開心嘅事。我亦睇到呢個演出帶俾你嘅滿足感。隻隻歌都好好聽!(到咗今日個腦海入邊都仲係唱緊呢一個音樂劇嘅歌曲)演員唱得好! 昨晚除咗嚴校長之外,我仲特別鍾意飾演Nancy的杜以辰 @tosiukiu 🫶🏻。 做得好生鬼又好可愛,聲線亦都好甜美。另外 @jarrydtam 都唱得好好聽。 平時睇佢主持「流行都市」所以完全冇諗過佢係可以演戲同唱歌的。其實個個演員都做得好好同唱得好好所以睇完呢一套劇先會有好回味嘅感覺!❤️❤️❤️ 最後燈光同佈景係另外一樣我覺得好amazing嘅嘢。其實個劇場唔大,但係喺一個咁細嘅環境底下可以做到咁多唔同嘅場景,而且每個場景都好真實,令到你好容易投入。最犀利係喺好短時間內可以不斷咁樣換場景。 我真係極力推介呢一套音樂劇比所有嘅香港人甚至係外地嚟嘅遊客。因為呢三個鐘頭我真係睇得好開心,亦都攞到好多嘢返屋企。一個咁熱血,咁有誠意,咁高質素嘅音樂劇,希望大家都多多支持💪🏻💪🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻❤️👍🏻 @ellen.wong1 @tong.joan
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20 days ago
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3 months ago
Congratulations to our president and ball chairlady Nicole Lee for another year of great success at @waiyinassociation ‘s 42nd Charity Ball 2024 held at Regent Hotel on last Saturday (March 16th)💗 I am delighted to be working along with my fellow emcee partners: Alex, Heidi, Edith, Cathy, Nicole and Veronica and our WaiYin staff to making this an enjoyable night for all our guests.👏🏻💕 I am also honored to be a part of this great team of beautiful ladies in achieving our charitable theme “beautiful hong kong” this year. We definately tried our best to raise as much as possible to help our 7 beneficiaries this year.💪🏻 Thanks again to all that made this happen and supported us on this very meaningful event🫶🏻🙏 Thanks to my beauty team: 💄 Makeup: Bee @ IN@IMAGE TEAM CONSULTANT 💇🏻‍♀️Hair: Sarah @IL COLPO HAIR.NAIL 👗 Dress: my own 💍 Jewelry: my own 👜 Bag: my own
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3 months ago
Congratulations to our president and ball chairlady Nicole Lee for another year of great success at @waiyinassociation ‘s 42nd Charity Ball 2024 held at Regent Hotel on last Saturday (March 16th)💗 I am delighted to be working along with my fellow emcee partners: Alex, Heidi, Edith, Cathy, Nicole and Veronica and our WaiYin staff to making this an enjoyable night for all our guests.👏🏻💕 I am honored to be a part of this great team of beautiful ladies in achieving our charitable theme “beautiful hong kong” this year. We definately tried our best to raise as much as possible to help our 7 beneficiaries this year.💪🏻 Thanks again to all that made this happen and supported us on this very meaningful event🫶🏻🙏 Thanks to my beauty team: 💄 Makeup: Bee @ IN@IMAGE TEAM CONSULTANT 💇🏻‍♀️Hair: Sarah @IL COLPO HAIR.NAIL 👗 Dress: my own 💍 Jewelry: my own 👜 Bag: my own
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3 months ago
Congratulations to our president and ball chairlady Nicole Lee for another year of great success at 慧妍雅集 Wai Yin Association ‘s 42nd Charity Ball 2024 held at Regent Hotel on last Saturday (March 16th)💗 I am delighted to be working along with my fellow emcee partners: Alex, Heidi, Edith, Cathy, Nicole and Veronica and our WaiYin staff to making this an enjoyable night for all our guests.👏🏻💕 I am honored to be a part of this great team of beautiful ladies in achieving our charitable theme “beautiful hong kong” this year. We definately tried our best to raise as much as possible to help our 7 beneficiaries this year.💪🏻 Thanks again to all that made this happen and supported us on this very meaningful event🫶🏻🙏 Thanks to my beauty team: 💄 Makeup: Bee @ IN@IMAGE TEAM CONSULTANT 💇🏻‍♀️Hair: Sarah @IL COLPO HAIR.NAIL 👗 Dress: my own 💍 Jewelry: my own 👜 Bag: my own
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3 months ago
Celebrating 20 years of friendship this Christmas 🥂 Our friendship keeps us laughing so hard that it smoothes out all our wrinkles! 🩵🤍 📍#TiffanyHK #TheTiffanyBlueBoxCafe @TiffanyAndCo #MissHongKong2003 #MissHongKong #20YearsOfFriendship #forevergorgeous #ForeverYoung #20YearsofFriendshipAmdCounting
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6 months ago
Happy 1st Birthday to Hannah! Happy to be making the cupcake tower for you on your first birthday! ❤️🎂 希望你鍾意我為你做的生日蛋糕。雖然我當日親自來不到,但係有我老公做代表。💓 祝你快高長大,開開心心,做個乖乖的小女孩🫶🏻 @alan_hazel_hannah #CupcakeDoi #homebaker #1stbirthdaycelebration #ilovebaking #strawberrylemonflavour #duffyandfriendacake #birthdaycelebration #cupcaketower
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6 months ago
昨天代表「慧妍雅集」出席 香港鼓樂節20周年嘅「鼓動心弦 連結世界」慶祝活動。🥁🎊🎉 多謝華懋集團Sylvia Chung的邀請🙏 表演非常精彩,令我們大開眼界,感受到鼓樂嘅力量呢💪🏻 #慧妍雅集 #香港鼓樂節20周年 #鼓動心弦連結世界 @waiyinassociation
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8 months ago
兒童組開心的聚會。謝謝 @vikkitong_official 的邀請。個個都十幾廿年冇見。🙏🎊❤️ #兒童節目主持 #dadadede精靈樂園 #敘舊 #endlesstopics
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9 months ago
終於去到媽媽的家鄉-蘇州! Finally visited my mom’s hometown-Suzhou! #suzhou #motherdaughtertrip #momshometown #TravelDoi #尋根之旅 #pingjiangroad #平江路 #shantangstreet #山塘街
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9 months ago
Our mommy daughter trip to Shanghai and Suzhou! Here are the highlights from Shanghai!☺️ #shanghai #thebund #xintiandi #mommydaughtetrip #TravelDoi
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9 months ago
今晚終於播出我嗰集。 我的「中年好聲音2」過程雖然短,但係總算挑戰左自己! 平時睇其他參賽者喺台上發揮得淋漓盡致以為好容易。但當你自己真係企喺枱上邊嘅時候,嗰種緊張,壓力唔係個個都可以克服得到。所以你哋真係好叻。今次我已經盡晒所有力,所以總算無悔✌🏻 也好開心認識到一班對音樂充滿熱誠嘅朋友。 希望你哋在台上可以繼續發熱發亮,向自己嘅夢想繼續進發!💪🏻🫶🏻 也要多謝我的歌唱老師對我嘅教導同忍耐,還有當日幫我扮靚靚的兩位朋友🙏 髮型: Paul 哥 化妝: Jane阿晴 #中年好聲音2 #100強 #追夢 #中年 #熱愛音樂 #挑戰自己 #別問我是誰
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9 months ago