

1/2 Dance Performer 1/3 @perspective_wen 1/3 @1991.wenh Previously : @punchdrunkint (The Burnt City / Sleep No More Shanghai), @xiexindancetheatre
我們想舞動的像自然,像水一般的柔軟而強大、像樹木一般的堅強茁壯、像風一樣的輕柔篤定、也像土壤一般沉著穩重,我們想舞動的如此自在,然而現今的世界這樣煩躁,身體也不再純粹,我們想跳得更沒有雜質,卻也不再如以往那樣用心生活感受自然,剩下的也只有好壞,沒有真實,我的身體現在只有軀殼而已。 #dance #movement #UK #London #wenHsins2024 #life #living #improv
87 1
3 days ago
在台灣迷失,到上海重建自我,到英國尋找歸屬感。 在異地尋找歸屬感是一件具有挑戰性的生活狀態,知道自己可以在異鄉找到說中文的人來創造歸屬感,然而,依然沒有真正進入英國的世界,總感覺自己與眾不同,就像一滴油掉入水中,永遠無法與之融合,可能是方法不對或者還沒找到辦法。 儘管我仍能與同種語言的人相處自在,卻是在異國生活中創建一個讓自己安心的社交圈溫室,以不至於感到與世隔絕,擁有這些朋友很幸福。 笑看著影片,看那些聽不懂還什麼都回Yes, Yes Of Course or Thank you , Thank you 卻也不知道自己在謝什麼東西…之類的答非所問的影片,笑著笑著也就沈默了,語言可以很殘忍的將你的社交能力殲滅。 自己也懶惰,閒暇時間也不好好學英文,沒資格呻吟,過的不上不下的時候就是好好檢視自己的時候,重新審視自己的狀態、價值觀、生命走向以及追求目標,2024年真的好迷失!一整年都很迷失,怕歸怕,總有雨過天晴的一刻。 過去幾年很努力的爬著上坡,現在走下坡也不要太刁難自己,照顧好膝蓋(心靈),然後不要畏手畏腳,堂堂正正的大步邁進! 這個瞬間我就希望自己可以好好「做自己」不去在意別人怎麼看待,怪就怪吧!畢竟我已經很勇敢的離開過去的舒適圈來到這裡重新啟動,還怕失去什麼。 #life #UK #london #留子 #異國 #英國 #Wenhsin2024 #一杯水一滴油 #心情 #生命 #重塑 #rebuild #歸屬感 #英國生活 #台灣捷運 #帶我回家 #takemehome
88 5
8 days ago
Big thank to @josie.deighton.artist and @ioselianigeorge for gathering cool artists in this exhibition. Haven’t dance and perform for a little while and I had a great time. 📸 @shinjuhitomi (Thank you so much for these beautiful pictures. Barely get pictures from performances I have done in the past. I LOVE THEM!) #performance #artsectorgallery #UK #London #dancer #exhibition #lifedrawing #wenhsins2024 #solo #addiction #generation #improvisation #moments #art #dancesolo
64 2
10 days ago
Before the show part IV Right, this meant to happen sooner than today. But those pictures I just didn’t have enough time to capture performers nicely so I was struggling to post it. Also I probably missed few performers which is also why I didn’t want to share it yet.. Well… still nice to share them just for memories. X #theburntcity #performer #punchdrunk #immersiveshow #wenhsins2023 #memories
201 6
23 days ago
Before the show part III Right, this meant to happen sooner than today. But those pictures I just didn’t have enough time to capture performers nicely so I was struggling to post it. Also I probably missed few performers which is also why I didn’t want to share it yet.. Well… still nice to share them just for memories. X #theburntcity #performer #punchdrunk #immersiveshow #wenhsins2023 #memories
229 9
25 days ago
Before the show part II Right, this meant to happen sooner than today. But those pictures I just didn’t have enough time to capture performers nicely so I was struggling to post it. Also I probably missed few performers which is also why I didn’t want to share it yet.. Well… still nice to share them just for memories. X #theburntcity #performer #punchdrunk #immersiveshow #wenhsins2023 #memories
246 9
25 days ago
Before the show part I Right, this meant to happen sooner than today. But those pictures I just didn’t have enough time to capture performers nicely so I was struggling to post it. Also I probably missed few performers which is also why I didn’t want to share it yet.. Well… still nice to share them just for memories. X #theburntcity #performer #punchdrunk #immersiveshow #wenhsins2023 #memories
291 15
25 days ago
好久沒化妝 💋 #makeup #london #wenhsins2024 #UK #Date
116 3
1 month ago
Shanghai, April 2024. Becca and WenJun and Han. 👭🏻🧍🏻 #april #shanghai #wenhsins2024 #friends #fujix100vi #life #friendship #china
166 1
1 month ago
Me as The Watchman in the show The Burnt City. Never really post anything about myself since the show finished. Wow!! Feels like a long time ago…🥷🏼🥷🏼🥷🏼 Not sure if this was my last show.. I just remember in my last show, I did The watchman and The Oracle and Macaria in 3 hours… I was running around the building like our ASM team🫨 Love my swing life, full of surprise! Photo: @stephendobbie @punchdrunkint #thewatchman #Theburntcity #punchdrunk #immersiveshow #immersive #performer #UK #london #wenhsins2024 #wenhsins2023 #actor #dancer #character
417 20
1 month ago