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Pretty Much @stephengranthill ’s feed says it all This will rank in my all time top 5 shows I’ve played in my life. My dream lineup, we were right, the vibe & people were on point. Wow I’m grateful for this experience and I’m grateful to make this moment and journey happen w my friends & family. @theroots (Thx for the live feed sir)
7,294 230
3 days ago
Expressing my gratitude to the @auwabooks family & to you fine folk for your support behind the now @nytimes bestselling (& @kirkus_reviews ⭐️ recipient) HIP HOP IS HISTORY. Thank You All!
2,073 57
12 days ago
Bilal is Jon Hendricks + Walter Junie Morrison + Melvin Wilson (The New Birth) + Jeff Buckley + Donny Hathaway + Ronnie Dyson + Glenn Goines + Joey Dee (Cymande) + Jay Kay + Bobby Debarge + Andy Kauffman + George Duke + Oscar Brown Jr + Angelo Moore + David Byrne+ the unexpressed trauma experience of Trans Atlantic Africans & the accumulated marvel of our magic in a voice. For real. I know it’s hard for someone to make a move without some sort of insurance of satisfaction. I mean let’s face it did Million Dollar Baby sit there on the shelf alone & you gravitated to it? Or did you (like me) see all your peeps riding the wave having fun on their socials & you get fomo? No shame in that. But sometimes you just gotta support religiously people that deserve the Royal Treatment. We live in a world in which an artist like Bilal possesses a talent so majestic it’s almost seen as a hindrance or a stain that will keep him from getting his just desserts because he is so advanced math it’s almost UNcommon. It don’t have to be that way: Bilal & @robertglasper & @boombishop & @common & I came to @glasshaus & jammed in the living room w 100 of our peeps & made a fine piece of art. Is this hip hop’s #MoneyJungle ? a quiet summit meeting that will make “best of” lists some 20 years down the line? get on the train NOW! See what we known for DECADES!
1,680 74
18 days ago
GMNGHT6 fin. @thebalvenie mstrs: @quintab & me Chief Party Officer @therongcathy 📸 @christian_germoso
1,187 12
3 hours ago
GMNGHT6 pt7 @thebalvenie Mstrs: @quintab & me Chief Party Officer @therongcathy 📸 @christian_germoso
1,635 23
3 hours ago
GMNGHT6 pt 6 @thebalvenie Chief Party Officer @therongcathy 📸 @christian_germoso
1,352 19
4 hours ago
GMNGHT6 pt5 mstrs: @quintab & me @thebalvenie Chief Party Officer @therongcathy 📸 @christian_germoso
5,927 52
4 hours ago
GMNGHT6 pt4 mstrs: @quintab & me @thebalvenie Chief Party Officer @therongcathy 📸 @christian_germoso
2,147 38
5 hours ago
GMNGHT6 pt3 mstrs: @quintab & me @thebalvenie Chief Party Officer @therongcathy 📸 @christian_germoso
32.0k 333
6 hours ago
GMNGHT6 pt2 mstrs: @quintab & me @thebalvenie Chief Party Officer @therongcathy 📸 @christian_germoso
3,943 44
7 hours ago
Once Again GMNGHT6 @thebalvenie mstrs: @quintab & questo Chief Party Officer @therongcathy 📸 @christian_germoso
17.0k 139
7 hours ago
Scenes from a weekend celebration. 📸 @therootscrewcrew (remixed)
2,262 40
1 day ago