Rasool Ali


Husband, Father of SuperHuemans!!! Swimmer, JB Skater, Handstander!!! 😁 Detroit is my Home!!! 🌴 Long Beach is where I Rock!!!
This was my Facebook profile pic 🤣🤣🤣 #genx #facebook #spacesuit #takecare #fit #detroit #theroots
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2 days ago
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5 days ago
It’s a part of the journey 🙏🏾😇 Asé #journey #walkwithme #soul #desert #knowthyself #free #iloveyou #genx #indigo
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7 days ago
4 hours total 110 degrees, is a symbolic “ode” to ones who gave me this awesome skin 🤣🤣🤣☀️👍🏾 #ancestros #spirituality #sunlight #dnaupgrade #soul #spirit #sun #desert #swimmer #water #outkast
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8 days ago
The “LIE” isn’t on the inside, it’s outside ✌🏾😁 #knowthyself #soul #theanswers #themoon #thedome #spirituality #meditation #water #desert #lies
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11 days ago
You could literally see the souls be shot back to earth ✌🏾😁 #redlight #soul #moon #swedishhousemafia #earth #theplanet #frequency #vibration #knowthyself
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11 days ago
I used laugh so hard, I’d damn near pass out laughing at Martin 🤣🤣🤣 #comedy #laughter #90scomedy #martinlawrence #comedians #genx
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12 days ago
Do you even think about your previous journey’s here??? #water #soul #connected #higherself #knowthyself #earth #atlantis #swimmer #pastlife #remember
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22 days ago