Refugees International


Global Voices for Rights and Refuge
More people have been forced from their homes by conflict and oppression – 114 million – than at any other time on record. Forcibly displaced people themselves are leading the way in advocating for their rights. Stay informed, speak out for displaced people, and share this post. Photos by Getty Images and Refugees International.
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5 months ago
The conflict in eastern #Congo is reaching a tipping point. Women and girls are bearing the brunt. Join Refugees International for a webinar featuring leaders of women’s rights organizations in the DRC on the escalating violence and recommendations for a way forward. The event will be held in English and French. Link in bio to register.
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3 minutes ago
Even as #Gaza faces a high risk of famine, aid is still not reaching Palestinians. Jeremy Konyndyk, president of Refugees International, joined @allinwithchris to discuss the challenges of getting aid into Gaza as famine looms in the region. Watch the full interview on our website.
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19 hours ago
Half a million Palestinians are in famine-like conditions and all of #Gaza continues to face high famine risk. The latest IPC analysis makes clear that aid access has a direct bearing on famine risk, and that aid obstruction does as well. Refugees International's Jesse Marks and Jeremy Konyndyk were in the region recently and spoke to Palestinian refugees in neighboring countries. Their stories show that the only way to save lives and avert famine is an immediate ceasefire. Read more at Note: The Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) analysis is an assessment of food insecurity and acute malnutrition in various regions in the world.
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4 days ago
For the last 14 months, war has ravaged #Sudan . Daniel Sullivan recently spoke to civilians who have have fled to the #Nuba mountains. In the first presidential debate this Thursday, we ask Jake Tapper and @danabashcnn to help us make sure the candidates #SpeakOutOnSudan . @cnn
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7 days ago
More than a year on from the end of Ethiopia's fatal civil war, thousands remain internally displaced in #Tigray — and conditions are only becoming worse. Instead of recovering, a cataclysmic combination of drought, insufficient humanitarian aid, and lingering conflict have multiplied Tigray's humanitarian crisis. And yet the crisis has received marginal global attention. Tigray’s IDPs are paying the price, and if more help does not come soon, some may not be able to hang on for long. Read the full report on our website. [PHOTO ID: A young mother with her children in a tent in an IDP camp in Tigray. Photo by Refugees international.]
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10 days ago
💫 Determined 💫 Courageous 💫 Inspirational These are a few words that describe Lucky Karim, a fierce refugee advocate! Lucky fled violence in Myanmar when she was just 14 years old and found safety in a refugee camp in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. There, she overcame language barriers to effectively advocate for her community’s needs. Today, Lucky has taken her advocacy from the refugee camp to the U.S. Congress, passionately fighting for the rights of displaced women and girls everywhere. #WorldRefugeeDay
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15 days ago
More people today have been forced to flee their homes than ever before on historic record. That’s why Refugees International works with partners around the world to investigate the challenges displaced people face, develop policy solutions, and drive change. Join us for a World Refugee Day virtual town hall on the state of global displacement, Refugees International’s latest priorities for action, and ways to get involved. Visit our website to learn more.
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28 days ago
The horrific bombardment of a tent camp for forcibly displaced Palestinians in #Rafah bears the clear hallmarks of a war crime. Leaders around the world have condemned the attack; the U.S. shamefully has not. President Biden's inaction is completely indefensible. 📸: Ashraf Amra/Anadolu via Getty Images [PHOTO ID: A Palestinian child stands amid destruction following the bombing of a tent camp for displaced people in Rafah, May 27, 2024.] #ceasefirenow #alleyesonrafah
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1 month ago
In the past week, Israel’s ongoing operation has displaced 450,000 Palestinian civilians in #Rafah . Conditions are deteriorating in Rafah and #famine remains underway in northern #Gaza . In this post, we reflect back on the IPC Acute Food Insecurity Classification projections from March 2024 and how these warnings were largely ignored. An immediate ceasefire is needed to save lives. To learn more about the ongoing famine in Gaza, visit
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1 month ago
TW: Mentions of Sexual Violence. The crisis in #DRC is deteriorating quickly. Women have borne the brunt of the conflict, with belligerents accused of using sexual violence as a weapon of war. Without a path toward peace, this familiar story about rape in #Congo will remain unchanged or get worse. The international community can no longer afford to ignore #DRC . Read @devoncone ’s latest for @usatoday . To learn more, visit .
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1 month ago
This morning we were with our allies from @refugeesintl as part of our tour with journalists to talk about how the climate crisis is affecting and forcing communities in Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador to migrate and the urgent measures that must be taken to protect them. @elsacoronadogt of @plazapublicagt , @victorpena84 of @elfaronet and @marcia_hn of @criteriohn . . . #LibertadDePrensa #LibertadDeExpresión #CrisisClimática #climatemigration #JusticiaClimatica #Journalists #freedomofpress #Periodismo #periodistas #Centroamérica #Honduras #Guatemala #ElSalvador
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1 month ago