

Yes, I can eat that. I just don't want to. Diabetic for 14 years (diaversery: August)
Recap Blood sugar's been way better lately, started using the G7 sensor, life's been okayish.
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1 month ago
I've been living in this set lmao, fun fact, BJ's has some nice clothes sometimes!
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5 months ago
Klarity update It's gotten a lot worse since the last time. Not sure what's going on, but staying in range is harder these days. Even if I bolus in advance, still goes high, sometimes over 300. Then I drop to below 70 in the same day. Hoping to get better readings.. #type1diabetesawareness #type1diabetic #t1dlookslikeme
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5 months ago
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6 months ago
My sugar is over 300. A1C is 7.something. My head hurts. I can't sleep. I'm too stressed. Life is sh** right now..
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6 months ago
I drew mistletoe as a person
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6 months ago
New art! Follow my art account @arts_by_reg if you want!
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9 months ago
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9 months ago
I got a new job!
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9 months ago
Pretty sure princess week is teeechnically over but all my disney princess drawings I've done so far. I'm challenging myself to see if I can do all of the official ones
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10 months ago
Not diabetes related but the Duo owl should be very proud of me right now @duolingo
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10 months ago
My sugar hasn't been this high in quite a while..
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10 months ago