Richard Collins


My thoughts on health, fitness and coaching @physiquecode @jassy_chia_ironmaiden All Services Click Here🔽
Hi 👋 I have been coaching since 2005, (16 years) I am 33 years old, much older than people think, usually estimated in mid twenties 🤷🏻‍♂️ I started working as a S&C coach which is actually where my background is. I somehow moved into body composition I guess the demand at the time was just higher. Since working in Perth I predominantly work with people trying to lose body fat and improve their physiques which led me to coaching a lot of bodybuilding athletes. I’ve done pretty well in this area, as I continue to do this til current date, I’ve had the privilege of educating through various private and public events to help coaches improve their client results. This is something I am becoming increasingly passionate about and want to and will build more on in the future. Through my career thus far I’ve been lucky to be able to network with some of the worlds greatest minds in our industry and learn from them, then apply to the athletes at @physiquecode and younger coaches in the industry which I also will continue to do. I’ve seen clients who told me they couldn’t lose weight no matter what see results, I’ve seen athletes who liked the idea of competing end up national champions, I’ve watched people’s lives transform via health and fitness, it’s truly amazing to be trusted to help people through this journey and something I will NEVER take for granted. So I do everything in my power to deliver this the best way I possibly can I was around many years before social .media, building client bases and results off nothing but education, application, and experience. So forgive me if I get grumpy these days at the trends that go through the industry. For the future, my goal is to make an impact. Help coaches and athletes alike have the skills and knowledge to improve their physiques, their lifestyle, confidence and their business to new levels. I struggle badly with imposter syndrome a lot, I’ve made every mistake I’ve probably been where your business is going, then back, twice If I can help you in any way possible my DM is always open, if you want to do things to make an impact on more than just your bank account. Let’s work 💯
619 95
2 years ago
Contrary to popular belief.. I do actually train and am not some little out of shape guy who just coaches. The thing is, I don’t post selfie’s every day because I want my value on social media to come from helping people improve THEIR lives. not about me me me. . Am I a bodybuilder? Not competitively and i don’t ever want to be. I would be terrible at it and that’s completely fine with me. . I play basketball, I lift weights to be explosive and move well, I run short distance, i train to improve my health, quality of life, I do sprint work and I eat towards those goals. . I coach general populations to get healthier, lose body fat, improve strength and quality of life . I also coach bodybuilders and select sports in sports performance . I post on social media to create an impact and help those who need education on how to enjoy health and fitness more and to provide free info for those interested. . I believe the fitness industry needs less taking and more giving. Positive reinforcement towards exercise is what every person reading this needs or needs to teach.
717 72
2 years ago
Want to get in shape the TPC way? . Have all the built in programming and progressions removing all guess work? . Exercise tutorials to make sure you’re using correct technique? . In depth Q and A . Educational videos weekly . All delivered to your phone for a fraction of the cost of coaching! . Hit the link in the bio!
146 2
7 months ago
🫡🫡⚡️ love this quote, so let’s twist and make it more relatable to physique athletes.
645 19
20 hours ago
. I want to make a point of this specifically within bodybuilding and coaching. . I always correlate the pressure coach with the parent of the youth athlete putting THEIR worth on the athlete. . It’s your job to definitely to bring out the best in the athletes, guide them and teach them to be as good as they can possibly be. But telling athletes they’re going to win, adding additional stressors to them while they already have stress rarely leads to increased performance. . Coaching is a job where you remove outside noise and stressors to allow the athlete to compete and have fun at the highest level. Don’t add stress, you might think you’re complimenting them telling them they’ll win, or they’ll place etc. but, you or the athlete doesn’t control that. Again - your job is to guide, remove stress and let the athlete have fun and perform at their best. Don’t make what they do about you. - be the conductor
638 17
1 day ago
“When is the right time to compete? 🤔” . @richard_physiquecode @physiquecode . Check out the podcast 🎙️ Season 2 Episode 41 “The Bro & The Pro podcast” on Spotify and Apple podcast . @jeremy_slegion @slegion.coaching
153 5
2 days ago
Big energy on this one. . I’ve spoken a lot with athletes from different disciplines in the last month or two about coaching, trying to upskill, it’s astonishing how many athletes work with coaches due to their results, but end up feeling lost. It just reminds me about this quote from @itscoachgoodman from years back which I try to always remind myself, cause im still a damn work in progress too. . Elite athletes know when they’re a number vs they have someone in their corner. . Be the later, to be a successful coach.
1,159 52
3 days ago
Is there enough testing done in natural federations? . Listen to the whole episode, episode 41 out now. . The Bro and the Pro podcast on Spotify and Apple 🎙️ . @richard_physiquecode x @jeremy_slegion x @physiquecode
157 18
4 days ago
I’m not going to sit here and say contest prep is really healthy. However where majority of people spend their time (growing, and training in their improvement season) it’s actually quite healthy. Especially when you’re not dirty bulking and growing at a slower rate and maintaining a decent body composition. . I had a cool chat with a coach I highly respect @flexcoach_lizzy (go follow her she’s amazing with her content too) and we discussed how it can be a slippery slope between healthy and unhealthy, for the most part it’s fantastic for your health, but pushing to the extreme with PED, agressive diets into shows, Both tough on physical and mental health it can be eh. But for the average individual improving body composition and building muscle - it can be a significant improvement on one’s lifestyle and general health.
529 7
4 days ago
“Bodybuilding is a painful sport, and at the end of it your mentally and physically destroyed for a plastic trophy or medal Is putting your body through this pain all really worth it?” Season 2 is here 🎙️to start things off I’m joined with @richard_physiquecode @physiquecode Episode 41 listen from 5pm AWST today ☺️ The Bro & The Pro Podcast on Spotify or Apple podcast #thebro &thepropodcast #Slegion
468 22
5 days ago
With shows approaching. Bare in mind.. . All the fundamentals you learned and practiced through your improvement seasons, are now more important than ever. . Your mind will play tricks on you, so will your body. . Lean into those fundamentals you’ve built, keep things basic, eliminate decision fatigue and control what you can to the very best of your ability! . the best physiques on show day, are the ones who lean into grind in the final weeks. . The 4th q is starting!
546 22
6 days ago
Let’s not try to run before we can comfortably walk. 🏃‍♂️
704 9
7 days ago