Richard Down


I find myself with the greatest challenge to my health that I have ever experienced and now need to share and reach out for help. I have been encouraged by my wife Katerina Down and my very close friend, Tiger Si to allow friends to help me by way of creating a crowd fund campaign.. Below you will find a link in the comments to WhyDonate. Here is an account of what has been happening. After being mis-diagnosed by my local Doctor for two and a half years, finally in September 2023 I was referred to hospital for tests. Results confirmed symptoms I was experiencing were actually caused by bladder cancer now in an advanced stage. Because of the late detection the cancer had spread, an operation would have been too risky so my option was to try my best to treat the condition holistically. Myself and my wife, Katerina worked so hard to be successful in this metabolic approach to healing the cancer, we had some amazing protocols in place, it all looked so promising and this may have worked well until I made some errors with my Keto diet... Things started to take a downward turn in late February with my Keto protocol because of my lack of understanding of oxalate overload, this lead to extreme oxalate toxicity. My body was robbed of vital nutrients and minerals and my once health and levels of resilience became compromised. I fast became quite disabled by late April 2024, experiencing high levels of pain by May 2024. I now need urgent help to get my body fit enough to heal the cancer. Medical opinion believes I have limited time. I have had to stop my events and my work which has completely taken my income. I have a loving young family to support and my work which supports a community. I am hoping to raise funds quickly for vital support so I can live longer and continue to serve to my highest ability. Please, please help and share
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1 month ago
You know when its raining around here, this lot are quick to claim the best place in the house, another two will no doubt be up soon to join them Rainy days...
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1 month ago
I find it fascinating like truths born by the mists of time, what has been said. Please ponder respectfully. Maybe it even helps the quality of your day? I write this for some as an invitation to go deeper in these times and rediscover clues left behind by the seers, sages, prophets I hope it brings peace. I pose the following: "In acceptance and in being you have already inherited the Earth"... Simply this... Make no mistake, the "Meek" that Jesus mentioned in Matthew 5 are not "weak" - even more-so courageous as they see, accept and consider (and often against the crowds angst) and the reward is instantly felt and grows and grows (think of being...) Jesus: (Matthew 5:) Now when he saw the crowds, he went up on a mountainside and sat down. His disciples came to him, and he began to teach them, saying: 3 "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. 4 Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. 5 Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. 6 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. 7 Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy. 8 Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. 9 Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God. 10 Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. 11 "Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. 12 Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you. 13 "You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men. 14 "You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. I feel these words.
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1 month ago
As we come in to month of May I always get feeling of excitement this time of year I see that green of the Oak, it is so fresh, an indescribable green with its pristine new leaf. To feel the Sun's rays and enjoys its warmth out of the early season sharp breeze May I see and feel this time and time again
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2 months ago
Bluebells are here. I hope you enjoy the images. They evoke feeling of kindness, magic and awe in me What feelings or memories do they bring for you?
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2 months ago
Richard Down personally invites you to Synchronicity event 14th April
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3 months ago
Sunset and then Snowing yeay 😍
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3 months ago
Echoes from Unearthed Festival 2023 Opening ceremony
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3 months ago
I love you my friends And if you ever forget to love yourself, you just tell me and we'll love you back to life!! Smile and laugh often, be nice to each other
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3 months ago
I am reminded today of the strength of the neo Shaman coming my way. These are Shaman coming through for the times we live in - with the powerful gift of song It is always an excitement and great pleasure to be able to introduce a graduate trainee from the Icaro, energy healing and healing song course. My graduate will have been through a powerful personal healing journey during the twelve weeks one on one direct training, they will have experienced first hand the energy shifts through my voice and theirs. They will have learned solid techniques of delivery, they will have been attuned, they will have proven their ability through extensive case studies and submitting course work, they will be totally equipped by the time we are through to create an empowering healing journey for a recipient - simply achieved through their voice - not a drop of medicine served! By the time we are through I am convinced of their ability - and so are they! "I went to a 1 day workshop at Aho in London to see Richard Down and when I heard him sing I was amazed and knew that I wanted to do that. When I heard he was teaching Icaro healing I got in touch with him and booked my classes. Not only Richard taught me how to sing these powerful Icaros but also I got healing from it. Its such joy to work with Richard Down. Any time that I struggled with the work he was there to support me through it. Richard is a very good teacher you won't be disappointed. Many blessings Aho" Maria Gomes July 2022 Maria's books are open. I know you will be well looked after and will receive great healing. Contact her now 07586821571 or email: For those interested in vocal activation and learning this powerful hybrid teaching of Icaro and energy healing contact me here and request a free zoom meet up, I can tell you more, also a good place to get a feel for my work is via testimonials on my web and hear what many others say. /testimonials/ My books are open for mid September entries 07732015555
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3 months ago
Shhh... I have found a little place out of the breeze away from everything I'm taking in that Sun!! It is actually quite warm, feels beautiful! My heart is full The sky is blue Going to stay here til I'm done
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3 months ago
I have a very special invitation for you and your friends to join us at Heaven nightclub on Sunday April 14th for a 12 hour multi artist party and gathering, namely, Synchronicity an event by the legendary Tiger Si of the UK's famed All About Love festival. Let me tell you
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4 months ago