Ritual Cacao | Ceremonial Grade Cacao


🍫 100% Pure, Organically Grown Ceremonial Cacao from Ecuador & Peru 💗 The Wellbeing Remedy ✨Use code WELLBEING10 to get 10% off your first order!
🌱 Rooted in ancient tradition, our ceremonial-grade cacao is grown and crafted with love and reverence. From bean to cup, we honour the sacred journey of this divine plant medicine - our wellbeing remedy. When you choose our Ritual Cacao, you're not just selecting any cacao product – you're choosing to hop onto a journey of transformation. Credit for the images: Dilwyn Jenkins #cacao #cacaolove #cacaoceremony #sacredceremony #sacredmedicine #plantmedicine #sacredcacao #ixcacao #cacaoceremonies #cacaoritual #ceremonialgrade #cacaolovers #ceremonialgradecacao #beantobar #ritualcacao
170 10
4 months ago
Ever sat with a warm cup of ceremonial-grade cacao? It's more than just a drink—it's an invitation to journey inward. Cacao is a spiritual dimension, an intelligence that we cannot perceive with the mind, but with the heart, intuition, and feelings. ❤️☕ If you want to incorporate more cacao in your day to day, drop us a comment or DM with the word RECIPES and we will send you our FREE recipes guide
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2 months ago
According to wise elders around the world, one of the greatest medicines for this journey of life is GRATITUDE. Cacao can help us embody the energy of gratitude, flooding our body and brain with beneficial compounds and neurotransmitters that guide us to a state of well-being and abundance. 🌸🙏 It's not always easy to stay in a grateful state, but cacao can show us the way, bringing gratitude to the forefront of our consciousness. By making gratitude a cornerstone of our cacao rituals, we can find a more embodied way of being grateful, even for the most challenging experiences 🍫❤️ And if you feel called to go deeper, this Sunday, the 7th of July, we are holding a gratitude Cacao ceremony. You can find it at the link in bio. ☕ Join us in this mindful moment and share what you're grateful for today! Let's spread positivity and love, one sip at a time. ☕️💫
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14 hours ago
✨☕ Join us for a very powerful Gratitude Cacao Ceremony that will open your heart and help you find empowerment even in the darkest times.  ✨ Ceremony Details ✨ 📅 Date: Sunday, 7th of July 🕖 Time: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM (BST) 📍 Location: Online And if you can't join us live, don't worry! Let us know and we'll send you a recording of the ceremony so you can still immerse yourself in the healing energies and profound insights whenever it feels right for you. 🌸💫 If you feel the call to join us in this sacred and powerful ceremony, comment the word "GRATITUDE" and we'll send you the link with all the details. Gratitude is a powerful emotion and practice that can profoundly impact and transform your mental, physical, social, and professional life, and the key to real happiness is to feel gratitude for everything that is happening in your life.  When you feel gratitude you open your heart to acceptance.  💖✨ You understand that you are really the co-creator of your life and every choice you make, every action you take, every thought you have is part of the process of what you are creating. Once you start changing what you are feeling within, you automatically change your external experiences. ✨☕ The ceremony will bring the focus back to yourself and turn it inwards, rather than externalising the pain and blaming everyone around you, a vengeful god or anything else that takes the control out of your life. ✨ When you take personal responsibility for every decision and choice that you make in life, you can begin to forgive yourself, and in turn let go of anything and anyone that caused you pain and suffering.  ✨ When you begin to forgive yourself, you immediately start the process of healing your wounds.  This is the quickest, but also the most difficult way to find release from the sometimes overwhelming sense of regret, guilt, shame and remorse. 🌸💫 If you feel this is for you, comment the word "GRATITUDE" and we'll send you the link with all the details.
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2 days ago
" Best cacao I ever found 💖 " "I find it gentle and smooth, it feels a bit like a warm embrace. " " I have tried a number of ceremonial cacaos and this is my absolute favourite. You can really tell how high quality it is and it has a beautiful flavour - no need to add any sweetener, and it brings such a light heartful feeling to my ceremonies " Our Tsatsayaku Ceremonial-Grade Cacao is receiving so much love from all of you. It's now our best selling one and has over 50 five star reviews across the website. ☕Have you tried it yet? 💗✨Try yours at the link in bio and if if you want our FREE cacao recipes guide, comment RECIPES and we'll send it to you #cacaolove #ceremonialcacao #ceremonialgrade #cacaolovers #ceremonialgradecacao #heartexpansion #cacaorecipes #cacaobenefits #cacaoritual #sacredrituals #healingrituals
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5 days ago
✨ How open are you to receiving? Truly? A lot of us are so good at giving, at offering and yet find it so challenging when it comes to receiving. 🌹☕ Mother Cacao is teaching us the art or receiving! Savouring a cup of Ceremonial Cacao teaches us the importance of taking time for each step in the process, a valuable lesson in our fast-paced society. Cacao offers us her frequency of harmony to balance receiving and giving. Through her divine balance of nutrients and spiritual essence, she awakens us to feeling and guides us to embrace our Divine light. ✨ It’s considered a plant medicine because it bridges the space between mind and body, body and soul, bringing us back to ourselves and our wholeness. ☕🌹 In each cup of Cacao you receive a high vibrational source of alchemy, balance and abundance. As we sit with her in ceremony we truly receive. ✨ What's your experience with Ceremonial Cacao?
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7 days ago
Creating rituals, appreciating the little things and making time for yourself is how we create magic out of the mundane. ✨ They come in many forms, from lighting a candle honouring sacred moments, to intricate ceremonies with rites, symbols, and words. It can be a morning meditation, physical practice, or simply drinking a daily dose of Ritual Cacao and sitting in silent contemplation to prepare for the day. 🌹 The Power of Ritual Cacao Cacao was used by ancient cultures and handed down through the indigenous tribes as a sacred medicine and a conduit to receive wisdom from the spirit world. There are also many studies that show the benefits of ceremonial-grade Cacao, how it lowers blood pressure, is anti inflammatory, stimulates neurotransmitters like the ‘bliss’ molecules, serotonin, dopamine and so much more magic. Consuming ceremonial-grade cacao daily, as part of a Ritual practice raises our energetic vibration, opens our hearts and gives us a sense of purpose, focus and connection with divine guidance. 🌹☕ And if you want to create ceremony every day with the sacred medicine of cacao, did you know we have a 21 day Cacao Challenge? Comment the word CHALLENGE and we'll send you all the details.
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12 days ago
🌿☕ Prioritising self-care by drinking cacao mindfully can help to manage daily stress and anxiety, and naturally cultivates a deeper sense of well-being and connection in our lives, one sip at a time. This Ritual is inspired by the #LittleByLittle movement, which highlights the transformative impact of consistent, small positive actions on over-all wellbeing. 🍫 And if you're ready to add more cacao to your day, comment RECIPES, and we will send you a FREE guide with our favourite recipes 📩 --- #cacao #cacaolove #guiltfreechocolate #simplepleasures #foodofthegods #ceremonialcacao #ceremonialgrade #cacaolovers #ceremonialgradecacao #heartexpansion #cacaorecipes #cacaobenefits #cacaoritual #sacredrituals #mindfulrituals #healingrituals #littlebylittle
22 1
13 days ago
Our Pods make it much easier to prepare your daily ritual cup of Cacao. Just break off one of the 25g Petals and melt into hot (plant) milk or water for a delicious cup of hot chocolate. No need for scales or to weigh your cacao. ☕ Cacao has long been revered for its wide range of health-giving properties. As one of the highest plant-based sources of iron and magnesium on the planet, our Tsatsayaku Cacao is packed full of anti-oxidants and feel-good compounds, making it a natural and delicious way to boost your mood and support your well-being! Our uniquely designed Pods contain 25g petals that offer a daily individual portion, for those who don't have the time to weigh up their Cacao. The Pods are lovingly handmade in our unit in Camberwell, London by grinding Tsatsayaku Cacao Nibs into a smooth liquor, and pouring into our exclusive moulds. Th delicious Tsatsayaku cacao is made from the Arriba Nacional / Fino de Aroma cacao bean in Ecuador. With a light and smooth taste, it is a great cacao for beginners. 🌿☕ And when you buy our ceremonial-grade Tsatsayaku cacao, you not only receive a bag of pure chocolatey love and goodness, you are also directly supporting an association made up of 140 Kichwa and Mestizo families that is striving to produce and conserve ancestral cacao and provide a fair price to all its members. The cacao itself is grown in the traditional Kichwa or ‘Chakra’ method, which has a conscientious respect for the natural environment and seeks to preserve biodiversity. 🍫Head over to our link in bio to get your pod and if you're ready to add more cacao to your day, comment RECIPES, and we will send you a FREE guide with our favourite recipes 📩
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15 days ago
☕ Is than even possible? Yes, yes it is. And here's why ⬇️ ✨ Ceremonial-grade cacao has much less caffeine About 75% less than the amount in a cup of coffee, meaning that it still offers that pick-me-up, but without all the nerve-jangling effects associated with coffee.  ✨ It contains theobromine While cacao contains less caffeine than coffee, it has around double the amount of theobromine. It's in the same class of stimulants as caffeine, but differs because it offers a longer lasting, more evenly-spread energy boost without a spike and crash. Unlike caffeine, theobromine is not a central nervous system stimulant and therefore doesn’t typically make you feel as on edge or jittery. It feels more like the energy you gain after a good night’s sleep rather than the quick high you get from coffee!   So it does not spike up your cortisol levels, leaving your hormones balanced and supported. It acts as a natural mood elevator, easing anxiety and emotional intensity ✨ Rich in magnesium, it helps lower stress hormones like cortisol, keeping you calm and centered throughout the day, balancing your hormones. The magnesium in cacao, often called the "miracle mineral for periods," has a calming effect on the nervous system and can help with headaches, mood swings, cramps, and promotes relaxation ✨ Improves sleep quality The natural compounds in cacao support better sleep by regulating melatonin production, ensuring you get your "vacation sleep" every night and wake up refreshed. If you're ready to add more cacao to your day, comment RECIPES, and we will send you a FREE guide with our favourite recipes and how you can easily incorporate it into your day. 📩 🌹
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19 days ago
🌸 Join us today for an Online Womb Healing Cacao Ceremony. The ceremony will be held by our founder @rebekah_shaman . Her Women Only Cacao Ceremonies are the most powerful she offers, creating true sacred healing spaces to do deep womb work, realign your sexual energy, and strengthen your connection to yourself and Mother Earth. This ceremony will be a time for you to: 🌺 Hear Your Womb Wisdom 🌺 Reconnect to Your Feminine Cycle 🌺 Realign Your Sexual Energy ✨ Ceremony Details ✨ 📅 Date: Wednesday, 12th of June 🕖 Time: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM (BST) 📍 Location: Online Replays will be available upon request in case you can't make it live. If you feel the call to join us in this sacred and powerful ceremony, find the link to register at the link in bio or you can comment the word "WOMB" and we'll send you the link with all the details. 🌸💫
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21 days ago