Romy and The Bunnies


FAMILY, LOVE AND LIFESTYLE BY JULIA RESTOIN ROITFELD FOLLOW @lessismorebyjuliaroitfeld @juliarestoinroitfeld
There will be a day when I won’t be your main lady anymore so taking all the kisses and dances while I still can! ❤️
805 31
9 days ago
It takes a village to raise a maman… Still reminiscing about last week’s lunch in celebration of @fridamom and @fridababy launching in France - congratulations again to @cmrh !! I can remember when I first discovered the original NoseFrida when Romy was young, and now I have all my friends who are new mothers hooked on it ! 💕
391 8
17 days ago
Happiness is a day at the farm with my Boy 💚 #countrylife #romyandthebunnies
523 12
1 month ago
Just Gotta Roll With It ❤️ My mini Rockstar ⭐️ Thank you Tom #TomFord ! A first leather jacket is unforgettable!!!
705 33
2 months ago
It’s Renaissance Baby After a baby’s birth, there’s often a woman’s rebirth. Sometimes it takes a few weeks, months, sometimes years, every story is different. But I feel that on the other side of postpartum, we come out, stronger, and a different woman. I experienced it twice and each were different. First time with Romy, I was 11 years younger as now, it took me about a year to get my body back, and to feel actually more confident than ever. This time, it took me longer, maybe 18 months. Neither time, I fell in a rush to bounce back, especially not the latter. I actually loved my pregnancy body so much, it was difficult to say bye to it, even to the “leftovers” after birth. I was sort of mourning this part of my life I loved so much and in a weird way I was holding on to that body that did so much for me. But now on the other side, and it just happened naturally and slowly, I do feel like a new person. A different one than the first time around, still quite confident, but in a more quiet and peaceful way, with nothing to prove but to myself really. Mamas, love yourselves, you’re all doing amazing ❤️
1,201 36
7 months ago
Spot the differences ….from my favorite time of the year… to my favorite time of the year… then and now …time flies #myboy 💛🧡🤎🍁🍂 thank you for capturing those precious moments @tilfrances
1,240 29
7 months ago
So proud to be part of @karllagerfeld kids latest campaign. What an honor it was to be invited to visit Karl's office in Paris and sit and draw at his desk.A special memory captured forever 🖤 #karllagerfeld #ad
2,520 227
10 months ago
Summer 2023 Round 2 ... Sheep, Lamas, horses Trucks, wave and bunnies... what else could a toddler dream of🐰
152 2
10 months ago
18 months of breastfeeding, literally, everywhere! Never I had planned such a journey but maybe he did! The funny thing is everyone questions and pressure you to breastfeed after your baby is born, but a few months later, everyone questions you on when you'll stop! The truth is, I don't know! It's up to him, and until then, I am enjoying every cuddles I can get because it won't last forever and taking so much pride in nurturing and growing him while being his safe place #motherhood #breastfeeding Ps: Just would love to clarify, breastfeeding or not, whatever works for you. I barely breastfed my daughter, she wasn't very interested in it, and we have an incredible bond. I just would love to normalize that it's also, ok, normal, and more than natural to breastfeed passed a few months to! ❤️
5,449 273
10 months ago
Check out George's new ride! Perfect afternoon strolling through the park...oops... I mean cycling! The @doonafrance #likitrike Tricycle is the perfect way to start riding! and it adapts and evolves as a proper Tricycle as George will grow into a little boy and be ready to ride on his own! That said, I am definitely not ready for that! so i'll enjoy being his personal driver as long as I can! It also folds and unfolds in a minute and fits in a backpack so perfect and easy to take everywhere, even on the plane! Thank you #doona for the perfect summer gift for George!
1,348 34
11 months ago