
The RusTY ELePhanT in The RooM, MuLTi-InSTRuMenTaLisT - ScienTisT oF SounD; MaTheMaTicaLLY PuTTiN' iT DoWN anD a LaDY KiLLah SinCe ELeMenTaRY. 🛸👸🏾🔥🧬🦁
British Walkers - is The Track - Elements of British Rock and Funk Music. Done on My Born Day 4/28/24. At 8:41 The Track is Mad Long. Basically, I Lost Track of The Time While Recording. I Meant it To Be Only 4 Minutes and Some Seconds. I Was Tired, So I Left it. 🤦🏾#exlporepage #hiphopmusic #hiphopproducer #goldenerahiphip #explorepage✨ #production
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1 month ago
Noah - Done in 2002. A track Dedicated To My Baby Son Noah, Who Left as Soon as He Arrived. In This Track There is Only a Guitar, Keyboard and a Korg Track Machine. For The Guitar 🎸Parts, I Utilized a Flanger Effect For The Chords. For The Guitar 🎸Solo, Which Starts at 2:04, I Used a Flanger and Cho Effect. For The Keyboard 🎹 Bass, I Can't Recall The Effect I Used on it But I Wanted it To Have a Playful Tonality and Melody To it. And For The Rhythm Percussion; That's Where The Korg Track Machine Came In. Everything Was Done in One Take. R.i.P. Noah - 9x🤎 #explore #explorepage #exploremore #explore #musician #musicians #talentedmusician #talentedmusicians
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3 months ago
NEBULOUS - Is The Track. As a True Creative, I'm Never Afraid of Being Unorthodox or Going Against The Grain. Made Up of Two Chopped Samples. One a Piano Line and The Other a Chello, Who Someone Played inharmonic as Possible. Maybe Even Spine-Chilling. On Two Sequences I Played The Two Chopped Samples on The MPC Pads in a Rapid, Finger Rolly Piano Fashion. The Other 3, in Intentional Sharp Melodies. There is Also a Very Short Horn Riff and a Kind of Wavy Sound Wave in Certain Sequences. #hiphopmusic #hiphopproduction #hiphopproducer #hiphoptracks #musician #explorepage #explorepage #explorepage✨
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4 months ago
Scattered Pictures - is The Track. My Most Chopped Track To Date. My Earliest Influences Were From Cats Like Prince Paul, Larry Smith To Rza, Those Who Had a More Natural Production Style Flow. You Know Like More Blended into What Would Sound Like a Musical Ensemble. As I'm an Instrumentalist. In That Respect Chops are a Bit More Artificial Sounding But Don't Get it Twisted, if I Choose To Brush up on That Particular Style .... ... 7x💯💪🏾 #hiphopmusic #hiphopproduction #hiphopproducer #hiphoptracks #musician #explorepage #explorepage #explorepage✨
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5 months ago
Rootsy - The Man, The Music. #rootsandculture #dreds
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6 months ago
Rusty Rebel is The Track - Built Entirely Around The Rhythm Guitar. 🎸 I Purposely kept That Particular Guitar Line Because It Was Imperfect. Rusty Translates To Raw, Right? 🤷🏽 Rusty - Raw Skills (Talent) Non Polished (Although Polished Can Be Good Sometimes) Rebel - Myself - A Non Follower, Most Times In Opposition, Goes Against The Grain (Norm) Even To The Extent Of Being Unorthodox (Contrary To The Usual) In Most Things. MPC Drum Programming, All Guitars 🎸 🎸and Keyboards (Including Bass)🎹 🎹 🎹 🎹 By Hornz. 🎺🎷📯 #hiphopmusic #hiphopproduction #hiphopproducer #hiphoptracks #musician #explorepage #explorepage #explorepage✨
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7 months ago
InTeRGaLacTiC ThouGhT TRaVeL is The TRacK - DoNE MiDDLE AuGusT '23. My MinD Was TRaVeLiN' So FasT aT The SPeeD oF ThouGhT, I DiDn'T aDD AnY Hi-HaTS oR CymBaLS To The TRacK. ThaT's oK 'CauSE ThiS is SoME High LeVeL, oTheR ReaLM TyPE Shi+. ORCheSTRaTeD WiTh ALL SamPLeS anD No PeRsoNaL inSTRuMenTaTioN FRoM Me. 🌌🛰️🛸☄️ #goldenerahiphop #hiphop #hiphopmusic #hiphoptracks #hiphopproducer #hiphopproduction #explorepage
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10 months ago
LaDY KiLLah is The TRacK. DonE aRounD MaRch 2023. OnLY 2 KeYS FRoM Me, a BaSS anD a WaTeR KeY, as WeLL as The HaRD MPC DRuM PRoGRaMMinG. The ResT R SamPLeS. - HoRNz. #goldenerahiphop #hiphoptracks #explorepage #explorepage✨
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1 year ago
7x ETheR is The acTuaL TiTLE. 🤦🏾 I Was WoRKiN' on ThiS in 2020 BuT I NeVeR ReVisiTeD iT. As The TiTLE SuGGesTS, iT HaS a BeGiNNinG anD an enDinG BuT NoThinG in BeTWeeN. I LoVE The CLaSSiCaL FLaVoR oF The ChoRD PRoGReSSioN, I JusT NeeD To BRaiNSToRM oN iT FoR aWhiLE To GeT The oVeRaLL SoNiC SounDSCaPE. 7x💯. #instrument #musician #explorepage #explorepage✨
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1 year ago
CoRRecTioN - SaME PieCE (A 70's VaRieTY Tv ShoW TheME) as The LasT, DoNE ARounD The SaME TiME BuT ThiS oNE is STRaighT To The PoinT as I aTTacKeD The STRinGS WiTh ViGoRouS ConFiDenCE anD FuRY. (FinGeRS oF FuRY) a PLaY on BRuCE Lee'S MoViE "FisTS oF FuRY" - AGaiN, I aLSo ThReW in a BLueS RuN ToWaRDS The enD WiTh LiTTLE RhyThM ChoPS as The FiNaLE. - HoRnZ - 🛸🤴🏾🧬🔥🦁 #instrument #musician #explorepage #explorepage✨
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1 year ago
ThiS is aT LeasT a YeaR oLD, PoSSiBLY 2. I Was JusT FuKiN' aRounD WiTh a PoPuLaR '70's TV ShoW TheME anD aDDeD a LiTTLE SoMeThiN' To iT. I aLSo ThReW SoME BlueS RuNS, FunK RhyThM anD a JacKSoN 5 RiFF in The MiX. 🤷🏾 #instrument
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1 year ago
The MaRch oF TiME - a TuFF JoinT I JusT DiD MiDDLE MaRcH. MPC DRuM PRoGRaMMinG anD aLL ViBRaPhoNE KeYS BY YouRS TRuLY. EveRYThiNG eLSE R SamPLeS. #goldenerahiphop #hiphoptracks #explorepage
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1 year ago