R Y Λ N • H U G H E S


GHOST® CMO | Founder @ghostlifestyle | @ghostenergy brand > everything enjoy the ride.
If you wanna wow your wedding guests - This is your sign to build an epic post-reception surprise.. 👀✨ Design Team @coledrakeevents  @flowersbyedgar Venue @fsnapavalley Videography @paperboysfilms Photography @johnandjoseph Makeup @ashleybias Hair @tamaraholdenhair Attire @theweddingdetailor Rentals @finelinencreation  @foundrentalco Cake @flourandbloomcakes Second Photographer @thevanityportraitstudio Event Production @owlvisionllc Stationery @jkdesigncal Builds @boovaradesigns Entertainment @djalexstt #weddingnightclub #napawedding #napaweddingvideographer #weddingvenue #weddingvideo #californiaweddingvideographer
1,675 56
9 months ago
6 years in and I wouldn’t change a thing, but I’ve learned a thing or two… 1. It’s not what you do, but how you do it. Don’t be a dick. 2. People make the world go round, surround yourself with good ones. 3. Tell each one how much they mean to you…often. 4. Imperfection has a weird way of being completely perfect. 5. Get comfortable with being uncomfortable. 6. Care less, do more. 7. Appreciate this moment before pursuing the next one. 8. Success can only be defined by you…but you have to be able to write the definition. 9. You can always have one more. 10. Everyone should own one pair of party sunnies. Here’s to more building, growing and learning. Fucking love you all @ghostlifestyle
1,456 167
2 years ago
All gas. No brakes.
835 62
2 years ago
Five and a half years in, still growing, still learning, still pushing the boundaries…and still having a ton of fucking fun 🤙 #brickbybrick
1,621 210
2 years ago
Share or tag someone that could use a reminder...you’d be surprised what 2 seconds can do for someone’s day. #fridaymood
1,134 64
3 years ago
Tons of messages on this one, so providing some context... Everyone has unique value—However, most spend their life suppressing it to fit into the box they have defined as necessary to succeed. My career to date has been full of ups and downs (and everything in between). The transition from fitness athlete/trainer to my current role came with its fair share of lessons. Early on, I struggled to find my groove, as I was the fitness dude who was stepping into a role where typically your experience and resume carries all the weight. Naturally, I tried to fit myself into the “professional” box and carry myself like the person I thought I needed to be in a particular meeting or situation. However, I struggled to find my place in conversation or add value because I was too busy pondering what I think I should say vs what I was actual thinking. I knew I had more to offer, but didn’t know how to offer it in the way I felt I was “supposed to” at this stage. Fast forward 5 years and I’ve realized, only I can bring what I bring in the way that I bring it and only you can bring what you bring in the way that you bring it...but if we never fucking bring it what value are we actually adding? @danplourenco and I have spent the last 5 years ensuring the community and culture at GHOST is one that’s accessible, open to all ideas and creativity and one where everyone can bring what’s uniquely them, day in and day out—this is why we preach people > everything, because the people in every facet of this brand make it what it is today and that unique energy cannot be replicated. Moral? Get comfortable with what makes you, you, but most importantly, stop suppressing it because you think you won’t achieve, what you perceive as, success without doing so... News flash, success = happiness. How do you plan on being truly happy while not being true to who you really are? #brickbybrick #beseen #bealegend #ghostlifestyle #ghost #vibes #mind #mindset #mindsetiseverything
1,130 57
3 years ago
Left the corporate world at 22 with $2k in the bank and no fucking idea what I wanted to do. Moved from the burbs of PA to Queens, NY and spent the next 2 years just trying to pay rent and make a name for myself in a crowded fitness space. Day in and day out I would commute back and forth to NYC with hopes of landing a new training client or getting that breakthrough gig—all the while, not really thinking about what made me happy but rather, what would get me paid. By year 3, I had built a solid book of business and was making great money. I moved from Queens to NYC and started enjoying some of the success, which for a few years was awesome—great apartment, lots of travel and ultimately felt like I “made it” (at least 27 year old me thought so). However, something was missing—I knew this wouldn’t last forever and I still wasn’t happy. I had tried a bunch of other business ideas but nothing stuck and the ‘shiny new toy’ feeling of the apartment and lifestyle had worn off. It was around this time @danplourenco and I were tossing around the idea of GHOST and ultimately decided to take the jump. Over the course of the next 18 months we made zero dollars personally, like none. I went from the nice apartment and great lifestyle to literally having no more than $500 in my bank account, while racking up $60k in debt. To date, this was the best decision I have ever made. What I lost in cash and lifestyle, I gained ten fold in purpose and fulfillment. The morale of the story? Stop chasing the idea of success and figure out what success means for you. Try shit, take risks. Cash and nice things won’t provide purpose or long term fulfillment. Find the intersection of what you love and what you’re good at, surround yourself with great people and when it’s hitting on all cylinders, appreciate how fucking awesome it is. Get a lot of love on these posts in my story, so will start sharing a bit more in the feed. Maybe this will be the year of consistent posts 🤷🏼‍♂️ Enjoy your weekend fam. #brickbybrick #vibes #chi #chicago #vegas #ghost #ghostlifestyle #ghostenergy #beseen #thankful #thoughtoftheday
1,388 135
3 years ago
If I am being honest, over the last few years the gym has taken a back seat to building this brand, building this community and living and breathing @ghostlifestyle . It’s been nothing short of amazing to be a part of and grow with each and every one of you. Obviously this year has been a challenging one for all of us, however i did find myself finally getting back to daily workouts, running, playing sports and feeling great both mentally and physically. Enter...setback. We all deal with them and while some are more difficult than others, they are a necessary part of the process... On the last set of my workout Sunday, I felt a pop, looked down at my right arm and knew right away that something wasn’t right. Sure enough, my right bicep was toast or a “distal biceps tendon rupture” for those medically inclined. Talk about going from high to low in a matter of seconds. After the initial panic subsided, I was left with mixed emotions—frustration, anger and if I am being completely real, somewhat defeated. However, this is a necessary part of the process. Without setbacks, we wouldn’t be who we are today. What I’ve lost physically, I will gain two fold mentally over the next 12 weeks in recovery. Setbacks do not define us, they make us fucking better. The struggles of today can and will become tomorrow’s accomplishments. I am officially out of surgery and on the road to beating where I once was...who knows, might even grow some calves this time around. Brick by brick. Let’s fucking go. #brickbybrick #ghostlifestyle #beseen #chi #chicago #biceps #fml #preachercurlssuck
2,210 303
3 years ago
@danplourenco and I talk about it all the time...too many entrepreneurs today set out to build businesses for all the wrong reasons. As crazy as it sounds, we didn’t have a single convo surrounding personal financial goals when starting GHOST. Of course it’s a business, but we genuinely spent and continue to spend every waking minute building the brand we always wish existed, not for “the exit” but for the love of the fucking game. You really want to start a business? Understand that you’re knowingly signing up to eat shit for the foreseeable future with the off-chance that if you really crush it, you may be fortunate enough to earn a living from it. Building a brand is all about the journey, the people...the experiences. Dollars can’t buy what you gain from enjoying the ride...
2,044 155
3 years ago
Let’s be honest, the last couple months have been flat out weird. You plan for ups and downs in life, but I think this was a curveball for all of us. However, with every challenge there is always opportunity... _ We have been working around the clock to continue to deliver on all the EPICness promised for this year...but we’ve also used the time to get ahead, get better and execute on some initiatives that maybe we wouldn’t have done or been able to do otherwise—the GHOST® text fam is growing by the minute (it’s been awesome connecting with everyone there), the GHOST® app is nearing completion and we have a few MASSIVE surprises coming soon...👀 _ Last, but not least, shoutout to the entire GHOST® fam for helping us plant a shit ton of trees for Earth Day! Seriously, this blew us away!! All 19,894 trees will be planted in the areas of both California and Australia that were impacted most by recent wildfires. Moving forward, we will continue planting a tree for every unit of GHOST® Greens sold! #MoreTreesMoreLife #GHOSTLifestyle
1,590 100
4 years ago
Happy #AirMaxDay fam! We appreciate all the support, tags, mentions and messages today... _ As we all navigate some truly strange times, it’s nice to step back, slam some GHOST and just talk sneakers for a few. Hope everyone is being smart, staying safe and feeling healthy. Onward and upward legends 🤙🏼
1,480 72
4 years ago
Productive couple weeks on the road mapping things out for the year—You’ve heard the saying a thousand times, “do what you love and you’ll never work a day in your life”...while true, there’s more to it. So much of doing what you love is predicated on who you do it with and I gotta say the collective group of people and partners in our corner right now is pretty special. Time to fck shit up in 2020 🤘🏼 _ Side note—took some inspo from this pair for the Jan SOTM, what other color ways do you #legends want to see this year?
2,113 92
4 years ago