Sahadevi Undercover


Perspective changer. 23🦅|Author📗📘|Student👩‍🎓 Sahadeva Undercover (Part 1 and 2) #books #writer #reader
“I’m not lucky, I’M CURSED..perhaps because I desired to eat Pitashri’s flesh for THIS KNOWLEDGE- the knowledge which makes me HELPLESS!” Book: Sahadeva Undercover Part 2 Author: @sahadevi_m Pages: 538 💙For the unknown, Sahadeva Undercover Part 2 - The Middle Of IT All is the second book written by young, budding author Sahadevi M. Here's a note of appreciation for the author from our side - We are in complete awe of the author's research of the most under-rated character of India's most loved epic - The Mahabharata. Her no-nonsense way of putting things forward in Sahadeva's style and mindset and empowering him as the story's protagonist is much work for a 22-year-old, yes 22-year-old author! We can only wish to read more of her work in the near future. 🔮Coming back to the story, it's a continuation of the previous book by the author. The book offers a fresh point of view of the Mahabharata. An epic read by many and its stories known to all, Sahadeva Undercover Part 2 imparts a new perspective about Sahadeva to its readers thus making it stand out from other mythology books. The story progresses forward from Panchali's swayamwar and the Pandavas happily staying in their kingdom in Hastinapura. Until the dreadful day arrives, a day that changes the course of the lives of all the Pandavas and their beloved wife Draupadi. 🔮A war is at stake now and Sahadeva has to pitch forward for his family and put his best foot forward. He has to do things that he wished would never happen. As someone who could see the future, it was unbearable for Sahadeva to endure the pain and at the same time stand undeterred for his near and dear one. Do you think Sahadeva will succeed in doing so? Will he live up to the expectations of his brothers and fight the war against his very own cousins? 🔮Our recommendation would be to read both parts of the book for a wholesome picture of the most less known Pandava - Sahadeva and thus enrich your knowledge! 💙Any amount of praise for this author is less. The depth of the story says it all. Still can’t believe this book series is coming from a mere 22 year old. Hats off to her work and passion for writing and telling stories.
2 years ago
#Qotd What's your current read? 🌺Sahadeva Undercover - Part 2 The Middle of it all is one of our current reads for the month of April. Having read a few chapters of the book, I am excited to read more about Sahadeva who is an underrated character in the epic Mahabharata. 🌺Part 1 of the series laid a perfect setup of Sahadeva and revealed many less known facts about him thus making it interesting. I am eager to see whether Part 2 of the series also lives upto the expectations set by Part 1. . . . #thebookaffair #sahadevaundercover #sahadevim #notionpress #currentread2022 #summerreads #mythologybook #bookstoresinmumbai #sahadeva #trendingpost #bookblogger #bookishpost #currentreadapril #bookishreading #draupadiswayamvar #mahabharata #greatindianepics #notionpress
2 years ago
“Sahadeva had turned into ‘TRIKALADARSHI SAHADEVA’! All the events of the past, present and future were known to him!” Book: Sahadeva Undercover Author: @sahadevi_m Publisher: Pages: 466 #qotd Do you believe in astrology? ‘Sahadeva Undercover Part 1 - The Beginning and the End’ by Sahadevi M. is a retelling of Mahabharata from the perspective of the youngest and most intelligent Pandava Prince, Sahadeva. The book provides fresh cuts of the lesser known unpopular events from this great epic. Part 1 of this book explores stories of how Sahadeva became Sahadeva, his great astrology skills and extraordinary vision and his wise and intelligent thinking which unknowingly played a major role in the War between the Pandavas and the Kauravas. The book keeps shifting from past (till Panchali’s Swayawara in part 1) to present (till end of the War). As mythology fans, we have read so many retellings of these epics but Sahadeva’s role and character never came into the limelight. After reading this book, the stories about Sahadeva, it makes us wonder, how difficult it must have been for him who knew the future since the past but was not allowed to reveal about this “trikaldarshi” ability of his unless asked for opinions. True to his name, Sahadeva is the one who is always with the Gods, who is expected to behave like a Deva but is not a Deva. Despite knowing everything, he has to let fate work things out and keep his real abilities undercover. Through this book, Author Sahadevi has let us dive into Sahadeva’s world. Reading these unheard, untold stories and the struggles of Sahadeva, we feel that he doesn’t deserve to be sidelined. Shreya, being an astrologer by hobby, loved Sahadeva’s character to another level. And after reading this book, we are also inquisitive to read about Nakula, the most handsome Pandava Prince and know his take of the story. For a mere 21 year old, we must say that writing a ~500 page book with a sequel in the making is no joke. We truly appreciate Sahadevi and her work. The book is well researched and the language used is easy to understand and interpret. It keeps you hooked to keep reading. Continued in comments..
2 years ago