
NAM Miss Alabama | @thenamalmiss 👑 🫶🏻 CEO- @watchmeworkshop 🥇President’s Service Award Winner 💌 All Inquiries →
Just a woman from Atmore living her dream 🥹🌟 Ok, ok… I’m an old soul. I LOVE watching the news. Having a story about me air last night was such a dream. Little Sara is SCREAMING right now. I’m so honored and blessed for this opportunity! I also feel it’s important to address the part of the story that didn’t air. When they first published the behind the scenes photo from this day, it received over 2,000 comments and was viewed over a million times. A lot of positive but a lot of negativity as well. The things some people were saying truly was disgusting. I choose not to dwell on that. However, there is an important to be had and I feel that as a titleholder it would be extremely irresponsible for me not to address the “second part” of this story. I feel often times people resort to Cyberbullying because it doesn’t feel real. It’s just words on a screen right? It can’t possibly cause physical harm? Wrong. Victims of cyberbullying are twice more likely to engage in self harm and suicidal behaviors. Interestingly enough, perpetrators of cyberbullying wear at increased risk for suicidal thoughts and behaviors. The old saying rings true… hurt people hurt people. Please know that both victims and perpetrators… you do not have to resort to this. Help is available and mental health is a topic more now than ever. Please call 988 if you are experiencing these thoughts. I am blessed to report I am mentally at a great place and I am not experiencing these thoughts. However, this isn’t the case for everyone. The best way to prevent this from happening is by simply spreading kindness. Our mama’s taught us best- If you can’t say something nice don’t say nothing at all. I will post the link to this article on my story. This includes my thoughts after the backlash. So blessed to live this dream and be given a voice to speak up on these topics. Stay kind everyone 💞 • • • #nationalamericanmiss #iamthepageantpowerhouse #nam #namiss #namnationals #namily #growingconfidence #bodypositive #confidence #namteamwilliams #watchme
651 49
27 days ago
No words will never capture the feeling I have right now but I’m sure the photo may give an idea. I am your new National American Miss Alabama. A title I’ve dreamed of since I was 15 years old. A million thank you’s to come. • • • #nationalamericanmiss #iamthepageantpowerhouse #nam #namiss #namnationals #namily #growingconfidence #bodypositive #confidence
0 91
1 month ago
having body positive role models will forever be something so important to me. 💪🏻💗🫧 this time of year is so sentimental. i think back to this time 8 years ago when i first got my first letter from @nationalamericanmiss in the mail. i was so excited!! even though NAM share’s a message of acceptance and inclusivity, my mom was skeptical. she told me she didn’t know if it was possible for a plus size girl to win. i remember searching on instagram for a NAM titleholder that looked like me and the joy on my face when i finally found a beautiful Miss Texas- one i saw myself in. it was the moment i knew i could do this. i think it’s funny how full circle life can be. 8 years later this dream found me again but this time it was me who had my doubts. could a plus size girl really win? a few days later while scrolling through tiktok the beautiful @thenamcomiss_ popped up on my fyp in a production number outfit i’d recognize anywhere. 💅🏻 i remember seeing her + immediately thinking “yep this girl is about to win whichever state pageant she’s competing in”. a tiny bit of stalking later and i found her on ig.. along with a post from 30 minutes before sharing that she had won Miss Colorado. it was in this moment i was reminded i could do this. i consider it such a blessing to have continued to hear the story and message she shares. i consider it even a greater blessing to call her a friend. because of them… i will forever be reminded this dream is possible. this is why representation of all body types will forever be so important. having role models in pageantry like the beautiful miss texas i saw all those years ago, @carolinarose25 , @emma.loney , and @jadedipika_ continues to inspire me daily. i’m forever grateful for every women who has gone before me to shatter stereotypes and show you can do absolutely anything you put your mind to- no matter your body. grateful. thankful. and forever inspired <3
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5 months ago
One month as your National American Miss Alabama 2024.🥹😭👑✨ I haven’t talked much about the finale and it truly was such a special moment. I had peace all weekend. There was no pressure for me to win because I knew I had done my best. I shared everything I wanted to in interviews. I felt beautiful during gown. I communicated exactly what I wanted to in introduction. My performance wasn’t perfect (remember there’s no such thing as perfect!!) but it was one I was so proud of everything I did. I blacked out after top 10. I had never placed before at a NAM state pageant. All the emotions because I knew no matter what happened I was better than my last performance. Somewhere between Top 10 and Top 5 and outgoing queen had “A Moment like This” as her farewell song and it hit me. I truly had waited a lifetime for this moment. I looked over at the Top 10 to see such a beautiful and diverse group. No matter what I was proud to be apart of such an inclusive Top 10 group. I was the first announced for Top 5 and it was then God told me it was my time. 4ru was called then 3ru and 2ru then 1ru. The moment I realized that they hadn’t called me yet was the greatest of my life. I’ve said it before but I’ve daydreamed and brought tears to my eyes many times thinking of this moment but somehow it was even better than I imagined. All the times others doubted me and that I could do this. All the times I doubted myself if I’m honest. So that is the story of one of the most dramatic and emotional crowning moments ever 🥹 It simply was the greatest moment of my life. There’s no better feeling than achieving your dream… especially 8 years after it became yours. And as the song says I still can’t believe this is happening to me but I couldn’t be more grateful that it is. So much more love to share with you my Sweet Home Alabama ❣️ • • • #nationalamericanmiss #iamthepageantpowerhouse #nam #namiss #namnationals #namily #growingconfidence #bodypositive #confidence #namteamwilliams #watchme
481 10
6 days ago
My happiest moments in life had absolutely nothing to do with the way my body look. 🥹✨ Whether it’s realizing my name was the one that was called. Seeing my nephew beam with joy at his first Mardi Gras. Seeing the one and only @taylorswift The feeling after a successful photoshoot. The moment I met my sweet Millie-Mae Getting a cutie little tote bag at NAM Nationals Attending my nephew’s graduation and watching him thrive Filming a podcast that led me to meeting my best friend Realizing a sweet friend was waiting for me after formal wear or the moment @thenamgamiss ’ mom reminded me that no matter what a mean boy said about me 7 years ago I had finally accomplished my goal Your self-worth and happiness is not tied to your appearance. You are more than your body and so deserving of every good thing that comes your way. Kick off this week by being kinder to yourself💗 • • • #nationalamericanmiss #iamthepageantpowerhouse #nam #namiss #namnationals #namily #growingconfidence #bodypositive #confidence #namteamwilliams #watchme
605 21
9 days ago
Take me to FLORIDA!!! 🐭☀️🏝️🐚🌊👑✨ I can’t believe I booked my room at the @hyattregencyorlando this morning for NATIONALS! 🥹 What better way to celebrate than listening to Florida!!! on repeat and sharing my official photo from @meagangilbertphoto ? Still so obsessed with this and can’t believe I got to have a little photoshoot with Meagan herself! So grateful for such amazing state directors for making this iconic photo possible! I 💗 @namteamwilliams Still can’t believe this is my life but wow do I love it <3 See you in 154 days Orlando!! • • • #nationalamericanmiss #iamthepageantpowerhouse #nam #namiss #namnationals #namily #growingconfidence #bodypositive #confidence #namteamwilliams #watchme
486 8
12 days ago
Inspired by @thenammiss but this trend is too good. All the feels this morning 🥹 Grateful to live this dream. • • • #nationalamericanmiss #iamthepageantpowerhouse #nam #namiss #namnationals #namily #growingconfidence #bodypositive #confidence #namteamwilliams #watchme
670 9
19 days ago
Happy #EmpoweredWomenWednesday 🤗✨ A new series I want to start to highlight some of the amazing women I have met through pageantry. 🌟 Lynleigh (who happens to be @thenamaljrteen_ )- We met through a mutual friend prior to pageant weekend and got to officially meet during check in. I instantly fell in love with her and her mama 🫶🏻 I found out Lynleigh had won right before my finale and thought how fun it would be if I got to be her sister queen. Now look at us!! I’m so excited to see the impact she makes throughout her head and so honored for the opportunity to stand beside her throughout 🌟 Cardi- I thought about the best word to describe her and the first to come to mind was SUNSHINE. I looked in her Instagram bio to see “Creating my own sunshine” and she does exactly that. For this to only be her second pageant, she rocked the competition and even brought home People’s Choice! I cannot wait to see her continue to bring sunshine to the world 🌟 Elizabeth- Do you ever meet someone you just click with? What started as a conversation backstage before Casual Wear quickly blossomed into a forever friendship. I don’t remember much about Top 10 and Top 5 announcements. I kinda blacked out 🥲 One of my favorite memories is looking over and seeing Elizabeth right there with me. She is going to change the world. I’m so proud of each of these empowered women and consider it such an honor to know them! • • • #nationalamericanmiss #iamthepageantpowerhouse #nam #namiss #namnationals #namily #growingconfidence #bodypositive #confidence #namteamwilliams #watchme
0 5
28 days ago
Tip Tuesday 🌟 🎤 Don’t forget to let your personality shine through! One thing I struggled with in intro preparation was taking it “too serious”. Yes, those “mic drop” moments are cool but nothing is more fun than showing the real you. That is what the judges really want! 🎤 If you mess up on stage, just keep going! Towards the end of my introduction I had an actual hiccup. I just let it happen because things like that are normal and shows that you’re human. Even though this definitely isn’t something I prepared to happen, I kept smiling and kept going. The recovery is what matters! 🎤 Practice, Practice, Practice! Make sure you know exactly what you want to say when you step on stage. No matter how nervous you may get you can always rely on what you know! Who loves the Personal Introduction competition as much as I do? 🤗 • • • #nationalamericanmiss #iamthepageantpowerhouse #nam #namiss #namnationals #namily #growingconfidence #bodypositive #confidence #namteamwilliams #watchme
0 20
29 days ago
It was a rainy day but it didn’t stop us from celebrating the grand opening of the Art’s and Entertainment district in Downtown Atmore! 💖 Coming from a small town has made me the person I am today. Seeing the growth our small town has made just since I was a child is truly amazing! Empty buildings are now booming businesses and plain walls now are home to beautiful murals. Being apart of the ribbon cutting was truly an honor! After the ribbon cutting, my friends at Main Street Atmore and Pride of Atmore allowed me a space at The Strand to attend our first royalty meeting! Once that was over I got the opportunity to help out at Bingo. If you know me.. you know I LOVE Bingo! I’m an old soul at heart. We had the opportunity afterwards to attend a free showing of “The Forgotten Creeks” and learn more about The Poarch Band of Creek Indians. We even received free popcorn and drinks! One of my biggest goals with this title was to serve my hometown. Fun Fact: I am the first woman from Atmore to hold this title. So blessed for the opportunities I have given and I am so excited for what is to come! • • • #nationalamericanmiss #iamthepageantpowerhouse #nam #namiss #namnationals #namily #growingconfidence #bodypositive #confidence #namteamwilliams #watchme
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1 month ago
Your heart should always be the most beautiful thing about you 🤍✨ Double posting but I think this is a message worth sharing. Recently I have been the target of an overwhelming amount of online hate, negativity, and bullying. Honestly, it doesn’t affect me in the way most would think it does. A lot of people see me stepping into this title as wanting to be “in the spotlight” and because of that their words are justified. The truth is I wanted this title so desperately to serve my community. So my hometown could proudly claim home to NAM Miss Alabama for a year (a honor I was so humbly recognized for today). So I could show other girls and women to chase their dreams today. So I could tell them to stop waiting for the perfect time. I knew there would be critics. I knew there would be hatred. That doesn’t make it right but it is something I’ve mentally prepared myself for 8 years now. More than anything I just wish people could find something more interesting to do or something more interesting to talk about. The things that has been said about me is truly disgusting and I cannot fathom how people think it’s ok to say these things. The easy thing would be to give up. I could hide my face. Stop posting on social media. Make no appearances. Stay low key until Nationals. I could even give in and give up my title. But instead I say WATCH ME. Watch me serve my community. Watch me give my all into preparing for nationals. Watch me find the shy girl in the room and learn her name. Watch me continue to pour positivity into social media. Watch me crush every goal I set. Watch me chase this dream. Watch me show every single hater why a plus size woman can and should be a titleholder. Stand back and watch me show everyone who doubts me wrong. You are more than your body and more importantly… you are more than the evil things people say about your body. I gave this dream up for 6 years because of the hurtful things someone said about me. Never, ever again. Watch me show 15 year old Sara how to hold her head high and reign with pride- no matter what the haters say.
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1 month ago
Somebody pinch me because I just got to interview with Summer from WKRG!! 🥹 The past few days have been a whirlwind and I’ve had so many “how is this my life moments”. I don’t know if it’s possible to top this one! I’ve grown up watching WKRG so to have this opportunity… I feel so blessed! • • • #nationalamericanmiss #iamthepageantpowerhouse #nam #namiss #namnationals #namily #growingconfidence #bodypositive #confidence #namteamwilliams
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1 month ago