Sarah Grynberg


💁🏻‍♀️ Mindset coach & keynote speaker 🎙️A Life Of Greatness podcast host 💫Creator Manifest greatness course Mgmt:
@sarahgrynberg talks with @psychicmediumje on A Life Of Greatness podcast. John gives a live reading to someone in the studio which takes an unexpected twist you won’t see coming… and neither did Sarah. 🎧Comment ‘Listen’ and we will send you the episode. John is coming back to Australia in November to do live shows. Checkout this episodes show notes for a link to buy tickets. #johnedward #alifeofgreatnesspodcast #alifeofgreatness #sarahgrynberg #mediumpsychic #mediumship
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25 minutes ago
“Every fall of your life provides you with the energy to propel you to a higher place.” This profound wisdom from Kabbalah teaches us to see challenges and setbacks not as failures but as essential steps toward personal growth and elevation. By understanding this, we can transform our perspective on adversity and use it as a powerful catalyst for positive change. When we face difficulties, it’s crucial to recognize that these moments are opportunities for growth. Instead of succumbing to despair, we can harness the energy from our struggles to build resilience and wisdom. Each setback can serve as a springboard, propelling us to new heights and enabling us to achieve our true potential. Life’s challenges are there to shape us, not break us. Think of the times you’ve overcome obstacles and emerged stronger. Embrace those moments as proof of your resilience. Use every experience, good or bad, as fuel for your journey. You have the power within you to turn every fall into a leap forward. ♥️Sarah
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13 hours ago
@sarahgrynberg talks with @zakpym on A Life Of Greatness podcast. They discuss Zak’s company PYM (Prepare Your Mind), a mental wellness company focused on daily rituals. The death of his dad Robin Williams and how he navigated riding the waves of grief. 🎧comment ‘listen’ and we will send you a link to the episode. #alifeofgreatnesspodcast #alifeofgreatness #sarahgrynberg #robinwilliams #robinwilliamsquote
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5 days ago
I work with many clients around the topic of limiting beliefs. These invisible chains often hold us back, fueled by unnecessary worries and doubts. Such beliefs convince us that we are not capable or worthy, creating barriers in our minds. Worrying about what might go wrong keeps us trapped in a cycle of fear and hesitation. To break free, we must challenge and redefine these limiting thoughts. By letting go of worry and embracing a mindset of possibility, we open ourselves to new opportunities and unlock the true power within us. Release what holds you back, and discover the freedom beyond your worries. ♥️Sarah
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5 days ago
@sarahgrynberg talks with Zak Williams @zakpym about losing his father Robin Williams, how he dealt with his own grief and the world’s sadness. He also discusses with Sarah the human experience and heartbreak, how it can save or destroy a person, and he takes listeners behind the scenes of his pioneering work in the mental health space with PYM. 🎧Comment ‘Listen’ and we will send you a link to the episode. Checkout PYM (Prepare Your Mind), a mental wellness company focused on daily rituals. #robinwilliams #alifeofgreatnesspodcast #alifeofgreatness #robinwilliamsquote
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6 days ago
Ever feel overwhelmed? In those moments when the world feels heavy and the path ahead unclear, remember that everything will be okay. Life’s journey can be tough, especially when you’re striving to do good and make a difference. Challenges may cloud your vision, and uncertainty may weigh on your heart. But know this: if you keep going, if you continue to pour kindness and effort into the world, things will always work out in the end. Trust in the process and believe in your resilience. Every step forward, no matter how small, brings you closer to a brighter tomorrow. ♥️Sarah
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7 days ago
GRIP STRENGTH CAN BE AN INDICATION OF LIFE SPAN @sarahgrynberg talks with @drandygalpin on A Life Of Greatness about how measuring grip strength can forecast chronic illness. If reaching your full potential physically and mentally is your goal, Andy will give you tips about discipline, courage, and a respect for discomfort, so you can do it. 🎧Comment ‘Listen’ and we will send you a link to the episode. #alifeofgreatnesspodcast #alifeofgreatness #sarahgrynberg #andygalpin #gripstrength
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10 days ago
In a world often dominated by fear, choosing to embrace love can transform our lives in profound ways. Fear tells us to stay safe, avoid risks, and protect ourselves from the unknown, but love encourages us to open our hearts, take bold steps, and connect deeply with others. When we choose love over fear, we unlock a realm of endless possibilities, where courage and vulnerability become our strengths. Love becomes the foundation upon which we build our dreams, fostering resilience and genuine happiness. By letting love guide our actions, we not only enrich our own lives but also create a ripple effect of positivity and growth in the world around us. ♥️Sarah
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12 days ago
THE SCIENCE OF SLEEP, WEIGHT LOSS & TRAINING @sarahgrynberg talks with @drandygalpin on A Life Of Greatness podcast about how measuring grip strength can forecast chronic illness, what types of exercise is best for our bodies, the reliable methods for weight loss, and how to achieve a truly restful sleep routine. 🎧Comment ‘Listen’ and we will send you a link to the episode. #alifeofgreatnesspodcast #alifeofgreatness #sarahgrynberg #andygalpin #trainingsession #humanperformance
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13 days ago
When was the last time you truly disconnected and immersed yourself in nature? In our fast-paced world, it’s easy to get caught up in the daily grind, constantly working and rarely taking a moment for ourselves. I recently took a few days off and experienced the incredible benefits of a much-needed break. The warmer weather was a delightful change, allowing me to spend time outside, enjoy delicious food, play tennis and go on long hikes. Studies have shown that introducing novelty and complexity into our lives, such as exploring new environments and engaging in physical activities, can have profound effects on our well-being. Nature offers an endless supply of both, providing a perfect circuit breaker from our routine. These studies highlight how experiencing new sights, sounds, and sensations can rejuvenate our minds, boost creativity, and even improve our problem-solving skills. During my time away, I felt a renewed sense of energy and clarity. Exercising outdoors, surrounded by the beauty of nature, helped me reconnect with myself and find peace amidst the chaos. It’s a powerful reminder of the importance of stepping away from our screens and embracing the natural world. So, when was the last time you truly disconnected? I encourage you to take a break, even if it’s a simple drive on the weekend to go for a hike or a conscious effort to disconnect from social media and get outdoors, it can make a world of difference. ♥️Sarah
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14 days ago
THE EFFECTS OF HOLDING ONTO ANGER @sarahgrynberg talks with Dr Frederic Luskin about what holding onto anger and resentment do to the body on A Life Of Greatness podcast. 🎧comment ‘Listen’ and we will send you a link to the episode. #alifeofgreatnesspodcast #alifeofgreatness #sarahgrynberg #resentment #forgiveothers
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18 days ago
Feeling stuck is a natural part of the growth journey. It’s important to remember that even when progress seems invisible, you are exactly where you need to be. Every challenge and moment of stillness contributes to your development in ways you may not yet see. Trust in the process, embrace the lessons, and know that growth is happening, even in the quietest moments. ♥️Sarah
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19 days ago