Sarah Lappano

Documentary Photographer. Mum.Trying to make it through the day with imagination, humour, musicals and a little bit of Licorice one picture at a time.
If I’m going, you’re coming
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1 day ago
It can be many things, but really, it’s all clouds. ☁️ 🤍
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4 days ago
You guys. It’s summer. It’s hot. There are too many terrible things. And yet, here we are. Still doing our best with what we have. “How ever you’re doing it? You’re doing it right” as some favourite folk of mine say. Even if it’s using a floating donut
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9 days ago
It’s called, signs of Self 💜
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21 days ago
Growing up sometimes feels like a pass through a curtain, a veil, a relay race. And I do mean growing up from childhood into adulthood and continuing on. I’m still passing through curtains and tagging people through the relay. Truthfully I’m getting tangled in the curtain and falling over hurdles landing in a classy, “i obviously did that on purpose” way. But, what’s growing if it’s not also falling while laughing with your team..? The ones who also carry you when you can’t anymore, who you can hold hands with and hold each other when the world is scary and awful and beyond words or what feels like repair..?
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27 days ago
Do you remember this feeling? Either flying or running around in sneakers and a tu-tu, being in two worlds at once? One literal one fantastical? One where your friends seem to know how to wear the things and act the ways and one where you think you are? Don’t worry there’s always a little part of yourself you won’t give over. It shows up in sneakers or fly away pieces of hair or maybe your voice was just that much louder, or your socks mismatched. Do you remember feeling free?
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28 days ago
• MARKET | MOMENTS • Featuring {just a few} of the incredible images captured at the SPRING SVM by local photographer ✨️ See you soon #stratfordontario📍
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28 days ago
The nourishment of the Light
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1 month ago
We’re entering a world of Pure Imagination
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1 month ago
Moments of life, of being.
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1 month ago