Phil Lam 林奕匡


HK singer-songwriter 🎷 工作聯絡: NEW SONG 波希米亞(沒有)狂想曲👇🏻
咦!今次竟然(沒)有樂器!!!🎷🎺📯 同歌手唱歌好多次,玩埋樂器係第一次 第一次樂器演出獻給 @saxyphil ‼️‼️‼️ (Full version in YouTube) 波希米亞(沒有)狂想曲 Bohemian (無)伴奏合唱版本 曲: #林奕匡 詞: #黃偉文 @concertyy 無伴奏合唱編曲:Peace Lo Saxophone | Phil Lam French Horn | Dennis Tsui Trumpet | King Lam Cajon | Peace Lo Video Editing | Peace Lo Design | Miri Leung Mixing | King Lam Assistant | Austin Cheng @aus______ Equipments | GoM @grandeur_of_music Venue | 1212 Studio @lblmusichk @sonymusichk #brass #trumpet #saxophone #frenchhorn #cajon #bohemianrhapsody #acappellahk
454 10
1 day ago
好多朋友都出po,紀念多年來喺Kitec九展嘅回憶,搞到我都忍唔住要碌返D舊相,越睇越感觸🥲,由最初嘅 Music Zone,到Rotunda,到Star Hall,到後來多個Chill Club嘅錄影,無論在台上唱歌,或在台下睇show,我地以後都唔可以再喺呢啲venue相聚。 1+2: 2018 PhilRomantics Star Hall 演唱會 3: 2017 難得一遇MV拍攝 4: 《有人共鳴》新碟showcase concert 5: 2015 同Jay嘅 Music Zone 音樂會,唱緊 Uptown Funk 😎 6: 2017 Mr. Nice Guys with 林一峰 7: 2018 Phil and Friends 音樂會 8: 2021 The Healing Sounds of Future 音樂會 9: 無數嘅Chill Club 錄影📹 我突然諗起我一首歌「有淚多好」 ,就係人生好多最重要嘅經歷都會喊,無論開心定唔開心,喺九展我都唔記得我喊過幾多次。 Wanna shout out to all the wonderful people who have worked with me all these years at the many shows at Kitec. Hope to see you all soon at other venues 🙌🏼🙌🏼 #kitec #九展 #再見
1,590 23
1 day ago
2024年咁快就過左一半 🤷🏻‍♂️ 1+2: 6月做更多嘅健身🏋🏻來抵受呢個月要食嘅蛋糕🎂 3: 複診 👶🏻 4: 今個月唱左好多cover,呢首特別喜歡 5: 一邊跑步一邊記歌詞 6: 書中自有黃金屋 7: 可愛嘅小禮物 8: 屋企樓下經常見到嘅小狗狗🐶 9: 蝴蝶來找我 🦋
1,908 15
3 days ago
It’s been a busy month, but lots of things to look forward to. I’m back in the studio recording, and writing new music. 🎵🎶🤙🏻 . . . Wardrobe @PoloRalphLauren @RalphLauren #RalphLaurenHK Styled: @exactly.the.sam Makeup: @echo_makeup Hair: @kenki_getdown
870 8
11 days ago
重要嘅嘢係要講三次✌🏻所以要繼續繼續繼續鼓勵大家創作,今次搵多兩個單位一齊玩波希米亞畫畫猜猜,分別有 Edan @edanlui 同 雷同二友 @theabsentbrother @tsechintung @chinlui1223 畫另一段歌詞 👏🏻👏🏻 上次太容易估啦,今次增加難度,大家留言估唔估得中三幅畫係邊個畫 😉 #波希米亞沒有狂想曲
2,761 164
16 days ago
Took a staycation to celebration of my bday and Father’s Day @hkdisneyland ~ A nice little break and an opportunity to bring home some gifts for our future baby~ We even ran into the June birthday star, Donald Duck for a pic! Apparently it’s his 90th anniversary! #BirthdayMonth #HKDisneyland #DonaldDuck90 #DD90 #DisneyMomentsHK #LetsCelebrate #HappierHere #HKDisneyland
1,988 24
17 days ago
We are very happy to announce that we are going to be having a baby boy! 👦🏻👶🏻🎉🥳 What a special week it is that it’s my Bday as well as Father’s Day. This is the best present ever!! 🥹 My only wish is that the baby remains healthy and that we can give him all the love in the world. 🩵 #philandrikko #genderreveal
15.8k 236
18 days ago
新歌〈波希米亞(沒有)狂想曲〉鼓勵大家繼續創作繼續 be creative💡 今次俾個考驗大家就係要畫畫表達首歌嘅歌詞 我就覺得自己已經畫得好perfect 😌 不過藝術一般係沒標準嘅… 🤪 咁好玩就梗係要搵埋啲friend一齊玩啦~ 首先搵到my bro @jayfungmusic 來挑戰😎 大家一齊嚟估吓💤💭✨ 邊幅係邊個畫❓ #波希米亞沒有狂想曲
855 18
19 days ago
非常開心同榮幸可以出席周禮茂老師嘅作品展演繹佢嘅作品,多年來佢寫過無數嘅經典歌都陪住我長大例如,李香蘭,來來回回,夢中人,等等… 記得細個嗰陣時,我同哥哥聽住張學友 「三年兩語」隻碟,哥哥就突然間考我,知唔知呢首歌嘅歌詞係講咩?當時我好尷尬,答唔出,自此之後我就開始留意多D歌詞嘅內容。今次呢個作品展,我都有唱到當時嗰隻碟其中嘅一首歌 《來來回回》 Thomas 老師,感謝你為香港樂壇寫左咁多首嘅好歌!🫶🏻☺️ Makeup : @echo_makeup Hair: @kenki_getdown Styling: @syanleung Wardrobe: @we11done @louboutinworld @lanecrawford #新城唱好音樂會 #周禮茂作品展 #周禮茂 #來來回回 @multi.metro
846 9
20 days ago
Thank you friends for all the kind Bday wishes ☺️🫶🏻 今日請咗一個小假~ #612 #咫尺
2,820 131
21 days ago
端午節快樂!🍙🛶 開心唔單止有好多朋友仲有好多狗狗🐶來支持我地嘅Artisans Never Stop! Special thanks to all the musicians and colleagues that helped make this happen! 希望大家都有一個愉快嘅週末~ Makeup : @echo_makeup Hair: @kenki_getdown Styling: @syanleung Wardrobe: @sandroparis @taigatakahashi @lanecrawford #ArtisansNeverStop #cathwong #lilashes #波希米亞沒有狂想曲 #lovewinsall
1,348 14
23 days ago
繼續學潮語~估唔到 @curtisho0520 嘅答案咁creative😌 「再鋒利嘅刀都有生銹嘅一日」呢句說話竟然係古人講?🤣 記得睇我哋同John gor嘅MV啊😉 #波希米亞沒有狂想曲
1,032 10
26 days ago