David DiGiovanni


Scientist and powerlifter Meet PRs: 380-205-465 1035 total
Second meet in the books. Went 7/9. Squat was a 380 grinder that I was able to push through my sticking point but lost tightness and failed at the top. My second squat attempt was a solid 365. 5 lb PR on bench with 205 on attempt 2. 15 lb PR with a 465 deadlift. 10 lb PR to my total at 1035 lbs. Thank you @thewinterwolves for the coaching and the guidance. We've got work to do for the next cycle. I'm looking forward to it. Biggest thanks to @iron.and.silver for all of her help today and throughout the training. You're the best. #liftlikeascientist #RPS #Niiiice
22 9
7 years ago
First #usapl meet in the books. Definitely not my best. 172.5/90/200 final lifts. Finally hit that 380 squat I missed in March and it was cleaner. Overreached on my third bench attempt and failed. My back was still not 100% either. 200kg was an RPE 10, yet I hit around 210 in March and 205 in early November. I was debating whether to take a third attempt. I reasoned, if I could break the floor, I could lock it out. Alas, the weight stayed on the ground. Thank you @donnadigio and Dad for coming by and seeing me lift. It's always great to see you in the audience during any of my various competitions. Thank you to @thewinterwolves for working with me and prepping me for this meet. #liftlikeascientist
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6 years ago
Back at it with some (small) heel elevated back squats. Amrap set of 250 for 13 🥵. Legs are all jelly now but that's a good sign for this muscle building phase. #liftlikeascientist #amrapworkout #heelies #slay
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2 days ago
Top set of squats today after a power outage. Did 345 for 2 across all sets, so slight volume increase from previous weeks. Feeling a little depleted but I've got a deload planned for next week so all is good. #liftlikeascientist #fitnessandhealth #squatsalldau
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17 days ago
Wow! New two rep max and it was a GRIND! Really happy with the first rep, not so much with the second but I got it up. Learning the bench grind is so fulfilling. I always struggled with it, so now that I'm starting to do it 1 rep maxes don't seem as scary. This is just the beginning. I'm excited to see where I am come December
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23 days ago
Super happy with squats today!!! Was supposed to do sets at 335 but they were moving so well that I bumped it up to 345 for doubles! Strength is coming back and getting better than before! #liftlikeascientist
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25 days ago
Volume bench from yesterday. Hit 155 for a set of 6 on my last set. Was shooting for 8. Let's refresh, rebuild, and attack it again next week! #liftlikeascientist
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25 days ago
Top set of sumo deadlifts today. Dropped the reps down but increased the weight. 315x6 felt pretty solid. Let's see what next week has in store for us! #liftlikeascientist
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28 days ago
Top set of squats today! Another week of 335 lbs for a double! Felt really good and I'm excited for next week! #liftlikeascientist
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1 month ago
Making progress with week 1! Hit a 152.5 lbs bench for 8 and a 335 squat for 2! Last volume day I was only able to get 6 reps at 150 for bench, so progress! Squats are feeling great! Looking forward to seeing where they go! #liftlikeascientist
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1 month ago
Day one of the new block. Start off with a heavy bench day. Top set of 180 lbs for 2. Followed it up with some leg presses of 270 for 10. Really excited because I'm gonna get back into competing. I'm going to do the December 8th usapl meet! This will be my first meet in 7 years! Looking forward to getting back into the game with @jaydigains leading the way as my coach! LFG! #liftlikeascientist #usapl
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1 month ago
Squats bench and deads, from yesterday and today. 170 lbs bench for triplets, 250 lbs paused squats for 6, and 375 lbs deadlifts for 3. Bench and squats were absolutely great. Deadlifts were heavy 😂. Surprise surprise, resting for a week helps you recover. Let's see how the heavy squats feel on Thursday. #liftlikeascientist
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2 months ago