Itsa Me


Super hype for the upcoming annual KC FitFam meetup streaming live from my channel! If you are in the area and available noon on July 4th, hit me up for more details. #twitchfitness #twitchfitnesscommunity #fitfam #twitchfitfam #kcfitness
18 0
2 days ago
BSA High adventure Scout trip to the Atchafalaya Swamp pt 2. Day 3 (pt 1) took us to the "Forgotten cove" where we encountered calm waters and Cyprus trees that were 800+ years old, "forgotten" by the lumber companies that clear cut most of the rest of the swamp but couldn't easily get to this area. #bsa #scouting #highadventure #swampbase #bsaswampbasehighadventure #bsaswampbase
31 1
17 days ago
Where's Seltzie been? On a Scout trip to the Atchafalaya Swamp. Swamp base was a fantastic high adventure journey that included over 61 miles of paddling in a canoe with 4 days on the water and one day at "Camp A" in the state park. The first photo dump here is from the first 2 days which was over 19 miles the first day where we ended on the "Turtles" (floating shelters) and the 2nd day with 10.5 miles on the water ending at Rougariu Island to hear about the local legend and sleep in hammocks. #bsa #scouting #highadventure #swampbase #bsaswampbasehighadventure #bsaswampbase
81 8
17 days ago
Cereal experiments and other food life hacks... Some of y'all know I've used protein shakes instead of milk on my cereal for a while. Recently @costco had the @drinkorgain fruity cereal flavor on sale and also carries @magicspooncereal so I figured I'd see how this combination worked out. Somehow it actually kinda works and those macros are insane! That said, probably not something I'd add to my normal rotation or recommend but it was still fun to try and I'll probably continue until the expensive cereal box is gone then figure out what to do with the rest of the overly cloying shakes. #cerealexperiments #protein #macros #itrysoyoudonthaveto
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4 months ago
Concluding the TX travels (from a few weeks ago) with @jo_workouts gym grand opening. Some competitions and fun hangouts then @cidercade_austin with more friends before a quick stop at @fringesport (not pictured), some BBQ and traveling home. It was a whirlwind but very enjoyable. Even with the cold late drive back. #twitchfitness #fitfambestfam #fitfam #twitchfitnesscommunity
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4 months ago
Where have I been since Vegas? Life gets busy but sometimes we get special trips with friends to see friends. Was fortunate a couple weeks ago for @kxngrxme to join me on a trip down to TX and back. Seeing some friends here and there and along the way. Home Wednesday, & @cidercade_dallas Thursday, and @cidercade_houston Friday plus a workout and a wedding. Stay tuned for pix from the rest of the trip. #fitfambestfam #twitchfitness #twitchfitnesscommunity #fitfam
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5 months ago
Final party night (for me) of the TwitchCon trip in Vegas. Including a ring swap between @_apothecarie and @gunn_slinger_ that was extra hilarious with the commentary from a drunk guy with no context saying "that's a good thing, that's a good thing". Also includes pictures proving I was actually there. #twitchfitness #twitchfitnesscommunity #berlinbar #lasvegas
44 3
7 months ago
The post y'all have been waiting for... Karaoke night! What most don't know is the singing started before we got to the bar. The vids are a little loud so be warned. The early pix are the official group then we had more show up after they moved us to a bigger room. Thanks to @_apothecarie and @sciguygeek for putting this together. I think I got most of the people tagged. #fitfam #fitfambestfam #jkaraoke #shenagans
41 9
7 months ago
Cookout and pool party pt 2 cause this is easier than doing a collage. #twitchfitnesscommunity #fitfambestfam #fitfam
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7 months ago
Had a cookout and pool party at the Airbnb in Vegas. Was a great time to slow down and just enjoy the company and weather. #fitfam #fitfambestfam #twitchfitnesscommunity
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7 months ago
Exploring inside Omega Mart at Area 15 during the TwitchCon party. First photo set. Includes some behind the scenes of other photos. #area15 #area15lasvegas #twitchfitness #twitchfitnesscommunity #fitfambestfam #twitchcon #twitchconparty #fitfam
47 2
8 months ago