

You not sick of this shit? 🪬 @jagmodels |
THE BEST PAIN THON IN SENEGAL ❤️❤️❤️! Momo Dione: Going Home Series: Season 2! “Momo Dione: Going Home” is a travel documentary series that explores the goals, struggles, and accomplishments of African immigrants who have returned home. Led by filmmaker and immigrant Momo Dione, Going Home tells the compelling stories of those who seek to reestablish their roots after enduring displacement – for better or worse. The second season of the series takes place in Dakar, Senegal. Français: “Momo Dione: Going Home” est une série documentaire de voyage qui explore les aventures d’immigrés Africains qui ont pris la décision rentrer dans leur pays d’origine . Réalisé et produit par le cinéaste d’origine guinéenne Momo Dione , Going Home raconte les histoires fascinantes de personnes qui cherchent à retrouver leurs racines après de longues années passées en occident, et ce, pour le meilleur et pour le pire. La deuxième saison de la série se déroule à Dakar, capitale du Sénégal. Created, Written and Directed by Momo Dione Produced by Momo Dione & Tejay Bah. Cinematography by Abdoulaye Baba Drame Sound by Pape Sylla Edited by Matthew Robert Green Music by Michael Ashley West Drone by Papypro B Camera by Bayo Fall Créé, écrit et réalisé par Momo Dione Produit par Momo Dione et Tejay Bah. Cinématographie par Abdoulaye Baba Drame Son par Pape Sylla Montage par Matthew Robert Green Musique par Michael Ashley West Drone par Papypro B Camera par Bayo Fall #momodionegoinghome #goinghomedocseries #dakar #senegal #jollof #momodionegoinghome #goinghomeseries #mansanzingaproductions #senegal #documentary #documentaryseries #cinema #filmmaking #gear #blackmagic #zoom #senheiser #canon #sony #zeiss #tilta #rokinon #antonbauer #thieb #thiep #pendambaye #samsung #pinton #painthon #painthonœufs #vivianechidid #yeukyeuk
252 14
1 year ago
Some light w/ @annaletson 🤍
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1 year ago
Long day in the office. Awful working conditions. And the MOST insufferable colleagues. / Featuring yearly bday meditation, courtesy of Ms. @indiaarie .
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1 year ago
Alive, well loved, well sheltered, well fed. It is well-oooooo, in real life! To doing it again with people who keep me despite my bullshit 😂🤞🏿 I LOVE you #EVERYTHINGEXPENSIVE “I am highly favored by God. I experience great victories, supernatural turnarounds, and miraculous breakthroughs in the midst of great impossibilities.” - X Ps: I don’t know how to use this app anymore???
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1 year ago
97% of my personality comes from being my brother’s sister. Happy birthday to the light of my life, my *BIG* bro @mohamedcisse__ ! Another round of being “the prettiest sibling out rn” and staying on Fatou’s phone plan 🤞🏿❤️
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2 years ago
Make me feel like I’ve been anointed | Outtakes w/ @obreedaman by @shotbynzinga_ 🌹
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2 years ago
Why you wanna fly, Blackbird?
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2 years ago
Welcomed @momodione 🤎 and the @goinghomeseries crew to my home. We went over the complexities of coming back here, my disinterest in “hustle culture”, and most importantly, Pain Thon (avocado me on the side).
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2 years ago
night shift 👹
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2 years ago
Boubou Day joy / Tell your richer uncle to come outside
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2 years ago