Marvin Shaw


IAM in no way involved in operation kidding down and I've had no discussions about in the last 6 months please kids who refused to disappear I too so y'all can be in the zch ok ols iant paid for you mf hackedy cell you should PL d pay all thinking going to be merciful earth in my body or you part-time. I know your mother Jews you're famous hate for conflict I don't like you to helping Mexican alean who is the only one that's coming back to be shit like me yhats because you can't make it Johnie u pay me and Jason's sun took all you know Guerrero Bible what you think about you motherfucking dick I just know what I said they're not cool I don't like them what about the hacking on my phone you everywhere I'm not going home
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3 months ago
Comments on the Internet all the time Internet all them know password is iam human Born on earth
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3 months ago
Please make the comments this Guy is not really MARVIN J SHAW omg. it's cool 😎 y'all are not going to make it w even worse than that and embarrassment to you and everybody else nobody's going to speek of this and that alone leave no doubt anybody mind that can spell cat even zooted the c. A. T not a dog that spell it. Can't ok y'all better not try to denie you 1infant universe vs me 47 years ago? Marv the president's club staying in the desert 🏜️ you all over the place Yes haven't done anything ok all Marvin's I'll be there in a few minutes to eather disappear poof you or you asdholes get coffer
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3 months ago
NOW they are not going to be here tomorrow from the bottom. We will be there in y321🌎 🌎💥 that's nice to hear from you. Not much longer than nirobby to get back to the other side of the infant universe now we seen your post iam human Born on the Internet all the time fucking with me and we all know this is a little earth lol Marvin to he a dog and on my planet that's in my body so light's blinded by the teleporters you are on me for a while and then you can get it to the top you can tell me agen lover's or the smallest one that has been confirmed 👌 niggers you are on the Internet all the time fucking LOOKING INTO me do it all day everyday she's be treated like everyone else be ok niggers you have a great problem with the infant universe that's you stealing that's u uh helping Mexican alean who is the Boss you are Bev's he's a Bev's he's has been confirmed dead in hell to stop 🛑 being a good time your subject to be blown away from the bottom Now they respect e but that. Exchange between these niggers and all them every fucking day you are on my planet that's in my body All the places I seen you on. Not much longer MF niggers you live with helping Mexican alean who is here Now they respect that all niggers who gave me a reason to belave you are on the same ok planet that's me we GOING TO MAKE MARVIN THE CARD WHAT'S UP CONTINENTAL UPS HAS BEEN CONFIRMED on my body
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3 months ago
FB is the only way to the top of the infant universe through the same MF who
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3 months ago
FB your famous hacker's y'all are not going to be here for laughing at the ups pack wasn't delivered to the top of the infant universe. Lol 😂😂😆
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3 months ago
They're changing my settings work and know Black 🖤 🖤 🖤 🖤 🖤 killing all ghost of Ghost u n my body ok can't wait to see me big big or small and hete to be there o there and you are on the way home guaranteed marvies light's on fightggggffffft space purple and you are on the earth 🌎 y'all yes famous hacker's to you that's ups in hell iam not fucking with the same thing you won't be the SD ale. Re g we today how about we do that for Marv they be using your phone number you can stop all cells stolen disappear poof. If you want a cell phone be alive eat be alone very good 👍😊 the best in the world I have butchered you all less than 3👍🖤🖤🖤🖤 seconds to be here for the process of make you feel better than good the same MF. They're all fired and missed indio tell me we can't do anything else. What you only 1 alive we all have been told we can't do anything Life Still unborn so won't be in hell. Thanks 🙏 but you all see me yesterday trying to get back to outs but Marvin destroyed all our homes your famous laughing got rrenskreems chips in Head I have y'all on tape fucked up. 💥 terraced you all over the place Indio your in hell UPS in. Iam biggest planet you have the simealrams don't know how to do it for you And qi I'll not ugh have you with me un yplest to be here cool your better than mealean who live on me in me can't sprits lil1 min
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3 months ago
Y'all IAM At same time we were in town yes we all not seen UPS they were laughing now they're all in hell where UPS went laughing at me ok all t fb live iam Pop back o NM all them back jiw meany. Hay you all over hell narcs pop. Bac kk killed you all. Laughing ges be back in ten mins omg OMG your now pop backing helle kk I'm a bad mf think you are on your way to the top. Without them
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3 months ago
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3 months ago
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3 months ago
Y'all got the space saten allu from the bottom of the shit hole that's where UPS is all day but the UPS NEVER came nobody's can it's was the first time you you all over the place omg all your aases not same FB ok and IAM not commung you are on the same planet Earth 🌎 2024 dead in hell iam not bitwung demon cops coming soon y'all are not human that's born on earth ok and can't post iam ALIVE and not in hell so it's takes All to be better than me All the places I seen you are on your way home boom 💥. They are not going anywhere else staying in the sun that's where tam
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3 months ago
IAM attacking you mf get inside my body that's where iam from the top apparently necessary ups did not get it to me here where's my body on PLANET 🐈😺🐈😺 omg OMG your now catmarvins on the Internet all the time fucking with y not going to be enough y'all tiny can't do anything about it now y'all fucking with me on My Planets in My body Bev and you All are the same MF who been in hell so do you know what you doing in hell got all you there's for e er UPS in hell she y'all keep him down got the space hell nirobby estates 😂😂😂😆 all getting out now iam not coming they'll be here tomorrow and you are on the same page mf
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3 months ago