Caleb Siegel


Co-Owner - @revanproductions Founder - @projectironheart
Watching your friends grow into exactly who they wanted to become has got to be one of the greatest joys you can experience, from struggling to thriving this man has been constantly true to who he is and the same man throughout it all. And in today’s world that’s simply cool as F**k. Can’t wait to see him hit the stage, especially after seeing him grow into this person. as a friend and a fan, I can’t freakin wait.
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10 days ago
A scarred man requires the purest of souls, I swear to god I ain’t perfect but she makes me feel that I am. I simply am not me without her, and I definitely don’t want to be who I was. I once was confused about the type of man I wanted to be and the impacts I wanted to have and although I found purpose in my work nothing makes me feel more fulfilled as a man than when this woman smiles simply due to my presence. The joy of a scarred man doesn’t not exist without a woman to show him that the value of a man doesn’t diminish due to how hard life has beaten him down, but the value of a man is determined by the manner in which he shows love for the people in his life. Thank you for being my person, my lover, my everything.
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13 days ago
To have the honor of one of my shots being featured in @pendulumstrength new catalog is beyond anything I thought would be on the list of my accomplishments in this field. To be honest, this shoot alone really started to light the fire I thought may have burned out. My desire to create was shifting and opportunity is something we cannot shy away from when there is often so little to be seen. However it’s sometimes a slight change of direction that can alter one’s entire course. This shoot was a first for me, my work being featured on a physical canvas. All I can say is thank you to @pendulumstrength for the opportunity, thank you to @jacked_southard for being such a gorgeous equipment model, oh and to the gym where it all started thank you @revive.gym but most of all, thank you to everyone who has supported my journey and my work. It’s been a team effort from the beginning and it will remain that way forever. So here’s to many more firsts!
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14 days ago
Once it is gone we can never get it back, Most know what it is but not it’s true value, Most underestimate the importance and impact when absent. So, Treasure every moment. hold those you love as close as you can, enjoy the company of those who matter most, and remember money comes and it goes but time does not. So do not waste even a second on negativity, only leave availability for positivity. And in a world where money is king, time is a god. Tomorrow isn’t promised, but right now is! ( PC - @caseydavin )
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1 month ago
It’s not a matter of how much we have accomplished, but by how many hearts and lives we’ve touched. Doesn’t matter how we are perceived by those who don’t yet know us, but by the level of respect given by the ones are apart of our story. A legacy isn’t defined just by our memory but also by our impact on other individuals stories! This is the @projectironheart , more to come! #ironheartproject #legacy #impact
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1 month ago
Two of the most important lessons I’ve learned lately is to never let outside factors dictate your creative future and never forfeit your creative freedom for a check. You see, I’ve been faced with more questions regarding my work these past few weeks: what creative realm I’d want to get into and what industry I might want to enter now that I’m pushing my creativity outside bodybuilding. I’ve also had the opportunity of working with a few great companies full time. However, the truth is being limited to someone else’s visions and having to conform to creative expectations and specific ideas would lead me down a path that I’d come to hate doing what I love. It’s a lot of questions but one thing I never want to question is my “why” for doing what I do. If just one person reads this and is faced with similar questions and decides to have faith in their own journey instead of sacrificing for a bag, then I did some good and that’s enough for me.
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1 month ago
26 Years On Planet Druidia 🪐 #quaterlifecrisis #imoldnow #callmeunc
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2 months ago
Your Legacy Starts… July 1st The Legacy Collection I official release is July 1st, with pre-orders now available collection wide. Go to to get your hands on a piece of the collection. #WEARELEGION #PRIMORDIAL #LEGACYCOLLECTION
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2 months ago
Someone recently told me that the style of photography isn’t in the actual photograph itself but in the photographer. It’s supposed to be you casting yourself into an image and that’s how you adapt a style. Took me a minute to actually step back and understand this, I think in the beginning I claimed I had a style but I don’t think I truly did. I think only once I accepted that, did I find my style. It’s black & white why cause that’s the way I see the world, no I’m not color blind I can see color but when I look through the lens and I see that scene before me portrayed in black and white, in a way I see simplicity and serenity. To me color breathes chaos, stripping away color from an image it turns into a peaceful experience, it’s removing layers that I feel to be unnecessary. There’s no distraction from vibrancy, or pops of differences, just simple tones of emotion laid out onto a digital canvas. As Kevin Flynn would say in Tron “It’s Bio-Digital Jazz Man!”. It’s just me, that’s my style. Take a look at my recent work with @latsntatts & check my story highlight “Portfolio” for more of my recent shoots and stay tuned for more to come. #PHOTOGRAPHY #STYLE #BLACKANDWHITE
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2 months ago
KNOWLEDGE ACQUIRED - 04/26/24 - It’s not a race and it’s definitely not a competition, you can’t have an ego or eventually you’ll kill your own success. - Don’t rush production, don’t rush the marketing process, and never release what isn’t ready to be released. Spend more time in the trenches and spend more time building the framework for the future, you’ll be thankful you did. - Good vibes can create a good company for both the community and those employed, but bad vibes will kill the project entirely. So Surrounded yourself with smart people, and dictate tasks with kindness not just with instruction. - Trust your gut and listen to your brain, but always remember to follow your heart. If you don’t have the passion anymore then step back and rewind the tape, there’s plenty of reminders behind you. - Always plan ahead… the more you do today is the less you have to do tomorrow, quick steps are more calculated than small leaps. Be smart not fast. - Most of all, love what you do and if you don’t love it then learn how to. Love alone can be the death or survival of your creation. #WEARELEGION #LEGACY #PRIMORDIAL
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2 months ago
IN THE MAKING: A short series that takes you deep in the trenches and through the development of the brand. Get a special look into everything from designer meetings, studio shoots, and even interactive discussions with the brains behind it all. Get to know the faces behind the brand, the work that goes in and the process in which brings our pieces to the light. #WEARELEGION #INTHEMAKING #LEGACY
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2 months ago
I truly believe if you love something like really love something you will at times question why you do it, question whether you still love it, yet you always stick with it, it’s always there. I love the art of photography, capturing images and shots of moments that other people treasure, creating digital vibes that you can only feel from correct presentation. Sure sometimes it has its rough edges just like everything does, but no matter what it’s truly what I love to do.
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2 months ago