idalina da silva🙋‍♀️


Embroidery & Stitching Artist. Mixed media collage artist. All my work is handmade, and of my authorship.
57 8
1 year ago
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24 days ago
I am learning .... the granny squares seem to be back.
15 6
2 months ago
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3 months ago
Years ago, I made this mix-media work, embroidery on acrylic paint. I liked it very much. It represents strong women, friends, and aquitances that had battled all kinds of cancer. Some survived others parished, to the desease, but never forgotten in my heart. The dress colors represent each individual cancer. This work has been waiting for the final touch. So I decided to embroider a carpet of magical flowers to beautify the new path they have taken together but also individually. To Camile, Fernanda, and Manuela friends from the ❤️ sisters from my soul.
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4 months ago
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5 months ago
One piece per month to donate later. For now, this is it. I have to finish some of the 2023 projects to start new ones in March .
15 2
5 months ago
I needed something to keep my phone charger visible in my purse...
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5 months ago
While recuperating I am starting my new batching of item's I donate every year to the hospital for premature babies. I love doing it from the bottom of my heart.
18 3
5 months ago
14 6
5 months ago
May the magic of Christmas live in yourself every day of the year. Happy Holidays & Happiness with Prosperity during the New Year.
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6 months ago