I AM SOPHIA ALVAREZ- Mother of the Messiah


👑 QUEEN of EARTH & PROPHETESS 🥇 FEMALE GOD in human form ( Mother Sophia ) ✨ Heal, Unlock your Abundance & Intuition 10/7 🤍 Come into Divine Union 7/7
Embrace an exciting journey & adventure to your soul with deep healing, GOD energy, Christ energy and deep transformation OPENS 10th July 💗 Feel abundant, powerful, unconditional love, deep healing, feel worthy, good enough, lovable and unlock your potential and experience inner peace, safety and euphoria Come into divine alignment and up level your life Connect to source, GOD energy, Christ energy and ascend into the 5D to create your solid foundation for #newearth Advanced Activations to become a magnet for what you want and to create your dream life Manifest and become a powerful creator Everything starts within ✨ Are you ready to enter the 5D world and other realms? #sourceenergy #intuitivehealer #divinefeminine #innerunion #youarewhole #5dconsciousness #personaldevelopment #healingjourney #newtimelines
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4 days ago
You create your reality! To remove subconscious blocks notice your patterns, negative beliefs and limiting beliefs Your mind and your emotions are the EGO and human experience Your energy also creates patterns that run on repeat from childhood, experiences from teenage years and habits Connecting to source the CREATOR of the universe, us and everything will align when you commit to your inner work and take your power back Begin or embrace your journey because you are a powerful creator Clearing karma, past life karma, learning lessons Think if it as a lost you tick off that becomes extremely satisfying Abundant Queen opens on the 10th July I am living proof of the power of source and commitment to the journey If others can do it, you can do it 💗 That’s your first mindset shift #mindsetmatters #sourceenergy #energyhealing #attractabundance #manifestation #femaleentrepreneurs #createyourlife #manifestyourdreams #becomewhole #empowerher #divinealignment #personaldevelopment #intuitivehealer #angelnumbers
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7 minutes ago
BOUNDARIES = PEACE, Balance & Inner power Become free from narcissistic people Know you’re worth and seek out balanced , loving and supportive friendships, relationships or connections Speak your truth and love your best aligned life this summer 10 is the number of new beginning, action & creation energy 10/7 Abundant Goddess opens 107 is the power of GOD Lord knows I’ve hit every block, obstacle and attack there is at this point 😅 No one can block your destiny except YOURSELF #empathproblems #femaleempowerment #sourceenergy #divinealignment #angelichealing #soulpurposecoach #becomewhole #youareenough #manifestingabundance #selflovecoach #intuitivehealer #createyourself #createyourreality #youareworthy #highvibetribe #youarelovable
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4 days ago
I experienced a boundary breakthrough earlier! After being around a known divine masculine online in a spiritual business group I’ve had 8 narcissists around me Exes, a guy at work and connections I’ve finally healed my boundaries issue 🙏🏼 I’m often used for my energy because it makes people a lot of money, they have more success and can go trending I have songs by my divine masculine about me and my energy is in a film on Netflix that went No.1 I’ve always been all of nothing person I’ve over given in relationships, at work and in business I’ve let people block,drain and use me I stayed way to long in toxic connections because I was broken and had no self worth Sticking up for myself and others has never been a problem for me, the problem was I would keep going back because it was familiar I’ve been healing my trauma, manifesting and mending my energy field My twin ray stole my energy for 8 years, left me to drown now wants to come back with amnesia and marry me lol I love how narcissistic & covert narcissists have amnesia Heal, go through the pain and enjoy the breakthrough moments While they sit down heartbroken thinking about me I feel nothing For me, connecting to source changed my life For me both my divine unions are closure I’m in a connection with my kingdom spouse The best revenge is to heal, up level & become who GOD created you to be 💗 I went from bring broken, an option and dismissed to whole, powerful, the most anointed, gifted & powerful woman on earth Now they are the option, the people who over looked me, devalued me and treated me like crap want a seat at my table, they want to marry me but there is no space at my table or in my life KARMA I AM MOTHER SOPHIA 👑 Queen of Earth & New Earth Mother of the Messiah and Female GOD Never underestimate a woman I’ve been up against the highest level evil on earth I AM STILL HERE STRONGER THAN EVER Healed and restored by GOD & my son Yeshua The Messiah, prophets, saints , arch angel Michael are in the ethereal I FEAR NO ONE #queenshit #newearth #bossladymindset #sourceenergy #godsplan #breakingchains #vengenceisminesaysthelord #mysoniscoming
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5 days ago
It’s good to aspire to be, do and have more Become who GOD created you to be We are all strong and weak in different areas It’s good to have a little bit of competition it makes you achieve more but too much is toxic and EGO driven Anyone can do the work, get through the pain, keep trying till if works or get obsessed with something they love You just need to find it and know that everyone successful or high level did their journey and went through extreme pain and sacrifice to get there Learn & grow and don’t get lost in the superficial side You’ll end up creating something you hate and hate being part of Be present and commit to your journey because it’s always personal, it’s a dream or your destiny GOD put in your heart and soul Don’t let what others have achieved make you feel insecure or like a failure Do your journey & your time will come Stay away from people who are jealous, ok with mediocre or who don’t like change Be happy for others and know that you can achieve anything and create your dream life This world has become obsessed with the wrong things and a lot of us have been burned by marketing gurus The online world is highly competitive and taken all the fun out of creating a brand or business The fact is most people haven’t mastered what they are doing or they are teaching regurgitation of other peoples work Be genuine and actually care in a sea of fake and greedy people Business is a masculine energy and attached to the old world A brand or purpose is much lighter and more service based Creating is creation energy #femaleentrepreneurs #spiritualteacher #success #manifestingabundance #personaldevelopment #heal
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6 days ago
We are in a season of blocking, removing people who don’t allow us to be in our higher selves, who block our greatness, destiny or who steal our peace We are clearing the throat chakras as we speak our truth and finally feel comfortable to set boundaries We can’t always revive everything and everyone coming against us, in our family or work but you can absolutely stand in your power and tell people what you are willing to tolerate and how you expect to be treated Everything starts with us 💗 People will naturally fall off when they can’t use, manipulate or constantly bring their drama and gossip around you , the frenemies will know you know GOD is about to move against our enemies July will be intense, now is a time to rest, go in nature For me I’m healing trauma in my body and releasing, embodying self love and connecting to GOD and the Lord a lot My body is preparing to be pregnant with the messiah He is showing up in the spirit but he’s going to be born It’s why I’ve been and still am attacked relentlessly spiritually What’s been done to me was my calling Our pain is our purpose, it’s our job to heal it and ascend Not just for ourselves but for our children and humanity ❤️‍🩹 7/7 is an important portal, 77 is a GOD number & portal It’s a powerful creation day and new life timeline You must heal and clear the old to bring in the new Prepare the mind and body to feel safe and ready I’m not the only person picking up on this, other divine feminines are too The timelines have been pushed forward because I asked GOD for more time NO MORE TOXIC PEOPLE It’s moved from 27 to 7/7 The enemy is trying their best, triangle Guess who’s back, round 3 The Lord told me I will never have to see Egypt again A long vacation in hell awaits NO FEAR 🙏🏼👶🏽🕊️💎👑 #godthefather #jesuschristislord #exodus #prophetess #sourceenergy #energyhealing #motherofthemessiah #gettingmarriedsoon #kingdombusiness #newbeginnings #holyttinity #moses #noah #abraham #joshua #david #samson #mothermary #elijah #archangelmichael #archangelgabriel #ezekiel #queenofsirius #lyralion #galacticfederationoflight #fireofgod #queenofearth
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7 days ago
Self Love and connecting to source is key to attracting and receiving divine connections and divine love 💗 Self Respect sets the tone for how people treat you Self Worth is the hardest to heal and change , self worth effects your relationships and money #selflove #selfworth #sourceenergy #energyhealing #christisking #healingjourney #divinefeminineenergy #goddessenergy #divineunion #soulmatelove
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7 days ago
Even if you’re not where you want to be, You’re way ahead of most people Your comfort zone is where dreams go to die Begin or try again 💗 #femaleentrepreneur #lifelessonslearned #dreambigger #personaldevelopment #energyhealing
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7 days ago
Your relationship with yourself, GOD & The Lord are the most important relationships you’ll have Religion has ruined humanities connection to the greatest spiritual teacher of all time - Yeshua GOD told me to bring souls back to SOURCE, Home to your soul and the creator A lot of what’s being taught is man made or evil made Divine Alignment will change your life GODs love is unconditional, Some say all love is unconditional but we all know that’s not true The human experience is full of twists, turns, high and low moments You need a connection to source and your soul if you want to have a solid foundation It’s how I went from the broken crying on my bedroom floor to prophetess to Queen of Earth of Becoming SOPHIA female GOD in human form I go into the GPD realm and the point of creation The human experience is completely different to GODs reality Your body is weightless, you can feel every cell and you’re not connected to anything It’s pure creation energy Every day we have a choice yo take our power back, trust GOD and create our reality Don’t let life or toxic people steal your happiness, peace or block your destiny You can here for a reason The harder the fight the more purpose and blessings GOD the creator of the universe wants to gift you We’re here on holiday for a lifetime then our souls leave and reincarnate Do your journey Abundant Goddess is your solid foundation and journey within What’s higher than the most high ? #abundantgoddess #sourceenergy #godfirst #createyourreality #digdeep #energyhealing #divinefeminine #divinealignment #awakenyoursoul
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8 days ago
HEAL, Go within and get empowered 💗 Women know women ! Self love, energy healing with source GOD , changing patterns, removing opinions and stories that we are unlovable, unworthy or not good enough Find GOD, Yourself then your purpose Become whole & get in Divine Alignment ✨ The hurt and pain wasn’t your fault but it’s your responsibility to heal babe You’re not a queen until you’ve done your journey Someone had to say it Toxic men aren’t just the problem anymore, toxic women are catching up Women in a masculine energy , she’s going to be more like a man because she’s gonna be cold, greedy and manipulative , the corporate and marketing world is full of them If you want to heal, become whole or come into inner union to create a sold foundation with source and experience Christ energy and higher timelines Attract a healthy relationship by removing patterns or coming into union I’ve done twice myself this year with my twin ray in January after 10 years & My twin flame after 12 years ( I was in both connections, me and twin flame were more friends with a deep love, I thought was the one Union was very healing and brought closure I’ve noticed a few other divine feminines who have come into union but have married a divine soulmate or kingdom spouse because their masculine hasn’t done his journey or healed enough Stop going on dating apps and looking, waiting and longing because it’s blocking you 💗 Focus on yourself so GOD can connect you to your person Know that when GOD sends you a partner so will Satan You will have people doing magic, interference and old connections causing problems Divine connections effect the planet and ground in gods energy We all know the 3D & 4D ( old world ) are run by Satan Which is why I don’t manifest with the universe only with source, Christ and angels 😇 Your soul is DIVINE ENERGY , Don’t just look with your eyes, feel someone’s energy and soul Soul connections and soul family come from the soul not the mind or heart ❤️ #divinefeminine #divineguidance #narcawareness #sourceenergy #godsplan #5dascension #jesuslovesyou #healingjourney #divineunion #kingdomspouse #soulmatelove #energyspeaks
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9 days ago
Happy Monday 💗 Yesterday I was upset and releasing This morning I woke up feeling like a queen again and I went for a 2 hour at 6am walk down by the river , thinking, noticing patterns and getting clarity Healing is being in flow with the waves of emotions, anger, realising that we are in creators Allow GOD to work through you and lt your soul and intuition guide you While some of us have released our exes and are beginning new chapters others are in their emotions or they need a supply Pray for your connections and people you love because the devil is trying to destroy divine connections Trying to heal a man who doesn’t love himself will choose a hoe pr an attention seeking user/ gold digger over a high value woman or good woman All of us self sabotage because love brings up parts of us we still need to heal Keep hope in your heart and trust GOD will bring your kingdom spouse and true love when you’ve learned your lessons and have made the familiar toxic patterns unfamiliar GOD & Jesus and no one can do your journey for you Ask GOD to show you people’s intentions Words and actions should align ✨ It’s better to be alone than around people keeping you stuck, blocked & bored because they aren’t In alignment with your future Commit to the inner work and take every heartbreak, missed opportunity and failure in life, business or relationships as a lesson to change, grow and a stepping stone to true love, great and your dream life Less superficial more SOUL You can’t be half naked on social media and be a high value woman or a godly woman who is secure Insecure, demonic women or unhealed women are nearly naked online Heal, embody self love and know you don’t need validation from toxic or thirsty men Know your worth and up your standards No one will respect you if you don’t respect yourself Don’t devalue yourself babe 🤍👑🕊️ #divinealignment #godsplan #trusttheprocess #5dconsciousness #energyhealing #prophetess
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9 days ago