
✨✨✨ When I was 18/19/20 I had a blogpost that I religiously posted on, it was before #tumblr for me and sometimes when I am nostalgic, I go back and have a read. It makes me smile / forever curious and a lover of words. ✨✨✨
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1 month ago
✨✨✨ A very profound Scorpio Full Moon peaking 🌕 just after 9.45am for us here in Aus, breaking my writing spell. So much has been said, I find it awkward to join the over saturation of these astrological musings lately. Then I’m reminded, it’s just my instinctual mouthful, you can take it or leave it. Whatever you please, that’s the beauty about this life and social media. Reading the wild~ish, wise words of Clarissa Pinkola Estes, from one of my most beloved book ‘Women who run with the wolves’. I am reminded that we carry all the medicine one needs to cultivate true self. True magic. It’s all there, within. In the light of the enchanting, earthy Taurus Sun, we may feel something is amiss - naturally, because Scorpio after the Eclipses pulls us into deep cascading obsession, addiction, judgement and control. Taurus is damage repair - Scorpio is self preservation. There’s repairs to make and yet it’s all so fragmented, we’re not sure where to begin. It could feel as though it’s time to dissolve certain parts of psyche. 🌕 Perhaps it is time for some “common sense”, some dancing and singing and howling. Recharging, feet on the soil, hands weaved with the ones you love. Some reminding that we’re not so common, there’s not much sense; let’s flee the cage and fly. ✨✨✨
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2 months ago
✨✨✨ DECEMBER MUSINGS; After the laughter, comes Tears :::::: Been a wee while since I have had the energy to write anything but last night as I was drifting off to sleep I kept thinking about the astrology of December - life completely surrounds us throughout Sagittarius season, in a very nonsensical way and yet we feel mellow. The year is wrapped up, what’s done is done - we find comfort in knowing it’s over. ⚡️Mercury in Capricorn is meticulous, Venus in Scorpio swallows whole - the universe has things planned for you that you can’t even fathom, that you wouldn’t even be able to imagine right now at this time in this space. That is because things happen out of our control, as if pre destined at times, to knock us off course and take our life to another level. Off course but for a reason, behind everything we are doing now is a much greater arrangement imprinting onto our future selves that life is holy and circumstances come to be (often but not always) without very little intervention from us. We are thrust into realities reborn and if you would have asked us a month, year or decade ago we couldn’t believe what’s transpired until now. The New Moon in Sagittarius on the 12/13th tells us to keep at it and let the work reveal itself - in its own time and own special way. The Full Moon on the 26th in Cancer, a day after Christmas will make sure the lead up is precocious- tackling issues such as codependency and addiction. There is something a bit crazed about the energy I feel, wounds can be exasperating. A big theme throughout December is to keep the faith, similar to a tree rooted in the soil unwavering during a ferocious storm - acknowledging that up until now, everything that you’ve gone through, you have survived - existing in your own way - bruised and battered, but alive. Be resolute. In that same way, keep the energy - there’s no reason for it not to be good or even better than you could have imagined. Jupiter direct in Taurus will confirm this to be true, on the 30th catapulting us into the new year - 2024 - a number 8 numerology- infinity and beyond year. Anyway, Those are just my thoughts from a Wednesday evening - I am wishing you the best !!
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6 months ago
✨✨✨ Eclipse Season is coming ~ October is full of creation, as long as you have the correct projection and intention. The Solar eclipse in Libra arrives on the 14th and the partial Lunar eclipse in Taurus on the 28th. We are being led by everything we have and all that we do - it’s such a profound time to hold the faith of the reality you’re trying to achieve. Limitless - that’s my word for the last 3 months of 2023 - numerology #7 ! Nothing changes until we change !!! Visualisation is so powerful, especially if you are devoted to yourself - to your health, your inner life, your own happiness. We can get caught up thinking our impact in life is on a materialistic level - what I have, who I know, how I appear / but in fact your time and attention, to your own life, your real life what happens when you’re alone is most valuable. This picture of Beatrice Dalle in an older interview was perfect for this Eclipse call 📞 As within, so without. The universal truth of the God of all Gods - if you say and think it, so it is. As we climb towards the 14th, Libra romances the people, the objects, certain times and places - it can take crisis and loss for us to etch BETTER + new choices into stone. The cardinal signs will be most affected here - but everyone may feel afraid with the knocks on the door when you learn self empowerment, and then realise now it’s time to apply action. If you’ve had this feeling of turmoil ~ like you know something has to change but you’re scared to embody the consequences, then This eclipse season is here to change your destiny and master this new state of being. ✨✨✨
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9 months ago
✨✨✨ SEPTEMBER MUSINGS; “A Self is always becoming”. In the process however; Backing ourselves into a corner. Hearing / seeing whispers of a different life, a path not taken, a parallel universe. The Virgo Sun can be very philosophical and way too critiquing, no one is doing it right - especially not “me”. We can have these peculiar, hushed moments where we feel something else beckoning to us but we’re not sure how to get there. How do you confess to yourself you might have taken the wrong turn and you’re no longer satisfied with where you stand? There is always a break down before break through, the coming Cancer Moon confirms this. Today, a Jupiter - Sun trine recognises the importance of free will and the autonomy of making moral choices, in theory the acceptance of oneself can materialise. The broad synthesis of this month is that we are experiencing raw emotion toward the hardships we face - this may be very real for some - showing up as Physical illness, mental anguish, job loss or relationship difficulty. It’s very important right now to realise that to a disillusioned person, quiet time ends is disarray and misery. The Virgo Sun in all its glory gives us a chance to place discipline on those darker parts of our psyche, to not come so unstuck by our own undoing. I love this image by #valeriaduca @artistswonders ✨✨✨
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9 months ago
✨✨✨ The New Moon in self expressive Leo yesterday is baring it’s all today - the cards are on the table. It blatantly reminds us, the universe can do for you - what you cannot do for yourself. The Sun + Venus retrograde meet this Moon and square Uranus really flipping the switch 💦 tears may be shed - it wouldn’t be unusual to go through some sort of love / home / attachment crisis. Interaction can be confusing with those closest to you, people may be overconfident and smug. Haughty is such a bad look 🌪. The universe will help to clear your path whether you asked for it or not, all that’s needed is for you to declare what you have in your heart - eventually, like with all things it will be. Affirmation - Prayer - the power of it - it’s very much alive in this cosmic opening. ✨✨✨
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10 months ago
✨✨✨ Parenting is barely poetic in any shape or form, but it has it’s moments. Today, two years on from first becoming a mother I recognise how hard / how unbelievably dense this work is. Who you are prior disappears - a new you emerges. A lot of parenting feels like an uphill internal solitude battle, you realise so much about yourself and you see your self in your children. All the ugly parts too. But it’s also something beyond yourself - you realise it’s not about you at all. Family dynamics and karma play out in astrology very powerfully - I find it interesting that my first born son sun sign is my moon sign (the moon is the mother) (co dependencies + boundaries and the heart). Both my boys have Cancer ♋️ in their big 3 (the sun, moon and rising signs). And, I share the same Sun sign with my second son. Don’t even get me started on the numerology of it all. The family unit is imprinted in our astrological chart, we can see a bigger purpose - by knowing this we evolve. With the Sun in Leo + Venus, Neptune, Pluto + Saturn retrograde I’m thinking about the incarnated family unit. I’m in my deep feelings, it makes perfect sense as Mercury and Venus align bringing the past up. Astrology is such a compass ~ do a little digging and you’ll find many answers to soul questions. ✨✨✨
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11 months ago
✨✨✨ Venus Retrograde; 22nd July until mid September is about to exaggerate everything with its own theatrical, Midas touch. I have been thinking lately how everything astrological I have been reading underlines ends, beginnings, “I changed my mind” - it gets a bit boring because it starts to feel so general. How can everyone always be going through rebirth/death/love and pain all at once ? But life crisis can strike any time 😂 And it’s usually on these mundane Thursday’s (or any other day) we feel the pang of distress. When life forces your hand - it can be quite complex navigating the long winded road ahead. Venus retrogrades every 18 months and brings quite a bit of revision and review for all things relational. In Leo this is sure to feel quite bombastic - making us reconsider what we had our hearts set on. How quickly things can change with Venus retrograde; the under current pulls at our balance, totally throwing us off kilter. We may begin to feel is as quickly as this weekend - or perhaps we already sense the wind blowing something unique (and scary) toward us. Beckoning, like a big cat does. A Mercury - Chiron trine is asserting itself over the next few days advancing a situation. Maybe you’re the one with a proposition? Is it rather forward of you to assume? There is a season for everything, remember that over the coming months. It’s easy to feel left behind at work, in love, through friendship etc. under the banner of heaven, none of this is true, we’re all exactly where we need to be. Doing the work we need to be doing - Make time to reflect and be thankful for what is ending.  Be grateful for what was learned. ✨✨✨
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11 months ago
✨✨✨ CAPRICORN SUPER(B) MOON 🌚 laying tracks in July - setting poetry in motion. Apologies I have not been very active on here in a wee while, having two small children is all consuming as you may have noticed through my stories I barely have time to think about how the stars + sky are making me feel / let alone other people. But, it’s Cancer season and I’m feeling sentimental as I’m sure many people are. The Capricorn full moon is cappin, things are moving in correct sequence whether we can accept that or not. Capricorn enjoys permanence but it’s much too smart to believe it, we’re painting the endless canvas and what you have an inkling of now will become a bigger and better thing with time and with flow. Don’t be paralysed by the way things are - nothing is static. Eventually all things move. With the Sun in Cancer, the Moon and Pluto in Capricorn, we’re gearing up towards a very regenerative + powerful purge. Highlight date is 21-24th July when the Nodes form a square to Pluto. There’s so much to say, the time is unconventional, Courageous and charismatic - the Sun and Moon are mother and father, earth and water spiralling together to fuse the head and the heart. We are ready to risk everything / the attraction of a long voyage beckons us - we can’t stand still. This is why so many people are travelling right now, there is something to discover in this unknown. It might not be so much a new place but more a way of thinking, seeing and being. 🌜 Cancer ♋️ people are actually quite yielding and soft when you get them in the right mood, they are extremely hospitable and take in almost any weary traveller. The Capricorn is dependable, well received and well informed - yet changeable, they don’t know what they want contrary to what they present. I mean, I could go on and on talking about the adventure we’re all on. It’s an audacious time - for better or worse we’re completely hanging off our relationships - intimate and otherwise. We are drawn to people who have a mentality “everything will work out”. Sometimes we need these believers so that through them and by them, we in turn start believing that. Everything will work out, if it’s not OK, it’s not the end. ✨✨✨
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1 year ago
✨✨✨ Moon in Leo feeling extravagant; far out and all knowing. We are seeking new experiences while simultaneously yearning for the “almost” moment we stood before. It’s a very noble, passionate time. A harsh square between Mars + North Node is full of potential but hideous in it’s expecting. It brings up “the fool” archetype that shows up throughout history. It’s an archetype that we all dip in and out off ~ as we attempt to control the uncontrollable fate of our lives. We tamper too often and feel pity or rage, when things don’t go our way. But what if were being diverted as not to entertain tricksters - opportunists. This image was found in the medieval Serbian monastery in Kosovo, and it reminded me that we have a history far beyond what we can imagine. Our lineage and ancestors reside within us, stay in the magic of that. Know that we’re capable of great things and overcoming copious obstacles, use the magic of Gemini, the twins and the original trickster to pull yourself out and through. ✨✨✨
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1 year ago
✨✨✨ Jupiter enters Taurus: Proving a Point. Staying until May 24th 2024, we are granted the opportunity to minimise flaws. Synchronicity plays a vital role in our self realisation, bringing meaningful answers to our doorstep. Taurus is well versed in union + devotion, therefore relationships are heightened by the ongoing cosmic energies. Nothing is absolute - merely we are bound by the statistical truths that show up at the same time. We’ve got very healthy instincts in Taurus - Scorpio nodal axis, which is coming to its close on the 17th of July. What we interpret is in fact correct, especially if it’s a careful secret to guard (yours or someone else) - in which we expose ourselves and what we REALLY want. Many are still reeling from the Lunar eclipse on May 5th, which brought up many psychic occurrences - especially for Scorpio Sun, Moon and Rising signs. What resides in the depths of our heart can be devilishly subtle ~ and we might not want to face it - alas it is there corresponding with the New Moon in Taurus on the 20th. Jupiter will make a t-square to Pluto before hand, disorientating us by bursting our bubble. Yet, in the shadow we recognise flaws, repressed aggression, sexual desires - the fiery source deep in our belly. Image @un_loup ✨✨✨
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1 year ago
✨✨✨ ARIES NEW MOON 🌚 ECLIPSE; The Hangover, anxiety rising from the pit of your stomach waking you as you sleep. Getting stung, tripping over a lucky coin. A Solar Eclipse can be tough going, a path is made by walking - so all the grit, shit and glamour is yours alone to experience when you experiment. Last night I couldn’t sleep, I was feeling the overwhelm of this new day (and the North Node) close to home. It reminded me of that quote from the Tarantino movie (a là Robert Frost) - “The woods are lovely, dark and deep, But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, did you hear me butterfly / miles to go before you sleep”. The woods right now signal our thoughts, our own dialogue - our biological reaction. The promises signal karma, something other than, the thinning of the veil. Miles to go before you sleep is the fact that this is just the beginning of what is to play out and come to fruition in the next 6 months, steadily crystallising in our hearts especially in May / July and September. I can’t say one sign is going through it more when it’s obvious we’re all diving into major personal, intimate developments. When the village is not present - when the people you need are not reachable, you must make yourself the seeker - drawing people unto yourself. Aries is the flame, you are the moth 😉 Lots of break ups, make ups, strong intuitive spells and psychic holds. It’s a very advantageous time in some ways, if you know how to assert yourself and your power over fate. Never over karma, but over multiple timelines that are present when you go to sleep and dream & wake up with knowledge you’ve got no idea how you’ve acquired. The devil works hard - but (self mastery planets) Pluto, Jupiter and Mars work harder in this equation. Good luck 🤞 Image @andreazanatelli ✨✨✨
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1 year ago