Statements by Alex | Tarot & Crystal Jewelry


Tarot | Astrology | HD Readings Custom Jewelry & Accessories by @the_original_alexhunter Clothing @freedomforstrays Podcast @thestarlettashow DM ME
When I first started getting into crystals in 2014, one of my mentors and someone I looked up to told me that if you were meant to read Tarot, the Universe would gift you with a Tarot deck. Days later, I tagged along to the book store with a friend, who was on the hunt for his own Tarot cards—he ended up buying himself a deck, then finding another one he liked better, and suddenly decided he no longer wanted the other ones, so he gifted them to me, and I am forever grateful! Tarot is based on Archetypes and the interpretation of the current energy—any reader who claims to know EXACTLY what’s going to happen to you is merely glancing into ONE of your potential timelines, of which there are infinite possibilities—I find healing in Tarot because it gives me insight into the present energy, and subconscious programming that may be running the show, and it guides me towards solutions I may not have otherwise considered. I’ve also developed a consistent meditation practice since then, and numerous healthy habits that have improved my body as a vessel in order to make me a clear channel to deliver these messages from Spirit—everyone has the CAPABILITY to tap into their intuition in a similar way, but not everyone has the discipline to maintain their spiritual and energetic boundaries consistently, or continuously work on their own healing in order to tap into those capabilities. It is one of my goals during a reading to offer guidance for how you can set your OWN energetic boundaries and practice healthier habits to become a clear channel for YOURSELF. #tarot #tarotreading #tarotreaders #guidance
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9 months ago
When I first discovered Human Design in 2021, it made sense to me intuitively almost IMMEDIATELY. My friend gave me a book to study, and I COULD NOT put it down for the life of me. It opened up so many pathways in my life and helped me understand the current path I was on, as well as come to acceptance about a lot of things inside myself that I had always thought were negative but felt powerless to change. It helped me put the way I see MYSELF and the understanding of my life’s purpose in a new perspective, and I have never looked back since! I’ve been reading and studying Human Design close to 3 years now and have found that it is very common for people to cry during a reading, because it often touches on things we knew intuitively on some level, but could never put our finger on. Well—now you can! And this investment into yourself and your Soul’s Purpose is worth every penny. #humandesign #humandesignreading #humandesignreader #humandesignreadings
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9 months ago
It’s important to continually invest in your specialty, and BELIEVE YOU ME when I say I’ve been investing in the study of astrology nearly my whole life. I remember reading my horoscopes in the newspaper and the magazines as a little girl, until one day I discovered that people who share the same birthday have a lot of commonalities. After learning about the significance of one’s personal Birthday astrology, I discovered I could go even DEEPER by studying the astrology of the exact MOMENT I was born, based on my specific birth date, time and location! The personal natal chart and it’s insights into past life and current life karma is what REALLY sold me, and it turns out, the natal chart was really only the beginning—the study of astrology goes as deep as you want it, and as a Mercury and Venus Scorpio, with Neptune in my first house and Sagittarius rising—are we REALLY surprised that I’ve continued taking deep dives into studying everything I can about astrology ever since? Some people look at ADHD as a negative thing…I like to think of it as my superpower of obsession and focus, which are 2 things that are REQUIRED to become an expert in (almost) any field. #astrology #adhd #obsession #astrologyreadings #astrologist
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9 months ago
Looking for Earthship Home Builders near Phoenix, AZ…can you help me, Instagram? #earthships #earthshiphomes #earthshipaz #earthship #earthshipbuilders
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6 days ago
Everything feels harder until we make ourselves do it— and often times, the things that felt the hardest to begin, are the ones that make us exclaim “why the heck didn’t I start doing this sooner?” Movement is a necessity that’s become a LUXURY because many of us “don’t have time” to do it— and some of us have SO much time, we come up with a million reasons not to do it at all. I fall into both categories at different times— but I sure am glad I got outside today before my brain had a chance to talk me out of it! Movement is a gift… HEALTH, and having an able body capable of different kinds of movement is one of the things we tend to take for granted, until we are confronted with some sort of crisis that reminds us how precious it really is. Don’t wait for another pandemic or health crisis to remind you how lucky you are to be able to MOVE. If you lost your ability to walk, or lost a limb, or the ability to breath on your own without an oxygen tank, I’m sure you wouldn’t give two 💩 how silly you felt at the gym, or working out in front of your neighbors, or what you looked like, or that little extra jiggle of cellulite that makes you feel insecure in your workout clothes.
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2 months ago
MORE IN CAPTION ⬇️ Whether by sunlight or full moon, rainwater or buried in the dirt…allowing your crystals a chance to soak up the natural elements and then bringing them in to display on your nightstand is a great way to give your mind, body and spirit an energetic reset. When you’re stuck between two phases—closing out old cycles while preparing for a new beginning—this is a great way to clear old energy from your personal space, while amplifying your positive intentions for a fresh start…even if you’re not quite sure what that looks like yet. Crystals will create a shield of protection while helping you integrate the incoming light codes of information transmitted by the sun’s neutrinos. BONUS TIP: The impact of cleansing your crystals during an eclipse window (like we are experiencing NOW) will be felt even more powerfully. Let me know in the comments if you’ve tried this! #crystalcharging #crystallightcodes #lightcodes #healing
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2 months ago
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4 months ago
2 days of Sobriety ✔️ 2 days of Intermittent Fasting ✔️ 20 minutes of Yoga ✔️ Phone set to Do Not Disturb during working hours ✔️ Reading BOOKS instead of watching YouTube ✔️ After over a year of taking a daily edible at night, one edible turned into 2 on some days, which eventually led to smoking weed INTENTIONALLY on special occasions (to enhance spiritual reflection), which turned into mindlessly numbing out, just because. My relationship with Mary Jane has changed over the years—I believe it has benefits when used INTENTIONALLY and not MINDLESSLY, but as a former addict, I can find myself slipping into old behaviors from time to time. Luckily this little period of Wake & Baking throughout the day only lasted for a few weeks, and in that time it taught me what I needed to learn during this part of my journey, but reminded me that it’s important to stay BALANCED. That being said—I was worried I would have a hard time with that first day of sobriety, but I actually found the opposite to be true—it was WAY easier than I anticipated and I feel literally like A MILLION BUCKS, with NO unpleasant side effects of withdrawal! 🤯 My body was telling me I needed a break, as well as some spiritual fasting and light movement outside in the sun to give my body a break from constant digestion and feelings of sluggishness. The mental clarity I’ve found in only 2 days was quite shocking at first, until I remembered that for the better part of 7 years, I chose NOT to indulge in MJ or alcohol at all! Everyone has their OWN relationship with their OWN body, and what it needs in relation to substances…I don’t foresee myself giving up anything permanently, but I am definitely enjoying this period of clarity and am excited to see what new creations will be birthed! #onedayatatime #sober #soberissexy #soberlifestyle #mindfulness #breathwork #yogadailypractice
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6 months ago
Do you set a conscious intention for your day when you wake up in the morning? 💤 What are you allowing in? ☀️ The same thing you let in as yesterday if you’re not conscious of which direction you want to grow…🌱 P R A Y E R R E F L E C T I O N M E D I T A T I O N I N T E N T I O N When the mind is quieted and there is time and space just to BE🧘‍♀️ What we perceive as setting goals, are really future visions 💸💸💸 We are tapped in to the timeline of abundance ♾️ o f p e a c e 🕊️ This is what it feels like to receive 💕 To know that everything is alright in every BREATH and every MOMENT An unwavering faith in the Divine—that everything happens when it’s TIME⚖️ TIME🪐—we are bound by T I M E 📡 But our souls are T I M E L E S S ♾️ #spirituality #prayer #meditation #reflection #abundance
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6 months ago
I’ve got a genetic mutation— I won’t settle for stagnation— There’e no room for limitations, Only elevation— Just might exceed your expectations #goalgetter #bossbabe #entrepreneur #growthmindset #abundancemindset #selfstarter #businessownerlife
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7 months ago
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7 months ago