Steffan Powell


Presenter + Journalist | #DoctorWhoUnleashed @bbcthree | @bbc5live @S4C | ex BBC Gaming + Culture Correspondent | R1 Newsbeat | Cymro 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿
We're just days away now! 😎 After you've feasted on the electric performance of @ncutigatwa as the Doctor why not stick around (or catch-up!) for a glimpse at the hard-work, creativity and skill that goes into making @bbcdoctorwho behind the scenes. Doctor Who: Unleashed is back with you this weekend and I can't wait for you all to see it 💙💙➕🎬 📸: @jamespardonphoto #instagood #doctorwhounleashed #doctorwho #drwho @disneydoctorwho #doctorwhofandom @brightbranchmedia
1,621 26
1 month ago
It was long past time for a showreel update! Here's some of the work I've been doing on the telly 📺 Last 6 months or so have been a real adjustment to a new way of working / living but lots of fun - it's nice sometimes to take a step back and remember all that's gone on. Excited for what's next 😎 Thanks to the very patient @jonathonaiken for sorting a messy hard-drive into this. Edrych mlaen i'r flwyddyn nesa - wedi cyfnod brysur yn addasu i ffordd newid o fyw a gweithio. Barod amdani... #showreel #work #doctorwhounleashed #television #follow #instagood #tv
509 15
4 months ago
Dyma fi yn Cefn Sidan - y man lle da ni’n gorffen rhaglen 1 o Colli Cymru i’r Mor heno. Atgofion melys o fod yma gyda ffrindiau pan yn ifanc - a falch cael y cyfle i ddod nol a dysgu mwy am ddydodol llefydd fel hyn. Does na ddim answer fel y presennol i siarad am y pethe mawr sydd yn digwydd yn ein gwlad ni - ymunwch a ni ar y siwrne. 9yh S4C a BBC iPlayer • • • This is Cefn Sidan beach where we finish episode 1 of Colli Cymru i’r Mor (losing Wales to the sea) tonight - loads of happy memories coming here as a teenager. Learning about the future for places like this has been bittersweet. Come and join us on the journey 📺 | 9pm @s4c | @bbciplayer ❤️
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11 hours ago
Ydyn ni’n colli Cymru i’r môr? 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 Ymunwch â’r ddau Steffan wrth iddyn nhw drio fynd i’r afael ag un o frwydrau mwya’n hoes. Tra bod Steffan Powell yn astudio cynnydd lefelau’r môr yng Nghymru, mae Steffan Griffiths yn archwilio sut mae’r Ynys Las wedi ymateb i newidiadau yn yr hinsawdd 🌍 The Welsh coastline, as we know it, could be gone by 2100. Join the two Steffans as they visit communities in Wales and beyond and meet the people literally trying to turn the tide. 🌊 Colli Cymru i’r Môr 📆 Heno | Tonight
🕘 21:00
📺 S4C, S4C Clic & BBC iPlayer   #collicymruirmor #hinsawdd #newidhinsawdd #climatechange #planetearth
110 4
13 hours ago
Cyfres Newydd | New Series 📺 • Had a brilliant time making this last summer with @wildflameproductions and a top crew in lush locations. I’m really excited that it’ll soon be out in the wild 👊🏻 We’re looking at how sea levels are changing and how they’ll change Wales. We’re finding out how fast it’s happening, why, and what we can do about it. It’s a bit of an eye opener, I won’t lie, but such an important conversation to be having. Fans of an epic drone shot - this is for you 😎 • • • Mae’r cyfres ma wedi neud tipyn o argraf arnai rhaid dweud. Edrych mlaen i chi cael gweld e. Wedi joio mewn lleoliadau anhygoel gyda crew ar ben eu camp. Ma na tipyn i drafod a gobeithio bo hwn yn gallu fod yn man cychwyn da. • • • Diolch i @luke_pavey_uk @catiomo @steffan.griffiths @meiwilliams59 @thehebog @hywel_sound @dewifonevans am fod mor amyneddgar pan yn ffilmo, ein cyfrannwyr am ddod i gael sgwrs ac i’r tywydd am fod mor braf (rhan fwyaf o’r amser!) 🤣
121 5
2 days ago
It’s not the first time the Doctor’s said goodbye 😢 #DoctorWhoUnleashed #iPlayer #MillieGibson #NcutiGatwa #DoctorWho
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8 days ago
This is the photo they had of me up on the wall of the Doctor Who production office! There's one of everyone working on the show. It's not the most flattering and is a little on the blurry side... but I love it because it reminds me of how welcome the Doctor Who team have made me feel over the past couple of years! They've let me and my brill colleagues from @brightbranchmedia get right up inside their business and they've done it with grace, humility and humour. I think the result is a tv show that we're all very proud of 👊🏻 It's such a relief to see that it's going down well with fans and doing well in the ratings. We're back for season 2 so plenty more #DoctorWhoUnleashed to come 😎 See you soon. See also... some nice jazzy snaps taken by the brilliant @jamespardonphoto because... why not... @bbcdoctorwho #DoctorWho #DoctorWhoFandom @bbcthree
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9 days ago
SO good to see @yazdemand back on our screens 🤩 #DoctorWhoUnleashed #iPlayer #YasminFinney #DoctorWho
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15 days ago
Rhaglen arbennig Pawb a’i Farn arall yn y bag - mor ddiddorol clywed sut ma pobl yn ymateb i’r ymgyrch a beth sydd yn bwysig i nhw - mwy i ddod 👊🏻 • • • Another Pawb a’i Farn election special in the books. Love listening to how the camping is landing with people and what they care most about- on @bbciplayer and @s4c Clic now if you fancy watching 😎🎥📺
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19 days ago
“I’ve seen myself dead before” 😂 #DoctorWhoUnleashed #iPlayer #IndiraVarma #DoctorWho #Rogue
2,225 14
20 days ago
Honoured guests, you are cordially invited to #DoctorWhoUnleashed 🎬 @SteffanPowell experiences what it’s like to work on a night shoot and interviews ROGUE himself, Hollywood star #JonathanGroff Tune in to @bbcthree at 7.30pm or watch now on @bbciplayer !
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25 days ago
8,050 43
29 days ago