Stewart Douglas


Queensland Photographer. Fashions, Personal Branding, Weddings, Family Portraits, Fitness and Corporate Headshots. DM for affordable pricing packages
ITS EASY FOR ME . It hurts to say this. . It hurts to express how easy magic, quantum healing, self awareness and meeting god is for me. . It’s so easy for me I have at times pretended it wasn’t, slowed my channel, or let my human run the show so not to be to fast, evolved or I play dumb when it takes a moment of realignment to share profound wisdom. . In that I’m failing myself as a leader and ultimately the evolution of the planet. . The past few weeks I have had soul group and clients break down in front of me angry because what is so easy for me feels like force, confusion, guessing, frustration, loops and dead ends. . It hurts me so much to watch them crumble in their self doubt stories and pain when I know they just need some guidance and tweaks that are so easy for me. . Guidance I have, guidance I know, something that takes a moment of realignment for me for another may take hours, weeks or months. . It’s so easy for me. . And the truth is it’s always been easy for me. . Instead of owning this as my gift to others I’ve tried to force, pull and yank others to meet me in what I’ve mastered. . My channel and connection to source has been hunted and used life time after life time, to evolve other races and beings technology. Yet I still refuse to see that this is a rare and extremely evolved gift and ability. . Instead I deny truth of myself and others by trying to get them to where I am or miss the fullness of how I can help in a moment of communication. . I started blocking my channel recently, my body and soul are tired of being the “only one” with this information, these processes and these abilities, I need others to help me. . Or at least that’s the story I have been running, as I float around Queensland at spirits directive doing land work, initiating tribe and healing in the collective field. . I realise I’m doing this with my own agenda entangled with truth. . #truth #ownership #isis #demigod
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7 months ago
On our way to the Kimberleys and had to do the famous camel ride on Cable Beach at sunset. Amazing experience. #cablebeach #camelsafari #kimberleyaustralia #sunsetphotography #broome
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10 months ago
Shooting with @jade.syrett wearing @runwaygoddess
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10 months ago
THE CALL TO STILLNESS, SOFTNESS AND SUBTLY. . Why are you speaking? . Who are you speaking to? . What is your agenda? . The current energetics are asking you to refine your vibration in language, with a mass upgrade in the energy signature of the throat chakra you are being asked to acknowledge where you are speaking out of alignment. . Where you are not in integrity with your words and vibration. . What are you expressing which is bypassing the opportunity to open to what you truly desire being that of higher connection. . As a guide to awakening I witness over and over again individuals reverberating their story, to confirm to themselves what they have experienced is real, true and profound. . I witnessed the story of “spiritual accounts” “knowledge” and “information” through the language of mind as a way to validate one’s self and what they have come to remember. . A frustrating acknowledgment of where I have been the opposite of this in my journey. . Where I sit quite, keep information withheld and don’t allow the access to what’s true based on an inner validation of truth. . The strong discernment to not speak what I do not know and have embodied. Also a limitation in expression. . Yet what is being expressed is the insecurity of the self on their path, the insecurity within themselves that they require the mirrors of life to validate through language. . The speaking of what has been, the sharing of what is learned yet the inability often to express from what’s alive in the now. . These insights, experiences and visions are important remembrances, but what value do they hold to retell? Is it value to others in opportunity for them to remember or is it a story for the ego to acknowledge oneself sin value? . If you’re wanting to share, would it be more true to share the now inner standing of what has been created from these moments? . Or would you receive more to allow the next moment of energy to gift you the validation by flowing with what life has for you? .
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10 months ago
Beach Zumba arrives in the Sunshine Coast. Be on the lookout for more pop up events #zumba #zumbafitness #latindance #aerobics #beachvibes #latindance
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10 months ago
YOU ARE GRIEVING THE LOSS OF LIFETIMES OF RELATIONSHIPS 💔 . Beloved Bringers of Change, . You are about to move through an exponential grief portal, a release of many beings you have journeyed with for millions of light years. . Relationships with karmic threads beyond the comprehension of what mind can perceive. . Acknowledging what you may not have the capacity to understand now by sharing with you that you have lost many during this initiate phase. . This time was paramount for the collective mission, a time to choose the highest vibratory expression individually and to make a commitment to what’s ahead. . Many did not meet this choice point, many missed the communion with devotion. . Many have left what was for a new path of creation, they are not coming with you. . They missed out. . This is extremely painful to the higherself, the deep soul remembrance that will bring up much energetic wounding from the multidimensional lens of what’s been chosen and lost. . The human experience may not have the capacity to understand why the heart feels broken, heavy and raw. . This is the grief of the one’s you have been choosing to create with for lifetimes of learnings and evolution. . They are not coming on the path ahead, an agonising truth for many who may not have met your counterparts this life time. . An energy that means you will also not meet them. . A reality that will take some digesting and honouring to let go, accept and allow the reformation of the quantum field to take place. . The collective mission does not look as it did before, and therefore your individual missions will also shift octaves of expression and frame work. . What appeared clear before will look different now based on this choice. . Grief is an opportunity for deepening in love, no need to hold to the loss however see that with every shift there is always a new and more beautiful possibility of creation. . Feel the grief, let go, detach and allow the space for reformation and a more pure path to be shown. . What was lost is an opportunity to allow what is to be. . Ahava 🤍 Geeia Ariati ♾️ . Photographer - Stewart Douglas
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10 months ago
Another great shoot with Danyelle and the beautiful Bree. Nice also to be featured in IKON magazine. # fashion #modellife #couples #couturefashion #healingenergy #nikon #photographer #sunshinecoast
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10 months ago