

Director @ifmacademy Fashion Designer by profession Fashion influencer C my collection @suvagata_design_studio Traveller-foodie-Shopaholic-Belleame✨
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1 day ago
Watching the whole city from the top of Paris!
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2 days ago
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4 days ago
La gondola
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5 days ago
Life takes its own route, never knew that the Brand Istituto Di Moda Burgo Milan Italy, (Famous for its Design Education popular across the Globe) with whom I was associated since 2007 (Thanks to my previous organization) would give me a chance in 2024 to make me stand with Sir. Fernando Burgo Director General IMB Milan and allow me to share a token of IFM Academy as a collaborator from India. Special Thanks goes to Batul Ali (IMB Head India) and Rohan Pariyar for all the support.
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5 days ago
Toy room🙈
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5 days ago
Heading to my next dream country
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7 days ago
Everyday is change to b better
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7 days ago
Shopping hopping! Yo
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8 days ago
Good evening ☕️time…!
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8 days ago