

jp🇯🇵/EventProducer/Management /A&R @gala.resort @gangage_official @easta_irnet @djfreshnesscut @icekidbeatz
Attraction 2th Anniversary🐉 11月のど平日に750 Over😅 ぶちかまし🥵🥵 一緒に作り上げてくれた皆様ありがとうございました。💫 Music by Attraction&Friends 🎧 SP Guest Gang Age 🐉 @gangage_official Pop up Sanctuary @sanctuary_style Powered by ICE JACK SWAG GRACE
211 1
7 months ago
関わってくれた全員に感謝です。 こんなん俺もうほぼスターやん😂 1年間ついてきてくれた全員ありがとう💫 皆さんこれからもよろしくお願いします💐 11/3 Attraction 1th RIPPER 2nd Anniversary Party at @girafferesort Sp Guest @gangage_official Thxxx @easta_irnet @merrydelo_selfmade @ipi_191 @icekidbeatz Powered by ICEJACK @hoppy_playtime @deepnagget09 SWAG @zero_3.1_swag @ren_3_haspot_swag @dada_slc ReShare IPPUKU @r09y04u30
287 4
1 year ago
The heart of man is very much like the sea, it has its storms, it has its tides and in its depths it has its pearls too. 🌏🌊
134 0
2 months ago
Attraction 2.5 ANNIVERSARY Party 一緒に作り上げてくれた皆様ありがとうございました👻💫 Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.🗣️🌓 SP Guest DJ Yu-to @djyuto_ SP Thx Dope Onigiri @dopeonigiri POP UP RIPPER @ripper__official DJ FreshNess-Cut @djfreshnesscut 4REST @dj4rest Saule @djsaule Ryu-ki @djryu_ki Resident DJ Ricky @djricky_galaresort MC KOBA @koba_9696 Dancer RIHO @riho.1215 RINA @rina_minami_724 RIKO @badbabyriko MAO @maooondayo
135 3
2 months ago
10/8 Ayo&teo Welcome to GALA💸🔥
179 2
8 months ago
It is not our abilities that show what we truly are. It is our choices.🐉🌕🌍📿
130 0
9 months ago
i know now what i really need 🇵🇭💦🫶
163 1
1 year ago
Sp thxxx🍬 @candy8arashi
73 0
1 year ago
Attraction 1.5 ANV 一緒に作り上げてくれた皆さん 本当にありがとうございました🧡 SP Guest DJ KEKKE @dj_kekke Powered by RIPPER @reo_krmt @ripper__official ICEJACK @hoppy_playtime SWAG @zero_3.1_swag GRACE @xxckr98xx loud Studio @djcer0_frogvoice SLC @dada_slc
143 3
1 year ago