Tahne Malia Atkinson


🌞MAKIA (mah-kee-ah): Where the attention goes, the energy flows ▪️Fitness Trainer ▪️Licensed Massage Therapist Learn more 👇🏽
Are you frustrated with not seeing much progress on your fitness journey so far? . You don’t plant grass seed and expect the grass to grow after 7 days do you? No. Because that would be silly and unrealistic. We plant the seeds, fertilize it & we wait patiently as it grows in slowly over time while watering it every single day. . Our bodies are no different. Making the decision to start is like planting the grass seed. Nothing will take root unless you make a firm decision about what you want for yourself, your health, & your body. The intention MUST be there and you need to be clear about it. . Now, you can have every intention of growing beautiful green grass - but if you don’t water it, it will never grow no matter how long you wait. . Having the best intentions for yourself is great, but it will not get you results. INTENTION + (consistent) ACTION + TIME = RESULTS ! . If you are frustrated with not seeing results its usually due to one of two things: -You haven’t been patient enough. -You haven’t been consistent enough. . If you want to make results happen you’re gonna have to work for it. And not just on the days that you feel up to it. On the “off” days too. And not just for an 8 week challenge. It takes YEARS! (There are 5 years between my progress photos) . 💡Moral of the story: If you water the grass daily, it WILL grow eventually. Be honest with your effort. Be patient. Trust the process. And enjoy the journey because it’s a forever one. . ♥️ Share with someone who needs this reminder . . . . . . . #teamtmafit #1stphormathletesearch #iam1stphorm #duespaid #mytransphormation #transphormationchallenge #75hard #livehard #physiquetransformation #onlinefitnesscoaching #bodytransformation #progressphotos #trusttheprocess
1,654 87
3 years ago
Pawsitive we will be the best of buds fur life 😊 🐾
642 41
3 years ago
The only limits that exist are the ones you create in your mind. One of the most influential people in my life taught me this - without even knowing it. I wish there were more words to articulate how deeply he impacted the direction of my life and even more, my mindset. I vividly remember talking to a high school soccer coach about what college I wanted to go to play soccer at. I told him I didn’t think I wanted to play at a Division-1 school because I wasn’t sure if I could work as hard as they wanted me to. Even though I ended up playing at a Division 1 school, I set a limit on myself with the words that I spoke, without even realizing it. It physically pains me to think about how much more I could have accomplished 10 years ago if I had just had the right mindset. When I was 18 and spoke those words out loud to my coach, I built an invisible barrier in my mind that stopped me from fulfilling my true potential at the time, and the years to come after that. I was afraid of the hard work. I was afraid of other people’s opinions. And worst of all, I was afraid of setting big goals for myself. Read this next part with an open mind and a heart that is willing to listen: You are capable of anything you set your mind to. The only limit to what you’re capable of achieving is what you tell yourself. When you truly embrace this, your limits all the sudden become “fugazi” - an invisible wall in your mind only to be scoffed at. If you want to conquer you life and live up to your true potential, first you have to conquer your mind. Your only limits are the ones you create. . 📸: @adinapreston . . . . . #iam1stphorm #1stphormathletesearch #duespaid #legionofboom #fitgirlmotivational #fitnessmotivationquotes #dailyfitnessmotivation #evolvefitco #neversettle #challengeyourlimits #evolvefitnessco
250 23
3 years ago
It’s been a wild 99,999 lifetimes of evolving… it would be silly to give up now. It has been, is, and will always be unfolding exactly as it’s supposed to. Trust the flow of your life. 😌✨🪶 📸 @adinapreston
151 11
7 days ago
You want to know how you know you are living in alignment and fulfilling part of your souls purpose? When you are in action and you aspire to be nowhere else but in that exact moment, doing exactly what you are doing. The present moment doesn’t feel like a means to an end nor is it used as an escape. You are not counting down the hours or minutes until it’s over. You are deeply engrained in the here and the now. This is the way life was meant to be lived and I refuse to accept anything less. I have been fortunate enough to find a few activities where I feel this exact alignment: playing soccer, running, weightlifting, writing. My mind silences and every ounce of resistance to the present moment melts away. The universe has granted me with another opportunity to experience that sweet, sweet alignment, passion, purpose and fulfillment through Massage Therapy. Every client I am privileged enough to work on is a beautiful reminder of how grateful I am to be in a line of work that provides me with all of the things I have been searching for in a career ever since the first thought entered my mind around the age of 16 “I need a job to make money and survive in this world.” What started as solely a career shift (and to be completely honest, a bit of a shot in the dark), quickly turned into a full blown obsession. Not only did I find out I was pretty good at it and continually improving, but it has also allowed me the opportunity to help people heal their physical, which is deeply interconnected to the emotional body. Both of which a vast majority of people are in desperate need of healing in order to feel whole, happy, and function optimally. The feeling of alignment on this path I am carving is so strong that I can only hope that everyone has the chance to experience it in their lifetime. Will I be practicing massage for the rest of my life? I’m not sure. But it is without a doubt what I am being called to do in this very moment. Details of my personal practice (name, location, how to book, etc.) will be revealed in future posts ☺️ Thank you for being here 💛🙏🏽 💄: @mojo_makeup_llc 📸: @adinapreston
134 18
28 days ago
RIP to all the missed opportunities due to self doubt (Swipe to see my mug shot / why I’ve been missing on here for years)
336 46
1 month ago
Approximately 4 years, 600 tubs of protein, and 8,477 Bulgarian split squats later… RIP to the little girl on the left.
205 33
1 year ago
Repeat after me: No Bad Days, Only Bad Mindsets.
190 26
2 years ago
“Wanting to quit is part of the deal. Not quitting is where the magic is.” I tend to be a very black and white thinker, especially when it comes to fitness. You either invest in yourself or you don’t. That’s not to say that I don’t understand all the obstacles and difficulties that come with it, because I absolutely do. I am no different than you or anyone else. Life is HARD and it didn’t come with a manual. Add trying to keep your fitness and health up into the equation and it often feels impossible. I feel like quitting. Like, A LOT. But what I’ve come to realize after quitting things before is that I hold myself to a certain standard. And quitting is not it. Ask yourself where your standard is? And be honest. I’m going to be brutally honest here: if quitting is ok with you, your standards are too low for yourself and you will NEVER experience the magic that life has to offer. Stop settling. Stop quitting. Stop being ok with mediocrity and start pursuing greatness. Feel the fear & do it anyway. That is all. Now go out and kick some ass. TAG a friend that could use some motivation 👊🏽❤️
283 49
2 years ago
If I had to define myself, the first AND last word I would use would be: Athlete. . On my worst days where I am struggling the most with my self esteem and identity, it’s the ONE thing I know about myself to be true. I’ve felt this in my core since I kicked a soccer ball for the first time in kindergarten. . The best thing my parents did for me (1 of 10,000 things of course) was put me into sports at the earliest possible age you could. Since I was 5, athletics have defined & shaped every part of my being. . My dream when I was younger was to be on the womens national soccer team. Unfortunately, God had other plans for me. But despite my life taking a different turn, sports have been the biggest blessing I could have ever asked for. . Being an athlete is quite literally in my DNA. It has made me into a confident but humble, highly competitive, driven, outspoken, & passionate individual. . Being involved in sports have been a blessing because they have allowed me to see my true limitless potential as a human. . But, also a curse because I am obsessed with getting better and improving my abilities, no matter what. . I don’t believe in the saying “if you have a body, you’re an athlete.” But what I do believe is that everyone has POTENTIAL to become a better athlete. When you commit to this process like I have for 25 years, you aren’t just building an athletic looking body. You are building more important qualities that cannot be taught or bought: competitiveness, failure, determination, grit, mental toughness, & humility - and that is why sports & athletics are a gift that keeps on giving. . I often succumb to a bit of sadness when I remember that my sports days are no longer. And then I remember…. I am an athlete and always will be. 👊🏽 . #nationalgirlsandwomeninsportsday #femaleathlete #athleticwomen #womenathletes
264 35
2 years ago
Silently & slowly still chipping away… wbu?
285 34
2 years ago
Just a girl & her dog: The Saga continues… The longer I am Kona’s mama, the more I realize how much we are genuinely alike: 🔅Fiercely loyal 🔅Willing to protect his family at all costs 🔅Needs immense amount of exercise or he will be stressed out and bored 🔅Looks tough and intimidating on the exterior but really is just a big goofball 🔅Sometimes throws fits when he doesn’t get what he wants . Just a bit about me & my dogs compatibility 😂🥰 Now I’m genuinely curious, do you share any personality traits with your fur pets? 👇🏽
313 32
2 years ago