Tarran Lee | Online Macro & Workout Coach


ICN Pro World Fitness🥇👑 @fmgshows_aust Fitness🥈21/22/23 🧡@bulknutrients Ambassador | referral link below 🤍@onemorerep.official TARRAN10 Online Coach👇🏾
When you start to: Train because it makes you feel good Train to get stronger Train because it’s part of your lifestyle The pressure to “lose weight” becomes less. You become focused on how training is a daily standard, a non negotiable and part of your life. It helps you sleep better, think better, act better…. …..and it’s a bonus it helps you look better 😉🔥
17 8
1 day ago
You don’t have to let the weekends get in the way of achieving your fat loss goals! Whilst you still need to exercise some level of cognitive restraint (aka discipline), flexible dieting can allow you to plan and factor in foods you are craving, a restaurant meal or even a takeaway meal. My tips: 👉🏽 Plan your day around the meal/food you really want to have. 👉🏽 Go for high protein, low fat and low carb with lots of veggies or salad for the meals you are controlling. 👉🏽 If you are craving a certain takeaway or treat, research to see if there’s a lower calorie homemade version you can make! (Here’s me with @bulknutrients Quick Protein Pancakes, pair these with sugar free maple syrup and there’s a super calorie friendly meal that feels like a “treat”!) And most importantly, enjoy your weekend! 💁🏼‍♀️🫶🏽 If you want help with your nutrition and training - reach out, I’d love to help you!
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3 days ago
It’s the idea that we need to be perfect all the time to get fat loss or fitness results that’s stopping most people from being successful. Perfection doesn’t exist. It just can’t happen. What you need is consistency. The ✅ need to out-weigh the ❌ I’ve been fighting a cold this week, I had a scheduled rest day from gym and also skipped yesterday’s session. I didn’t even get my steps in yesterday. Am I going to give up, chuck the towel in because this week isn’t perfect? Absolutely not. I know that all my CONSISTENT weeks outweigh this one. This today I could feel 100%, and if not there’s always tomorrow! Don’t let your ❌’s be the reason you give up on your goals. Chase the ✅✅✅✅✅✅ consistently. Happy Friday 😎
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4 days ago
When you realise something is always going to “be in the way”….You look at your health and fitness goals in another light 💡 Because: Work will always be busy. Kids will always get sick. You will inevitably feel tired. Motivation isn’t always there. But when you acknowledge this, you know that each day and week you have the opportunity to do the best, give your best, you know that you gave 100% of what you had that week - you win. You will go with the ebs and flows of life and not give up - and small steps are better than no steps. Thats where success comes from! Want help with your health and fitness goals?
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5 days ago
Stop getting in your own way! Stop comparing yourself to others. Stop quitting. Stop thinking you can’t because you’ve been consistent for two weeks and nothing has changed yet. Stop waiting until Monday. Stop wanting a short term fix and getting the shits because you can’t even stick to the basics. YOU are in control. You have the power to change your mindset today and be better than yesterday. To tick all the boxes and know that rewards will come. I promise you I’m not perfect. But I put in the work. Consistently. I can only control what I can control and that’s precisely my focus every.single.day Today’s your choice! What’s it going to be? . . . . #bulknutrients #coaching #accountability #consistency #neverquit #fatloss #musclebuilding #bodygoals #bulkambassador
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7 days ago
Never be afraid to be a beginner 💫 As a Personal Trainer for almost 20years, I’m pretty comfortable in most things gym related. I started Olympic weightlifting in December last year and it’s definitely pushed me out of my comfort zone! I am still learning and loving every part of this journey. Thanks to the crew @crossfitthestables for the encouragement and support during on testing day on the weekend - here’s to making these numbers my b••ch 👊🏼 Helping everyday people get confident in the gym and making strength training part of their lifestyle is what I do! Reach out if you want some help and accountability 🫶🏽
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8 days ago
It’s mind blowing how many people struggle to stick to basics like: ✔️Food planning ✔️Hitting their macros ✔️Eating high protein ✔️Getting daily steps ✔️Resistance training regularly ✔️Limiting alcohol Yet complain they have lack of results and decide to give up or ask for quick fix options. You can’t complain about the lack of results from the work you didn’t do. Stop thinking there’s an easier way when you just have to be consistent and patient. I help everyday people with their fat loss 🫶🏽
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10 days ago
The gym is a scary place for some people: From the machines to the noise to the mirrors to the people. It can seem like a really daunting place for some. I have this mission to try to make everyone at ease with going 😇 If you go to a gym please try to smile when someone smiles at you, be polite when someone asks you a question, and just don’t be a c••t (I guess the same applies in life 😜). If you work at a gym the above applies, except maybe including saying hello and goodbye when members enter/exit your facility and stop walking around with your f••king morning coffee and pay attention to your PT client 😳 Make the gym a place for everyone to feel welcome and comfortable 💁🏼‍♀️🫶🏽 Happy Friday 😎 . . . . #gymvibes #gymetiquette #personaltrainer #coach #gymworkout #workout #strengthtraining #liftheavy #stitch
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11 days ago
If you are going in the gym and lifting the same weights each time, you’re doing yourself a massive injustice. 🏋️‍♀️ The only reason I would advise the SAME weight as the previous session is if the focus is technique or there’s a change in tempo or rep range. Progression should be your absolute goal once your technique allows. Progression isn’t just in weight lifted - but your ultimate objective should be to get stronger! If you want one on one online coaching and accountability - reach out! 🤍
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13 days ago
👆🏽 Read it again. Your Monday reminder for the week ahead. 😎
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15 days ago
I saw the best quote today: “The hardest part isn’t the exercise or nutrition, It’s your mind” 💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥 And isn’t that the truth!? Because you tell yourself you can’t, or you don’t have time, that it’s just too hard, or you allow your insecurities or lack of self worth get in the way of achieving the things you really want. Start by working on that mindset. Be less hard on yourself and focus on setting small steps and goals each day 🫶🏽 @onemorerep.official 💜
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17 days ago
Reasons you should be lifting weights # 1 🏋️‍♀️ You want lose body fat If you are on some sort of a diet to “lose weight” it’s probably because you want to lose body fat. Here’s the thing, not all weight loss is fat. It’s going to be some muscle also. By lifting weights we can lessen the amount of muscle lost during a diet phase. We also can help reduce the metabolic adaptation that occurs when you lose weight from dieting - often that “plateau” that people talk about. “But Tarran, I don’t know where to start” - that’s where my coaching comes in. Personalised programming and accountability, workout technique videos and feedback. I’ve got you! @bulknutrients Use my code tarran5 to save 🫶🏽
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19 days ago