Teutonics' Antics


Welcome to Teutonics' Antics. I'm Teutonics and these are my antics!
The absolute opposite of easy reading, even though it reads easily: Thought-provoking, revolutionary, empathetic, but on no level dewy-eyed or naive, the fantastic @gallithomas visualizes beautifully and resting steadfast on over a decade of experience, why criminal justice is and should be of concern to all of us and why we're in desperate need of rethinking its very foundations. Absolute must read! (Hoping for an English translation reeeeeaaaaal soooooon... ) #bookstagram #currentread #themusicisridiculous #wrongsongchoice
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13 days ago
This German New Year's music TV broadcast was interrupted by breaking news about an averted potentially dangerous situation in Cologne. Subtitles continued as previously scheduled. Hilarity ensued. Happy New Year! #wdr #wdraktuell #happynewyear #newyearseve #cologne #köln #koeln #itsrainingmen #theweathergirls #wakawaka @wdr
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6 months ago
I know, I know - on Bookstagram you're not supposed to admit that you're gaming... But I was super tired today, still got some work done and after demolishing some homemade sushi, I wanted to reward myself with some Overwatch. And after trying and trying, I finally beat Junkenstein's Revenge on Legendary and got my 8th diamond achievement. Yes, I cried. Doesn't make me any less of a book lover.
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1 year ago
Thoroughly enjoyed "The Cracked Spine" by #paigeshelton as an audiobook off the #libbyapp . First part of the "Scottish Bookshop Mystery" series. Very well done in terms of atmosphere and cozyness, but slightly disappointed in the ending. Won't stop me from giving the other parts a try though. The narration by #carringtonmcduffie was absolutely spot on and immersed very well! #libbyappaudiobooks #audiobook #audiobooks #library #cozymystery #bookstagram #audiobookstagram
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1 year ago
Very much looking forward to starting this one this evening. Absolutely loved the TV adaptation to bits and was devastated they left it at one season. I'll see how it compares to the book. #currentlyreading #bookstagram #no1ladiesdetectiveagency #alexandermccallsmith
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1 year ago
Almost halfway in and I still don't know whether I like it or not... #currentlyreading #bookstagram
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1 year ago
Same day, same garden. I feel like I might want to break it gently to my plants that we're on October 1st and are expecting frost soon... #garden #acorn #blooms #autumn
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1 year ago
I I have lately neglected my Instagram and intend to make up for it a little bit by showing you my latest eponymous antics. I've dabbled into the tiniest, minutest amount of gardening. I planted a few herbs and am so very pleased by how obstinately they resist all my attempts to kill them off and grow them crisply. Our garden now houses spring onions, rosemary, lemon balm, different mint plants and a sizeable basil plant. The immense satisfaction I received from my first ever harvest is strangely immeasurable. I made a peppermint rosemary tea for breakfast and it smelt better than anything I've ever consumed. It was heavenly! #garden #herbs #rosemary #peppermint #tea #herbaltea
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1 year ago
🎶Here comes the rain again... 🎶 But not before we could still admire my inlaws lite cherry tree in full bloom. Truly a lovely season. #upperpalatinate #bavaria #spring #blooms #cherrytree #cherryblossom #rain #herecomestherainagain
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2 years ago
We had a lovely evening walk 2 days ago. I know I'm being slightly repetitive with my posts here, but the atmosphere was just breathtaking. The sky an almost impossible blue, the trees blossoming, casting long shadows, watching the sunset... 360 out of 365 days we live under a thick blanket of clouds, but those 5 days can be magical! #sunset #sunsetwalk #spring #bavaria #upperpalatinate #blossom #blooms
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2 years ago
Our neighbour's cherry tree is so, so glorious at this time of the year. You come out the door and are overwhelmed by its sweet fragrance. It's spring heaven! #spring #cherrytree #cherryblossom #upperpalatinate #bavaria
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2 years ago
Spring has well and truly sprung on this very warm and sunny day in the Upper Palatinate in Bavaria, Germany. On our walk today, I was almost overwhelmed by the abundance of colors and sweet scents. #spring #blooms #bavaria #upperpalatinate #walk #outside #flowers
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2 years ago