Mario - Quantum Hypnotist + Psychic + Author


🌟 I help you CONNECT to your HIGHER WISDOM 🎓 10 yrs Quantum Hypnosis︱Akashic Readings 🌍 Online sessions & readings worldwide ⤵️ BOOKS & BOOKINGS
MIC DROP! 🎤 💥 Does this message of oneness and equal importance resonate with you? Let me know in the comments!!! 😊 This is an excerpt from one of my most favorite quantum hypnosis sessions EVER with one of the dearest "travelers" and most eloquent Higher Selves I have had the pleasure of working with! @innerselfvoyagers 🫶🏻 ✨️ FOLLOW @the.soul.journeys to catch more Higher Self wisdom, advice, and guidance. 💗 Give this post some love with a LIKE. 🙌🏻 SHARE this post with someone you love. 💾 SAVE this post for later. (All my session excerpts are posted with the clients' permission.) #hypnosis #highvibes #higherself #spirituality #awakening #consciousness #quantumhypnosis
679 72
11 days ago
ROCKY ROAD AHEAD! 😅 Every now and then, I encounter a quantum hypnosis client who sees their Higher Self as something like a genie in a bottle - ready to grant wishes and solve problems with a magical touch. 🧞‍♂️✨ This can be problematic as such a mindset often creates distorted expectations that, in most cases, can't be met. Over the years, it has proven to be the biggest obstacle for those who want to connect! While some clients indeed perceive their Higher Self as a "higher power" that feels quite different to their waking self, most experience their connection more like TUNING IN to a "higher perspective" that sees things from an elevated, expanded point of view. To many, tuning into this perspective feels surprisingly familiar. Why? Because we do it in everyday life when we're being fully present in the moment - for example, while taking a walk in nature, doing sport, making art, or washing the dishes. 😇 Those are precious opportunities when we naturally tune into our Higher Wisdom: we have sudden clarity and the best ideas! However, because it feels so similar to our mind's thinking, we don't see it as coming from our Higher Self. 🤷 Hence, the need for an externalization... If it feels so natural and "like me," it can't be valid, right!? So, how do you shift from viewing your Higher Self as an external entity to embracing it as an integral part of your being? 🧘‍♀️ It begins with mindfulness and self-awareness. Start by quieting the noise of everyday life, tuning into your thoughts, feelings, and inner voice. ✨️ Listen to what your intuition tells you—those subtle nudges and gut feelings that often hold the key to deeper understanding and personal growth. 🙏🏻 Cultivate a sense of gratitude and acceptance for who you are, acknowledging both your strengths and areas for growth. 💗 Ultimately, connecting with your Higher Self is a shift in frequency towards love, forgiveness, compassion, and perspective. Whenever you do this, you align your thoughts, actions, and intentions with your heart, which is where the Higher Self resides in our physical bodies. #highvibes #higherself #spirituality #awakening #trustyourself #soulguidance
189 20
15 days ago
Ready for some TOUGH LOVE? In case you might not have noticed by now, I am a MAJOR proponent of a regular meditation practice. 😅 Mainly because I hear it being recommended so often when talking to my wonderful clients' Higher Selves... According to them, it is suuuper hard (if not impossible) to cultivate a strong connection to your Higher Wisdom without going into stillness regularly. In this recent quantum hypnosis session, the client's Higher Self explained how important it is to not approach meditation as a means to an end but to rather see the act itself as the goal. Enjoy and - ideally - get inspired to go into stillness more often as well! 😊🙌🏻 ✨️ FOLLOW @the.soul.journeys to catch more Higher Self wisdom, advice, and guidance. 💗 Give this post some love with a LIKE. 💬 COMMENT and add your view. 🙌🏻 SHARE this post with someone you love. 💾 SAVE this post for later. (All my session excerpts are posted with the clients' permission.) #hypnosis #highvibes #higherself #spirituality #awakening #consciousness #quantumhypnosis
1,055 108
20 days ago
Pick 3 for TODAY 😊👌🏻 ... or for TOMORROW before you go to bed! Write them on a piece of paper and read them when you wake up in the morning. 🌄 Say to yourself, "Today, I will embody these virtues and find ways to put them into action, bringing my Higher Self into this world!" Once you've done so, be prepared that the Universe will test you... or, shall we say, "give you opportunities to embody your chosen values! 😅 Need a bit more details? I've got you 😎🙌🏻 1️⃣ Compassion: Treat others (and yourself) with understanding and patience. 2️⃣ Forgiveness: Release resentment and grudges towards others (and yourself). 3️⃣ Authenticity: Express your true self without fear of judgment or criticism. 4️⃣ Detachment: Let go of things and outcomes, trusting in the divine timing of the universe. 5️⃣ Generosity: Share your time, resources, and talents with others selflessly. 6️⃣ Kindness: Brighten up someone's day by holding the door open, offering a smile, or making a compliment. 7️⃣ Surrender: Go with the flow of life, trusting in the universe's wisdom and guidance. 8️⃣ Gratitude: Acknowledge the abundance and blessings in your life. 9️⃣ Curiosity: Approach life with an open and inquisitive mind. 🔟 Wonder: See the magic and beauty in everyday moments. Practicing these powerful virtues in small acts over the course of your day will help you deepen your connection to your Higher Self and align with its wisdom and guidance! Incorporating them into your daily life will create a greater sense of peace, love, and fulfillment and accelerate your spiritual awakening! Which ones do you feel drawn to the most at this time? Pick 3 and get started! 🙃🙌🏻 ✨️ FOLLOW @the.soul.journeys to catch more Higher Self wisdom, advice, and guidance. 💗 Give this post some love with a LIKE. 💬 COMMENT and add your view. 🙌🏻 SHARE this post with someone you love. 💾 SAVE this post for later. #mindfulness #higherself #awakening #spirituality #highvibes #soulguidance
204 14
23 days ago
Did you write that down? 🤓✍️ There are SO MANY nuggets to take away from this small bit of a recent quantum hypnosis session! 💡 Can you imagine how much more beautiful wisdom was shared on the entire 4-hour journey?! It was so beautiful to witness. 👌🏻 In case you missed something, I've got you covered. Here you go! 😎🙌🏻 1️⃣ Trust that you are protected at all times and never alone - even when it might feel that way! 2️⃣ Call upon your Higher Self and actively talk to them to strengthen and cultivate your connection - you heard it, they hear you! 3️⃣ Be still more often and spend more time in nature without any distractions (no phone/music)! 4️⃣ Trust yourself and your inner voice and acknowledge the situations and people you come across as messengers! 5️⃣ Do your inner work, but don't forget to express yourself outwardly as well - authentically and unapologetically without being afraid of alienating the people around you! ✨️ FOLLOW @the.soul.journeys to catch more Higher Self wisdom, advice, and guidance. 💗 Give this post some love with a LIKE. 💬 COMMENT and add your view. 🙌🏻 SHARE this post with someone you love. 💾 SAVE this post for later. (All my session excerpts are posted with the clients' permission.) #hypnosis #highvibes #higherself #spirituality #awakening #consciousness
1,410 145
29 days ago
Who said meditating is boring? 😎 Meditation isn't just sitting still—it's exploring the universe within you. 🌌 And there are so many ways you can use this very conducive state of your consciousness! From stress relief to energy work, connecting with your team, strengthening your psychic gifts, or unlocking your true potential - the benefits are endless... Here is a small selection of the magical stuff I enjoy doing when I feel like I want to be a bit more active in my meditation. ✨️ Of course, you can do all of what I do without lifting a single physical finger, but I just LOVE using my hands. It just happens intuitively.) 🤲🏻 Building a regular meditation practice will help you gain mind-blowing clarity, an epic sense of purpose, and a whole new level of chill. Ready to transform? Let’s do this! 🧘‍♀️ Here's how to start your meditation routine: 1️⃣Choose a quiet, comfy spot. 2️⃣Set a time (just 5-10 minutes daily) to start. 3️⃣Sit or lie down, whatever feels best. 4️⃣Focus on deep breaths in and out. 5️⃣Same time each day works wonders. Join me on this exciting journey and discover how powerful and fun meditation can be! 🌿💫 ✨️ FOLLOW @the.soul.journeys to catch more Higher Self wisdom, advice, and guidance. 💗 Give this post some love with a LIKE. 💬 COMMENT and add your view. 🙌🏻 SHARE this post with someone you love. 💾 SAVE this post for later. #meditation #mindfulness #higherself #awakening #spirituality #highvibes #soulguidance
391 27
1 month ago
Emotions are e(nergy in)motion ✨️ They want (and need) to flow. 🌊 Letting them flow away is part of that as well. 👋🏻 Some people need to accept and feel their emotions first because they have been avoiding them for years. Others - like this quantum hypnosis client - have been marinating in theirs for equally as long, and so it's appropriate for them to let them go. This is where our Higher Selves come in. They know exactly what needs to be done and are more than happy to help once we ask them to. Enjoy this example of what it can sound like when I ask a client's Higher Self to assist with releasing old emotional baggage in a quantum hypnosis session. You can hear how the energy is released through the body. Please note that you ALWAYS have access to your Higher Self and don't "need" a formal framework like a session to do that! Meditation is a wonderful tool to do it all by yourself. Throw in clear intention and a bit of patience and discipline, and you'll get there! ✨️ FOLLOW @the.soul.journeys to catch more Higher Self wisdom, advice, and guidance. 💗 Give this post some love with a LIKE. 💬 COMMENT and add your view. 🙌🏻 SHARE this post with someone you love. 💾 SAVE this post for later. (All my session excerpts are posted with the clients' permission.) #healing #hypnosis #emotions #lettinggo #higherself #spirituality #awakening #consciousness
719 66
1 month ago
Don't shoot the messenger! 😅 This revealing statement was given by a Higher Self in a recent quantum hypnosis session and confirmed similar information I had received in the past. Obviously, it is not ALWAYS the case and does not necessarily apply to ALL of one's family members! However, a relative does not automatically make a friend, and loved ones frequently volunteer to create situations that serve as potential catalysts for growth and development. (I'm sure many of those who grew up with siblings or parents - or have children - can relate! 😂) The client's Higher Self went on to elaborate: "When conflict with family members arises, it is usually more difficult to avoid or ignore than conflict with strangers. You are then basically 'confronted' with an opportunity to exercise love, compassion, or forgiveness. By doing this with individuals inside of your family circles, you are utilizing these carefully chosen constellations in the most efficient way." And, as usual, everyone involved benefits! 😉🙌🏻 ✨️ FOLLOW @the.soul.journeys to catch more Higher Self wisdom, advice, and guidance. 💗 Give this post some love with a LIKE. 💬 COMMENT and add your view. 🙌🏻 SHARE this post with someone you love. 💾 SAVE this post for later. #higherself #awakening #spirituality #highvibes #growth #family
327 40
1 month ago
IT'S THE ONLY WAY Can you relate to this client's issue? Let me know in the comments! 🙌🏻 This is an excerpt from an online session. The wonderful client had no prior experience of formally channeling her Higher Self and turned out to be a natural at it. 👌🏻 ✨️ FOLLOW @the.soul.journeys to catch more Higher Self wisdom, advice, and guidance. 💗 Give this post some love with a LIKE. 💬 COMMENT and add your view. 🙌🏻 SHARE this post with someone you love. 💾 SAVE this post for later. (All my session excerpts are posted with the clients' permission.) #healing #hypnosis #higherself #spirituality #awakening #compassion #consciousness
1,142 92
1 month ago
THIS IS SO IMPORTANT! As human beings, we currently find ourselves in 3rd density, the density of polarity (or: the choice between positive and negative), preparing for 4th density, which is the density of love and understanding. In order to be ready for this glorious next level of our consciousness evolution, we are now learning the incredibly beautiful and also extremely challenging lessons of love. 🎭 Of course, this includes lessons in self-love! Something so many of us are struggling with - even though we have the most AMAZING teachers right at our side, incarnated here together with us: friends, lovers, and family! 🙌🏻 They are constantly offering us the opportunity to learn how important self-love is, what life feels like without it, and how to eventually put it into our choices and action. Whether this means saying "no" to someone who has been crossing our boundaries repeatedly, letting go of self-destructive patterns, choosing to live a life that's authentic to who we are, or dropping old baggage by finally forgiving those who have hurt us... ...our carefully crafted life plans and Soul-level agreements with others make sure that we are never short of opportunities to love ourselves as well. 🤍 So, the next time one of the other main players in your life is giving you a hard time, try and see if you can identify what they are ACTUALLY giving you: the gift of growth. ✨️ When we are able to see that and to honestly feel gratitude towards them for the service they have provided to us, we are very much aligned to our Higher Selves. 👌🏻 How do I know this? As a quantum hypnosis specialist, I have been talking to my clients' Higher Selves for over a decade now. Self-love is beyond a doubt one of the top 3 issues that come up in these sessions. Is self-love currently an issue for you? Let me know in the comments! 😊🙌🏻 ✨️ FOLLOW @the.soul.journeys to catch more Higher Self wisdom, advice, and guidance. 💗 Give this post some love with a LIKE. 💬 COMMENT and add your view. 🙌🏻 SHARE this post with someone you love. 💾 SAVE this post for later. #higherself #awakening #spirituality #highvibes #selflove #growth
333 20
1 month ago
One of the topics that this wonderful hypnosis client asked me to address for her when talking to her Higher Self was her body weight. After three hours of exploring her relevant past lifetimes and going through the other questions she had prepared prior to her appointment, it was time. As usual, the Higher Self proved to be extremely supportive, not only in identifying the factors that had contributed to the situation but also in giving excellent advice as well as beautiful emotional support. Here are some key takeaways: 1️⃣ If you know what's good for you, follow that! 2️⃣ Eating meat is appropriate for some people. 3️⃣ Moderation is key to health and well-being. 4️⃣ How you feel about your body matters! Does the message resonate with you? If so, let me know in the comments! 🙌🏻 ✨️ FOLLOW @the.soul.journeys to catch more Higher Self wisdom, advice, and guidance. 💗 Give this post some love with a LIKE. 💬 COMMENT and add your view. 🙌🏻 SHARE this post with someone you love. 💾 SAVE this post for later. (All my session excerpts are posted with the clients' permission.) #healing #hypnosis #higherself #spirituality #awakening #heartchakra #consciousness
816 61
2 months ago
10 SIGNS Vol. 4: Which of these have YOU noticed lately? Drop the number(s) in the comments! 😊🙌🏻 1️⃣ You connect with nature more often. 2️⃣ You embrace silence and solitude. 3️⃣ You let go of what does not serve you. 4️⃣ You live with integrity, honoring your values. 5️⃣ You truly enjoy the success of others. 6️⃣ You offer support to those who need it. 7️⃣ You are less attached to what you have. 8️⃣ You actively listen when others speak. 9️⃣ You use your intuition to guide you. 🔟 You perceive the world with wonder. ✨️ FOLLOW @the.soul.journeys to catch more Higher Self wisdom, advice, and guidance. 💗 Give this post some love with a LIKE. 💬 COMMENT and add your view. 🙌🏻 SHARE this post with someone you love. 💾 SAVE this post for later. #higherself #awakening #spirituality #ascension #highvibes #growth
258 16
2 months ago