
Bon Vivant🍷🍽 Visionary of @sisterhood.of.survival 🪷 Curator of @10e_epicurean 👩🏾‍🍳 Marathon Maniac🏃🏾‍♀️🏅 Alpha Woman 💚💕 ✝️=💟
“Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth.” -Muhammad Ali Last weekend I had the honor of being recognized for 2️⃣5️⃣ years of service as a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. at the 95th Far Western Regional Conference. 🩷💚 While reaching this Silver Star milestone is an achievement on its own, I had the added remarkable pleasure of celebrating this moment with my line sister. I am fortunate for our bond of sisterhood over the past 25 years. 🩶🩷💚 As I continue to walk towards my next 25 years of service, I am excited for the work that my sorority is doing to impact my community, city, state, region, country, and world. I am grateful for finding home for my heart within my chapter, Theta Mu Omega, and look forward to the OUTSTANDING plans we have for the future. Together we are soaring to greater heights of service and sisterhood. And I am poised to leave my own unique imprint of purpose for my legacy and future generations to come. 🩷💚 #silversoror #aka1908 #akafwr
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2 months ago
Late post: Capricorn season might be officially over, but ✨4️⃣4️⃣✨ is just getting started ‼️♑️🐐💚 Note to my 3-year old self: stay true to yourself; nothing is wasted, & *everything* will fall into place… persevere, baby girl!! 🙌🏾 P.S. Birthdays are a big deal to me, so just know the celebration isn’t over 🤷🏽‍♀️🎉😝 XLIV 🫶🏾 #capricorn #capricornseason #capricornwoman #44 #fortysomething #fortyplusstyle #fortyfour #fortyfine
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4 months ago
2023 started off like a wrecking ball… & the hits kept coming‼️ BUT through it all, I found new reasons to have joy: I chased beautiful sunsets. I always saved room for dessert. I soaked up as much vitamin D as possible. I embraced the rest my mind & body needed. I was kind to the changes my body went through while rehabilitating. I doubled down on my healing—physically, emotionally & mentally. I made a comeback to endurance sports. I surrounded myself with people that reciprocated the love & support I freely gave them. I strengthened my connections through honest, heartfelt conversations. I walked away from people, jobs, & habits that no longer aligned with where I’m headed. I learned many lessons that stretched my capacity, generated uncomfortable but necessary growth, & deepened my relationship with God. I ended 2023 knowing that despite every single weapon formed against me—and ohhh were there many— I made it! 🙌🏾🙌🏾 As I FREE(ly) walk into 2024: My heart remains soft—open to possibilities, leaning into community, extending grace more effectively, and actively practicing vulnerability & self compassion. 💚 My mind remains determined—life comes at you fast, & you have to be prepared to pivot at any moment… even when you can’t walk… just be brave enough to take the first step… & watch how things fall into place. ✨ And most of all…. My soul remains ANCHOR(ED)—because through it all, I know the one I can truly depend on. He is in control, so I don’t have to worry about what awaits me tomorrow…or the day after. 🙏🏾 I’m really excited for all that is to come over the next 366 days in 2024 (yes, it’s a Leap Year)‼️✨🫶🏾 Wishing you peace, joy, prosperity, & love in abundance for 2024. -TRE 🫶🏾
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6 months ago
POV: Your inner child finally lives out her dream experience in Greece!! 🇬🇷✨🇬🇷🫶🏾🥹 Since the age of 3, I started feeding my imagination through reading books. By age 6, I spent my summers in reading programs, escaping my small town with the lure of food coupons & prizes🤓. By high school, I developed an affinity for ancient cultures & would later study the Classics while in undergrad at WashU… but I never studied abroad. This month, I finally experienced many of those archaeological wonders from my textbooks in real life!! 😍Traversing Ancient Greece—Athens, Sounion, Delphi, Olympia, Aegean Islands, Mycenae, Epidauraus—I soaked in the incredible history this beautiful country has to offer. I absorbed the welcoming culture, delighted in traditional epicurean fare, drank amazing wine, & most of all, allowed my inner child to run FREE. ✨ And the icing on the cake: I completed my bucketlist marathon—The Authentic Athens Marathon!! Fun fact: one of the mental tricks I used during the marathon when my body hit the wall was to practice translating Greek signage on buildings, streets, etc. I’m 20+ years out of practice, & there were many that I couldn’t translate…but there were several that I could! 🤓 I will cherish this experience for a lifetime… & am already planning how to delight my inner child again!! 🤩 Watch til the end to see where it all started. 🥰 #greece #ancientgreece #blackgirlmagic #aegeansea #aegeanislands #athens #athensmarathon #classics #acropolis #agora #delphi #olympia #innerchild #free
48 12
7 months ago
🪷🌺SURVIVAL DAY - 11.15.23 🌺🪷 The word I chose for 2023 was ✨FREE✨ I never imagined what I was speaking into my life… as the recovery from my car accident in January gave me extra FREE time. During this period of enhanced FREE time & mental capacity, I finally got the courage to pursue EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) therapy to ultimately reprocess my traumaS, reformulate my beliefs, & re-regulate my nervous system so that I could finally be… FREE ✨✨ FREE from shame—whether internalized or projected by others’ opinions of my worth due to my trauma. FREE to receive—by unblocking subconscious barriers FREE to bloom… in power—just as I am, even with the (in)visible scars of my healed wounds. And now, in my 16th year of survival, I gave myself the (second) greatest gift (EMDR was #1 ) of my dream trip to Ancient Greece. I completed the Athens Marathon on Sunday & spent my survival day in Delphi at its sacred archaeological sites—with many more adventures in between & still to come in this beautiful country of Greece. 🇬🇷🇬🇷 And 5587 miles away, in the small town of Manchester, TN, my very own mother celebrates her 6️⃣9️⃣th ✨birthday today. We share a special bond on 11.15, & she also wore her 🌺BLOOM IN POWER🌺 @sisterhood.of.survival t-shirt… signifying that we are blooming… together apart! 💚🪷✨ I share my vulnerability in hopes that you too can get ✨FREE✨ P.S. @sisterhood.of.survival is still doing the behind the scenes work to get NVSA (No Voiceless Survivor Act) into legislation. Stay tuned… xoxo, TRE
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7 months ago
MARATHON #13 ~ Race Recap ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On 11.12.23, I completed my first marathon since 03.2020 when the pandemic turned the world upside down. I knew I wanted my pavement comeback to be significant in every way possible, & The Athens Marathon fit every possible desire… having sustained several injuries in a car accident at the beginning of the year (included a fractured foot), I knew this feat would be no easy task! The authentic course begins at the site of the Battle of Marathon, traversing the same 42.1km (26.2mi) route that Pheidippides ran to Athens to deliver the news that the Greeks defeated the Persians. The race finishes in the (Panathenaic) Olympic Stadium— home of the first modern Olympic Games. This course is no joke, with the steepest of its constant inclines from miles 12-24. If you’ve completed a marathon, you know this falls in the segment where your willpower is fully tested. The mind is powerful… it can push you through to new levels when the body has already given up. I depended on my willpower to drive my body when my legs & feet struggled to keep pounding those inclines… one step at a time spurred by one thought at a time. I’m grateful to God to say that I ran MY race, I finished strong, I finished healthy, & I finished full of ambition… not only for the next race, but life in general. 🙏🏾🙌🏾 Marathons are transformative moments that will reveal hidden tools to navigate the challenges in your everyday life. Stay the course & don’t give up on your goals… you can overcome setbacks… one step at a time! ✨🏃🏾‍♀️🫶🏾
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7 months ago
🗣️ I DON’T LOOK LIKE WHAT I’VE BEEN THROUGH 🙌🏾 I was driving home from work this past Saturday night when, just two blocks from my home, a car blew through a red light t-boning me as I passed through the busy intersection. The impact caused my truck to flip on the driver’s side, landing upside down. I saw the car in my peripheral only seconds before it hit my passenger side; there was no time to react, & all I could do was surrender to the rolling. The only thing I could think of once the truck came to a stop was getting out before another car hit me or a possible “explosion” occurred. Fortunately, I was able to unbuckle myself, but unsure how to get out safely. I heard a voice call out to me checking on my condition, & this same man guided me legs first out of one of the broken windows. I never saw this “man” again to thank him, but the scene had His presence all over. I choose to believe 🙏🏾 Once I could move freely, I met 4 incredible witnesses who compiled all necessary pictures & supporting info, advocated for me to paramedics, police, & roadside assistance, helped me clear out important items from my truck, helped keep my mind calm & present, & stayed with me until the very end. One of the witnesses even gave me a ride home. I am truly grateful for the kindness of strangers. Humanity does still exist in incredible ways. 💚 The entire situation was unfortunate because the other car was driven by a young college student & passenger, who were rushing another friend to the hospital & just didn’t pay attention to the traffic light at the intersection. They expressed extreme remorse & were visibly shaken; their friend was taken on to the hospital by paramedics & their car is likely totaled as well. Keep those young men in your thoughts 🙏🏾 As for me, I am in pain, but I am healing. I am extra fatigued, but I am grateful for breath, life, & the opportunity to press forward in my purpose on this Earth. January has been chock full of challenges (IYKYK), but I will continue fighting & choose to believe this means there are incredible moments on the horizon for 2023. This incident has (again) reminded me that life is short & can change in a split second. ⤵️
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1 year ago
Celebrating 115 years of being supreme in service to allll mankind! 💚💕 Skee-wee to all my Sorors of THE first & THEE finest sorority, Alllpha Kappa Alllpha Sorority, INC!!!! 💚💕#j15 #foundersday #alphakappaalpha #aka #j15💕💚
70 4
1 year ago
FREE adjective \ ˈfrē : not bound, confined, or detained; OPEN; FAVORABLE Every December, my soul sister & I come up with a word that will represent what the following year will uphold in our lives. Last year, “receive” was my word, but I learned early on that I couldn’t fully receive what was for me until I learned to “release.” Letting go is hard; typically as a result of fear or past trauma. We find ourselves repeating (harmful) patterns because we haven’t uncovered the root(s) of our cyclical behaviors. However, once we uncover those root issue(s), it serves us no justice unless we truly H.E.A.L. (because we are more likely to repeat the same patterns, especially when our inner child is triggered). The greatest gift I received last year was revelation of truth—not only from others but also of myself. Once I understood the significant impact that my relationship with self had on my relationship(s) with others, I was able to H.E.A.L….& now know that nothing along this journey has been wasted. In fact, it is because of this journey’s course(s), that I stand where I am today!! 🙏🏾🫶🏾 This year, my word is FREE. 🧘🏾‍♀️ I am leaning into all the facets that make me, me… The parts deemed too much or not enough. Soft. Wild. Deep. Pretty. Nurturing. Mysterious. I am boldly celebrating each aspect of me. I am loving on folks with intentional depth. I am actively glowing by just being me. I encourage you to explore your freedom, too. A quick reminder for 2023… 3 things cannot be long hidden: 1. the Sun 2. the Moon 3. the Truth (~buddha) Love & Light, FortyTRE🫶🏾 “…Then you will know the truth, & the truth will set you FREE!!” 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾 #free #receive #release #flow #be #freedom #grow #love #light #john832
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1 year ago
✨43.✨ January 8, 2023 This 43rd revolution sounds like: Flow Depth Impact Felicity Passion Emprise Wisdom Serenity Ascension Positioning Wholeness Pulchritude Abundance Attunement Discernment Accountability Consciousness Soul awareness Deep connection(s) with: Open hearts Genuine souls Transparent minds ✨🫶🏾💋🤲🏾💖🧘🏾‍♀️ FortyTRE #grown #43 #free #attunement #birthday #consciousness #comfortableinmyskin
103 13
1 year ago
If 2022 taught us nothing else, WE need to H.E.A.L!! But what does that mean exactly? Where do we even begin? Halfway through the year, I stumbled upon @healgirlhealllc who broke down the word into an insightful & actionable acronym ✨ (Honest. Examine. Action. Love.). ✨Sharing my takeaways & corresponding visuals as we close the door on all things 2022… ✌🏾 HONEST ⚖️: Clarity comes with alignment; confusion comes from misalignment. There is incredible beauty possible on the other side of pain; embrace the healing. You deserve genuine wholeness; do not settle for unfulfilling crumbs in any area of life. When you live authentically to who you truly are, you experience divine harmony. EXAMINE 🔍: Look inward; what you seek starts from within. Everyone is moving through their own trauma, childhood wounds, & triggers; once you recognize this truth, you will S E E people through a different lens. Pay attention to where & with who you feel ease, grounded, & safe. Spend more time in those spaces. Energy is everything; true nature will reveal itself. Navigate carefully. ACTION 💫: Embrace the endings of chapters; change is an extraordinary gift to become a better version of self for what unfolds next. Take the first step; the following step will reveal itself as you progress. Repeat. Release the things & people that don’t feel like love, joy, peace, or kindness. Don’t let the harshness of this world harden your heart; maintain a softness to receive the good that exists. LOVE 🤎: The 5 Cs: connection, consciousness, compassion, communication, & chemistry. Always choose to love… one more time. Do everything with a pure heart, & you’ll never be on the losing end. Connect. Grow. Forgive. HEAL. Evolve. Reconnect. 🔂 Wishing you all abundant peace, (heal)th, & wholeness in the new year! -TRE 🤲🏾💫🫶🏾 #goodbye2022 #heal #honest #examine #action #love #nye #nye2023
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1 year ago
Est. 12.18.76 Yesterday was my parents’ 4️⃣6️⃣th wedding anniversary — their PEARL year. 🤍🤍Pearl gemstones are synonymous with rare, fine, admirable, & valuable. To know my parents, is to love them; to witness their love for one another, is to experience rarity. ‼️ If you really know me, you know I love to surprise, service, & spoil those I love… & my parents are at the top of that list!! I gave them only details of what to pack for their trip, but no information as to what was in store. Creating memories with my parents is always something that I cherish, but this week was extra special! Earlier this year, both of my parents battled Covid—first my dad, then my mom right after being his caretaker. With my mom being a lung cancer survivor, this was one of my greatest fears. After her recovery, she found herself in the hospital for another health scare. I’ve been on them about their health & wellness for years, but she (small, but feisty 🤦🏾‍♀️) finally listened to me this time… My parents have been committed to their nutrition & fitness since then & have both shed extra weight & improved their overall health & quality of life!!!! I’M SO PROUD OF THEM!!! 😍😍 So, this week with the help of my siblings (E5 🖤🤎❤️💚💙), I have laden this LA trip with incredible firsts to celebrate a remarkable adventure of true AGAPE love over the past four plus decades. Technology allowed my siblings to partake in the celebration despite being thousands of miles away! My parents are my blueprint to love, (blended) family, & faith. 🤍 It is an extreme privilege to be their (baby) daughter, & I will honor them until I draw my final breath. 🙏🏾 P.S. If you know my mom, her hierarchy of love is: 1. Jesus 2. Family 3. BABIES 4. Cartoons 5. (Big) Luther So, celebrating their wedding anniversary at the most magical place on Earth x2 (Disneyland AND California Adventure) was a high key experience that I was ecstatic to witness!! May their example of love inspire you the way it ALWAYS inspires me!! 🎶: “Always” by Atlantic Starr (their wedding song) #blacklove #anniversary #losangeles #46 #love #parents #reallove #truelove
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1 year ago