Adoption Is An Option


💛🤍Ephesians 1:5 🤍💛 Sharing stories, connecting, and increasing awareness for and educating about adoption. Adoption is an option!
👑 Countdown to the Crown 👑 My Platform #MyWhy I am an adoptive mother, adoptive family mentor and an adoption advocate. My platform is Adoption As An Option. After adopting my son, Seth, 17 years ago, a passion began in me to advocate for this incredible life-changing decision! At my core, I am about service. Service to the community and to the things that I love and believe in! I have had incredible opportunities to speak about my platform, including what you see in this video. This was the day that the governor of the great state of Nebraska signed a proclamation stating that November will be forever recognized as Adoption Awareness Month. Also an adoptive parent, he recognized the great impact that adoption can have on communities and families. My ‘why’ is simple. I want to make an impact. 🎯 I do this by empowering families, believing in people and propelling them to their destiny to the best of my ability. This includes my family, my friends and anyone who I am able to reach. Here is a quote from someone whom I had met through my daughter‘s cheer gym: ‘Five years ago, we embarked on a journey with the sole purpose of providing a child with the love and attention they deserved, using all the love we had to offer. Unsure of where to begin, we were fortunate to meet Shannon, who had already navigated the process and guided us in the right direction. Shannon’s encouragement and dedication to adoption, as seen through her own blessed son, inspired us to work together as a team to share the joy of adoption. We are grateful for Shannon’s guidance and for being an incredible and motivating mother figure to those seeking to adopt and share their love with a child in need.’ -Starr Hobbs I am honored to influence, guide and inspire prayerfully. Adoption IS an Option Some video by @ninetysixoak @intlpageants #MrsIntl2024 #2024IntlCountdown #AdoptionAsAnOption #TheAdoptionConnection #Adoption #AdoptiveParent #BeAFoster #MrsInternational #MrsInternational2024 #IntlPageants #JourneytoMrsIintl #MrsMidwestInternational #MrsMidwestInternational2024 #Midwest #Adoption #MrsIntl @mrspageantry @mrspageanthq @mrs_pageant_worldwide_report
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6 days ago
My heart is service… My partnership with @nechildrenshome has expanded over 16 years including being an adoptive family mentor, on TV interviews and programs including WOWT Channel 6 News and ‘Consider This’ speaking about adoption, multiple charity events, testifying in front of a legislative committee, speaking in front of the governor as he signed an adoption proclamation and much more, but today may have been my favorite. In the fall, NCHS has a fundraiser called ‘Homegrown’. This features the work of a photographer, capturing the families of NCHS, including newly adopted families and others! The work of the photographer is enlarged up into exhibition portraits so that others can enjoy them at the event! For this year I was honored to be given the opportunity to be the photographer for this event. These families came to the park behind my home to be captured and it absolutely delightful. *****You may wonder how I can fit this into my time. But this is my chosen time! As an International pageant queen, I WILL NEVER PROFIT OFF OF MY PLATFORM ‘ADOPTION AS AN OPTION’. My heart is SERVICE. These families deserve to be honored! **** Please enjoy some of these captures from behind-the-scenes. @intlpageants #MrsIntl2024 #AdoptionIsAnOption #TheAdoptionConnection #Adoption #AdoptiveParent #Foster #BeAFoster #MrsInternational #MrsInternational2024 #IntlPageants #JourneytoMrsIintl #MrsMidwestInternational #MrsMidwestInternational2024 #Omaha #Nebraska #CouncilBluffs #Iowa #Midwest #WomenInspiringWomen #OmahaNebraska #Adoption #MrsIntl @mrspageantry @mrspageanthq @mrs_pageant_worldwide_report @nechildrenshome
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21 days ago
Positive Adoption Language… November 9 is World adoption day and therefore on the 9th of every month I will be sharing a positive adoption language educational post to help ignite conversation and create awareness to support the adoption community. This month’s post is about the choice a biological parent(s) has made or makes when the child stays with them. When referring to this, the positive way to describe this scenario would be to say that the biological parent(s) ‘chose to parent’ the child versus ‘keep’ the child. The reason this is more of a negative connotation to say ‘keep’ is that it would infer that the child was never wanted to the child if placed for adoption. In many scenarios, such as my own, the birth mom and family were over the moon for the child to be born. The choice for adoption could be due to the age, financial situation, incarceration, career, addiction, living situations, or even the mental or physical condition of the biological parent(s). Many factors lead to the decision to place a child for adoption. The adopted child will naturally deal with the feelings of being unwanted, no matter what the situation, so this is why this is so important in positive adoption language. So in review, when conversing with anyone in regards to an adoptee, birth mom or adoptive family, remember to say ‘chose to parent’ verses ‘keep’ the child. 🫶🏼🤍 Thank you for sharing this content to educate and spread positivity and adoption awareness! Photo by @jenpfeff @intlpageants #MrsIntl2024 #AdoptionIsAnOption #TheAdoptionConnection #Adoption #AdoptiveParent #Foster #BeAFoster #MrsInternational #MrsInternational2024 #IntlPageants #JourneytoMrsIintl #MrsMidwestInternational #MrsMidwestInternational2024 #Omaha #Nebraska #CouncilBluffs #Iowa #Midwest #WomenInspiringWomen #OmahaNebraska #Adoption #MrsIntl @mrspageantry @mrspageanthq @mrs_pageant_worldwide_report @nechildrenshome
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24 days ago
Adoption: Myths vs Facts… Here is a bit of information about adopting in regards to what people think versus what is reality. Many shy away from adoption due to some of these myths. I want to encourage you that there is availability and viability to adopting here in the U.S.! I have had a few people reach out for information and I can promise you that it is worth the journey. Remember Adoption As An Option to be becoming a parent and changing a child’s life forever while enriching and inspiring yours! @intlpageants #MrsIntl2024 #AdoptionIsAnOption #TheAdoptionConnection #Adoption #AdoptiveParent #Foster #BeAFoster #MrsInternational #MrsInternational2024 #IntlPageants #JourneytoMrsIintl #MrsMidwestInternational #MrsMidwestInternational2024 #Omaha #Nebraska #CouncilBluffs #Iowa #Midwest #WomenInspiringWomen #OmahaNebraska #Adoption #MrsIntl @mrspageantry @mrspageanthq @mrs_pageant_worldwide_report
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1 month ago
Recognizing the birth moms today on National Birth Mother’s Day. Strength, courage, and love are the words I can use to describe this woman who decided to make an adoption plan. I’m so grateful for my son’s incredible birthmom, Wendy. May you be blessed and feel peace and love on this day of recognition. We love you! @red_crush
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1 month ago
Positive Adoption Language… November 9 is World adoption day and therefore on the ninth of every month I will be sharing a positive adoption language educational post to help ignite conversation and create awareness to support the adoption community. This month’s post is about the the initial pregnancy. When referring to this, the positive way to describe the scenario would be to say that it was an unintended pregnancy versus an unwanted pregnancy. An unwanted pregnancy can leave the child that was adopted feeling a sense of uselessness, emptiness, and sadness. Knowing that the pregnancy was unintended can be a more positive portrayal of way of describing the story of their beginning if ever necessary. So in review, when conversing to anyone in regards to an adoptee, birth mom or adoptive family, remember to say ‘unintended’ verses ‘unwanted’ pregnancy. 🫶🏼🤍 Thank you for sharing this content to educate and spread positivity and adoption awareness! Photo by @jenpfeff @intlpageants #MrsIntl2024 #AdoptionIsAnOption #TheAdoptionConnection #Adoption #AdoptiveParent #Foster #BeAFoster #MrsInternational #MrsInternational2024 #IntlPageants #JourneytoMrsIintl #MrsMidwestInternational #MrsMidwestInternational2024 #Omaha #Nebraska #CouncilBluffs #Iowa #Midwest #WomenInspiringWomen #OmahaNebraska #Adoption #MrsIntl @mrspageantry @mrspageanthq @mrs_pageant_worldwide_report @nechildrenshome
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1 month ago
Adoption isn’t just a word or passing conversation, it’s a part of our life. Each of us know someone who is adopted. We all have the ability to learn and grow in adoption awareness! As an adoption advocate, it is so important to spread awareness, and educate those who want to hear! So how can you get involved? •Become a mentor for our youth! •Become a foster parent or adopt a child to provide a stable home! •Donate resources, time and finances to partner with organizations who assist adoptive and foster families. •Share educational posts including this one to further adoption awareness! Feel free to reach out if you are ready to start this journey! @intlpageants #MrsIntl2024 #AdoptionIsAnOption #TheAdoptionConnection #Adoption #AdoptiveParent #Foster #BeAFoster #MrsInternational #MrsInternational2024 #IntlPageants #JourneytoMrsIintl #MrsMidwestInternational #MrsMidwestInternational2024 #Midwest #WomenInspiringWomen #OmahaNebraska #Adoption #MrsIntl @mrspageantry @nechildrenshome @releaseomaha @fosterthefamilyus
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1 month ago
Embracing the power of change and compassion as I passionately advocate for adoption and policy reform to create a brighter future for kids. 🌟✨ We all have the ability to impact policy, an advocate for the causes that we are passionate about. Whether it is testifying in front of a Senate committee hearing on a piece of legislation, or being a part of the proclamation by a governor to announce adoption awareness month for the state that we live in it is imperative to be involved! Adopt, advocate, reform. 💙💚 Did you know? 🤍Over 140 million children worldwide are orphans in need of a loving home. 🤍Adoption provides a second chance at life, offering a forever family to those in need. You can affect change! Impact lives. Get involved! Some video by @ninetysixoak Cover photo by @jenpfeff @intlpageants #MrsIntl2024 #AdoptionIsAnOption #TheAdoptionConnection #Adoption #AdoptiveParent #Foster #BeAFoster #MrsInternational #MrsInternational2024 #IntlPageants #JourneytoMrsIintl #MrsMidwestInternational #MrsMidwestInternational2024 #Omaha #Nebraska #CouncilBluffs #Iowa #Midwest #WomenInspiringWomen #OmahaNebraska #Adoption #MrsIntl @mrspageantry @mrspageanthq @mrs_pageant_worldwide_report
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2 months ago
As Mrs Midwest International, one way I have been bringing my platform to the forefront is through EDUCATION. I do this by educational talks at schools and with various organizations, using my social media platforms and YouTube, and through various media opportunities. As an adoption advocate and adoptive family mentor, I have been fueled with a desire to be a voice for adoptive children and families around the world. Adoption connects us all according to Eph 1:5. We all know someone that is adopted, and by creating more awareness through education we begin to encourage a more positive, uplifting and encouraging conversation about adoption! For every 1 child born there are over 40 families waiting to adopt which is why educating that adoption IS an option will open the doors of conversation that it is a viable and available option for a pregnant mother and allow families who are considering adoption to feel supported and unashamed of their journey. The mission behind the global movement of Adoption is an Option is to increase awareness about adoption AS an option, educate, advocate, open up healthy conversation about adoption, and to bring awareness to this life changing decision @intlpageants #MrsIntl2024 #AdoptionIsAnOption #TheAdoptionConnection #Adoption #AdoptiveParent #Foster #BeAFoster #MrsInternational #MrsInternational2024 #IntlPageants #JourneytoMrsIintl #MrsMidwestInternational #MrsMidwestInternational2024 #Omaha #Nebraska #CouncilBluffs #Iowa #Midwest #WomenInspiringWomen #OmahaNebraska #Adoption #MrsIntl @mrspageantry @mrspageanthq @mrs_pageant_worldwide_report
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2 months ago
Positive Adoption Language November 9 is World adoption day and therefore on the ninth of every month I will be sharing a positive adoption language educational post to help ignite conversation and create awareness to support the adoption community. This month’s post is about the action of adoption vs a descriptive noun about the adoptee. When you say the person ‘is adopted’ it has a negative connotation, insinuating the separation of that child from a family in regular present tense conversation creating an ‘identity’. When speaking about the adoption, it is past tense, considering it had happened at one point and now that person IS a part of the family. So in review, when conversing about an adoptee, say he, or she ‘was’ adopted as opposed to ‘is’ adopted. 🫶🏼🤍 Photo by @jenpfeff @intlpageants #MrsIntl2024 #AdoptionIsAnOption #TheAdoptionConnection #Adoption #AdoptiveParent #Foster #BeAFoster #MrsInternational #MrsInternational2024 #IntlPageants #JourneytoMrsIintl #MrsMidwestInternational #MrsMidwestInternational2024 #Omaha #Nebraska #CouncilBluffs #Iowa #Midwest #WomenInspiringWomen #OmahaNebraska #Adoption #MrsIntl @mrspageantry @mrspageanthq @mrs_pageant_worldwide_report @nechildrenshome
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2 months ago
This interview right here. This incredible young man and international adoptee dropped some AMAZING info on what it’s like to be adopted and overcoming the challenges of it defining you! #Adoption #Adopt #InternationalAdoption #InternationalAdoptMe #AdoptiveParents #Foster #FosterFamilies #adoptivefamily @intlpageants #MrsIntl2024 #AdoptionIsAnOption #TheAdoptionConnection #MrsInternational #MrsInternational2024 #IntlPageants #JourneytoMrsIintl #MrsMidwestInternational #MrsMidwestInternational2024
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2 months ago