Alex Viola


🎥 Dice Comedy (vids) ✂️ Video Editor (more vids) ✏️ Writer (sometimes of vids)
😀 first Father’s Day 👍🏻
84 15
17 days ago
Happiest of Mother’s Days to the very best in the biz, Alex Viola!
92 8
1 month ago
Half a year with you, our sweet Owen 💕
92 30
3 months ago
palling around with my pal. ❤️ 📸: Owen’s father
79 15
5 months ago
After a nine-month search, we finally found a new roommate last week. So far, he eats all our food and stays up all night, but we love him anyway. Here’s to many years of splitting rent, utilities, and internet, sweet Owen ❤️
266 71
8 months ago
Biggest honor in the universe to watch these two tie knots. I love you both more than any words I can say. Please get married (to each other) every weekend @bmann142 @emjviola
54 1
1 year ago
omgamazing evening in the omgcatskills with omgKristenandTerry. Love you both so much❤️❤️
36 3
2 years ago
Happiest most proudest of congratulations to Emily J. Viola Esq. (@emjviola to all her followers). I am so blown away by your accomplishments and your brilliance. I have no doubt you will tear up every courtroom like the top bish you are. I love you. Swipe to feel like you were at the graduation too.
66 3
3 years ago
pch? smh.
33 3
3 years ago
Welp, Scary Mommy is comin to HULU! Up Early Tonight (a late night show you can watch anytime you want because streaming) drops on 12/17! This past quarantine filled year I’ve had the opportunity to work on the writing and edit teams for this show and it truly has made my heart swole. Thank you thank you to everyone involved and if you need access to Hulu just lmk because my mom has already asked me to “send her the app.” Also I cut this promo lol .
41 11
3 years ago
We moved to California: a media carousel featuring thirsty hikes, cars I can’t drive, and an example of a video I’d normally send @hubbard_daniel on WFH breaks.
85 20
3 years ago