

Explore the forests, the mind and mushrooms with me 🌲🧠🍄 Neurodiversity•Mental Health•Foraging• Behavioural Therapist☀️ 📍PNW/Washington 🌊
First Morel’s of the season🍄 What a treat to be out hunting with my partner in mycological crime last weekend. The highs and lows of the start of the season were apparent as we trekked around the spot I’d been eyeing for the last year.🌲🪵 Morels can be so tricky to get into, but I promise they are worth the extra patience and determination that is often required. So much dopamine and serotonin to be found alongside these treasures.🧠🍄‍🟫 #pnw #mycological #mushroomhunting #mushroom #foraging #morels #optoutside #washington #nature #pnwonderland #morelmushrooms #morchella #mentalhealth #neurodivergent #adhd #autism #health #explore #neurodivergence #neurodivergentwomen #forage #community #kitsappeninsula #getoutdoors #getoutside #foraged #foragedfood #foray #mycophile
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2 months ago
Anyone else feeling grateful for their fall finds about now? 🍁 🍄 Shiitake & Chanterelle Kimchee Fried Rice 🍚 🧠-Although the act of processing mushrooms can be a bit long winded.. it makes it all the more easy to pull out those ingredients and simplify dinner on a busy/dis regulated day. 🧠- The nutritional value of Cantharellus Formosus is incredibly prevalent for those of us living in low light areas (hello PNW winter🙃) and can deliver a much needed dosage of Vitamin D (among other things) over a long and cozy winter ❄️ #pnw #forage #cantharellus #cantharellusformosus #pacificgoldenchanterelle #chanterelle #cooking #forage #foraging #pnwforaging #foragedfood #delicious #kimchee #homemade #neurodiversity #adhd #adhdhack #arfid #mentalhealth #winter #winterfood #homestead #pnwonderland #mycophiles #optoutside #regulate #neurodivergent
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5 months ago
Is it morel season yet? Asking for a friend… 🧠- Using Morels to talk about camouflage/masking(covering up/ neurodivergent traits and often replacing them with neurotypical behaviour’s) This can be incredibly exhausting and hard on the individual for so many reasons.. As a Morel, you are a highly valued, complex and brilliant individual just as you are. Although you may be able to mask, I love and acknowledge who you are and hope you are able to comfortably express yourself. I’ll pick you every time 🍄❤️ (Unfortunately we still live in a world where there are places that might not yet be safe, hang tight and find your people/places/ animals you can be safe with❤️) #forage #mushroom #mushroom #foragedfood #edible #eat #nature #pnw #local #washington #forest #explore #getoutside #adhd #neurodiversity #psychology #neurodivergent #adhdlife #fungi #mycology #mycophile #masking #camouflage #autism #stim #morel #winter #theself #getoutside #pnwfungi
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5 months ago
With all these Winter Chanterelles, Mum and I decided to try our hand at Tempura. We threw them over rice and made a tangy garlic ginger dipping sauce. Swipe to join the process… 🥦🍄🍠🫚 🧠- Cooking food you’ve foraged yourself really helps to take anxiety out of the disordered eating habits that us neuro-spicy folks often struggle with. By engaging with the whole process it takes some of the mystery and stress out of food. ARFID is real and if you’re considered a “picky eater” you are not alone and may sit somewhere on that spectrum. 🧠-Learning to cook healthy meals for yourself that address your dietary needs saves money and meltdowns. Especially if you have strong behavioral reactions to certain processed foods (🙋🏼‍♀️). Food is a love language in my house so consider this a warm hug from me and mine as we start the new year❤️
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6 months ago
Spent the last day of the year doing what we do best, romping through the woods looking for treasures 🍄 Wishing you all a plentiful season of adventure, self discovery and whatever you might need. May we all be steadied by earths movements as we head into the new year 🌍🌲🎊 #forage #mushroom #mushroom #foragedfood #edible #eat #nature #pnw #local #washington #forest #explore #getoutside #adhd #neurodiversity #psychology #neurodivergent #adhdlife #fungi #mentalhealth #blessing #mycology #mycophile #chanterelle #winterchanterelles #craterellustubaeformis #newyear #holidaycheer #community #giving
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6 months ago
Our holiday gift basket/bowl for our sweet neighbors this year. Cantharellus Formosa and Craterellus Tubaeformis. We’ve really had a bountiful season here in Washington 🍄🌲🌈 🧠- Giving gifts can be a great way get some extra dopamine and serotonin during the holiday and natures gold goes a long way for the foodies in your life🍄 💛- Chanterelles are packed with all sorts of supportive minerals and nutrients for your immune system to fight off all the crud going around. #forage #mushroom #mushroom #foragedfood #edible #eat #nature #pnw #local #washington #forest #explore #getoutside #adhd #neurodiversity #psychology #neurodivergent #adhdlife #fungi #mycology #mycophile #cantharellus #cantharellusformosus #goldenchanterelle #chanterelle #winterchanterelles #craterellustubaeformis #christmas #holidaycheer #community #giving
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6 months ago
This has to be the biggest Coprinus Comatus (Shaggy Mane) I have every come across. I was taken a back and didn’t have a bag so this guy went back to the 🌍 but I was chuffed to get a moment with it in it’s prime. Does it remind anyone else of a frozen peanut butter banana on a stick, Or am I the only one who ate those as a kid? 🍌 🧠-In addition to being a delicious edible, they produce many vitamins, minerals etc with health benefits. ‘Vanadium’, a mineral that helps regulate blood sugar, as well as ‘Chromium’ which helps regulate insulin action. These are only a few of the health benefits, but what a great mushroom for those living with diabetes and other insulin health related issues. For those of us who sit on the ARFID spectrum, these blood sugar balancing mushrooms can be greatly beneficial to our systems on tough eating days👩🏼‍🍳 #forage #eatlocal #mushroom #foragedfood #edible #eat #nature #pnw #local #washington #forest #explore #getoutside #adhd #neurodiversity #psychology #neurodivergent #adhdlife #fungi #mycology #mycophile #arfid #insulin #diabetes #shaggymane #coprinuscomatus #spectrum
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6 months ago
Over the moon to have found ‘Lactarius Rubius’ aka ‘Candy Caps’ independently for the first time this weekend 😊 -These rust coloured beauties are late fall/winter fruiting edibles known for their sweet maple syrup smell, and are often used in deserts. Apparently they are having a landmark year here in Washington, can’t wait to get out and find some more. I think we can all agree we’d choose a Mushroom dessert over a mushroom desert any day 🍁🍄 🧠-Although I found these alone, I am grateful for my dear friend and mushroom mentor @dparnooch who helped with the identification and many questions I had. Mentorship in the mushroom world is invaluable, I encourage you to explore meet ups, workshops, forays and find friends with enthusiasm and knowledge they are willing to share🍄 #forage #mushroom #mushroom #foragedfood #edible #eat #nature #pnw #local #washington #forest #explore #getoutside #adhd #neurodiversity #psychology #neurodivergent #adhdlife #fungi #mycology #mycophile #lactariusrubidus #candycap #winter
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6 months ago
A little Sarcomyxa Serotinus play with my nephew on our walk yesterday 🌲🍄 🍳-Oysters are some of my favourite mushrooms to cook with, their mild flavour and palatable texture make them sensory friendly even for the more sensitive eaters. 🧠-It’s so beneficial for young kids to have a safe and informed environment to explore their natural surroundings. When we fear the natural world ourselves we can pass that on to our children and that’s yet another form of generational trauma that gets in the way of development. 🧠- Nature really has created the best sensory toys, it’s time to get yourself and your kiddos out there. Explore the senses and deepen your relationship with the land. The more we invest in young peoples relationship with the natural world, the brighter our future on this planet gets 🌍 #psychology #adhdwomen #adhd #neurodiversity #neurodivergent #spectrum #focus #mycophile #mushrooms #fungi #forage #mindfulness #joy #happiness #natural #therapy #getoutside #forest #oyster #pleurotus #childdevelopment #kid #pnwmushroom #pnw #explore #letthembelittle #family
35 1
6 months ago
The Pacific Golden Chanterelle, how I adore thee so.. These beauties jumped out at me yesterday whilst on the hunt for Yellowfoots. I surprised myself and brought home more PGC’s than Yellowfoots which is saying something. Mother Nature knows what’s on my Christmas list🌍🍄💛 🧠- Studies show that the brain associates the color yellow with warmth, happiness, sunshine and laughter. These associations trigger a release of the brain chemical serotonin aka the happy chemical. 🧠- Being around yellow is said to activate our thinking processes and help generate new ideas. It also activates the analytical part of our brain while boosting creativity, so taking breaks to be around and search for these golden gals can really help crucial areas of the brain for work and studying💛 #colorpsychology #psychology #adhdwomen #adhd #neurodiversity #neurodivergent #spectrum #focus #mycophile #mushrooms #fungi #forage #mindfulness #joy #happiness #natural #therapy #getoutside #forest #yellow #chanterelle
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6 months ago
‘Craterellus tubaeformis’ aka Winter Chanterelle or yellow foot. These little guys have certainly livened up these late bits of autumn and the early starts of winter! 🧠-As the days grow short, overcast and dark here in The PNW, I find it rather important to find a seasonal mushroom to shift your focus to, especially if you’re affected by seasonal depression. This is a great way to increase your depth of knowledge and bring some excitement into the stiller months. 🧠-Focusing on the hunt for us neuro-spicy folks can get us into the woods, into our bodies and out of our mental loops and ruts. Not to mention that sweet hit of dopamine and serotonin that comes when we find the gold we’re after💛 #forage #mushroom #mushroom #foragedfood #edible #eat #nature #pnw #local #washington #forest #explore #getoutside #adhd #neurodiversity #psychology #neurodivergent #adhdlife #fungi #mycology #mycophile
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6 months ago
Anyone else having an abundant Chanterelle season? These beauties belong to the genus ‘Cantharellus’ and have many relatives that grow abundantly in Europe and many places in North America. They are so delicious and packed with vitamins, minerals and anti inflammatory properties. 🧠- These guys are also great for neurodivergent brains who rely on pattern recognition and full spatial awareness. Being as bright as they are, spotting these gems in the wild can provide the boost of serotonin and dopamine you may be lacking! Due to their distinctive shape, texture and color; these beauties are a great mushroom to start your foraging journey. Remember to always be mindful and use appropriate sources for identifying🍄
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6 months ago