Asher Larmie


Doctor | Weight Inclusive | Trans | ND | End Medical Weight Stigma | #noweigh | Fat lib | ✡️🆓🇵🇸 PayPal @thefatdoctor
LIVE REPLAY: Asher and I talk about… - cycle work - learning to want things again - A+ student conditioning - play as the antidote to perfectionism
0 1
1 day ago
It's this Tuesday at 2pm Find out all the things your doctors don't want to tell you. Like the fact that liver disease is a well known consequence of weight loss surgery. Or that NAFLD (whose name was recently changed to MAFLD) isn't the serious condition we've been led to believe it is. Turns out it's just another way to sell weight loss.
199 7
3 days ago
The pictures say it all. The weight loss industrial complex is VAST. It's not just drug companies and insurance, but also diet foods, weight management programs, and so much more. But they all have one thing in common. They want us to believe that being thin is inherently better so that we will buy their stuff!!! This narrative is deeply embedded in bad science, with arbitrary metrics like BMI and flawed studies driving public health policies and perceptions. I need you to remember this - when a doctor advises you to lose weight, there’s a good chance that there are both underlying financial motivations AND flawed science influencing their advice. So make sure to join my NAFLD masterclasses this tuesday. I'll cut through the 🐂💩 so you don't have to.
146 12
5 days ago
"Being fat causes diabetes" So why doesn't weight loss improve diabetes? "Being fat causes heart attacks" So why doesn't weight loss reduce my risk of a heart attack? "Being fat causes knee pain" So why doesn't weight loss reduce your knee pain? And so on and so forth. Let the mental gymnastics begin 😆 Ps. If you've been diagnosed with NAFLD (aka fatty liver) then you've been told to lose weight. And guess what? That won't help your liver. Want to know what will? Then join my masterclass (deets are on the website and in my stories).
498 42
7 days ago
So you’ve been diagnosed with Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (Aka NAFLD Aka Fatty Liver). Now what? Is it just another way to weight shame you, or are you destined to develop liver failure in the next few years? Chances are that your diagnosis was picked up during an ultrasound scan or a blood test. And I’m guessing it has nothing to do with why you visited the doctor in the first place. But if you’ve been told you have a fatty liver, then you’ve also been told that you need to change you diet and/or lose weight to treat it. Maybe you’ve been told to cut out fat. Or carbs. Or both. Just lean protein and vegetables from now onwards, huh? Or maybe you were advised that weight loss surgery is in your best interest. Or weight loss injections. It kind of depends on what conferences your doctor has been to recently, because I can assure you that the evidence doesn’t support any of these things. Want to know the unbiased truth? Want a weight neutral approach to understanding and managing NAFLD? Then don’t miss this month’s masterclass. As always, you don’t have to attend the live event and you can ask questions in advance. Secure your place today as spaces are limited.
121 17
8 days ago
Just a reminder that the more they hate you, the more of a threat you are to their way of life. ***Edited*** For those who are uncomfortable reading these comments, please remember that they are directed at me. And as triggering as they are for you, I assure you they are WORSE for me. These people are DELIBERATELY misgendering me and calling me a woman/girl. This is transphobia 101. It gets worse during pride month. They are also implying that I won't live to see another year (I'm 44 for those who are wondering). I edited out the worst parts. I rarely share posts like these because I know people find them upsetting. But so do I. And I spend the majority of my time dealing with this crap on my own. It's relentless. People to tell me to get over it. Or they remind me how evil these people are. Or advise me to block and delete. I understand why people react this way. It's a normal reaction. But it would be nice if once in a while people just checked in and asked me how I'm doing. Because I'm not a robot. I get a lot of hate. It would be nice if some of you could counteract that with some love. Especially during pride month.
1,316 145
10 days ago
First things first – doctors are not psychic. They aren’t basing these thinly veiled threats on any evidence. It’s just fear tactics and scaremongering. Completely unprofessional but apparently acceptable when your patient is Fat. Whilst we can make some predictions about cardiovascular outcomes using data like blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and pre-existing conditions, these calculations are still flawed. Even then, weight loss only has a negligible effect on the numbers. But beyond that, notice that the focus is on living long as opposed to living well. Being productive, as opposed to being happy. Certain illnesses, such as diabetes and arthritis, are used as threats to keep us in line. Ultimately, this perspective reflects a moral judgment that being Fat is unacceptable because it is seen as unproductive and a burden to society. Ahem… ableism much? All this nonsense is rooted in colonialism, white supremacy, and capitalism. It’s disgusting when you stop and think about it, but it is also highly effective. Next time your doctors lobs one of these threats at you, I suggest you hit back with a “oh, your psychic now are you?” Or if you want to be less confrontational “what evidence do you have to support this claim?”. Don't forget that I can help you access the care you need without once mentioning your weight, diet or exercise.
316 21
13 days ago
One of the best testimonials I've received in a long time. This person was actually forwarding one of my emails to a friend, and accidentally hit reply instead. And I LOVE IT!!! Firstly because it's real and honest. Secondly because "aggressive" is a compliment. You're damn right I'm aggressive. Gentleness was never my forte and it very rarely gets stuff done anyway. Finally, for those who don't know... The story goes that the emperor is walking around naked because he's been tricked into thinking he's wearing magical clothes. Everyone tells him how lovely his new outfit is until he comes across a boy who tells it like it is. The boy is sanctioned for his honesty. But because of him, the emperor finally realises he has been deceived. All my life people have had a problem with me being too blunt, too angry, too much. I used to struggle with that but not any more. If you're walking around naked asking people what they think about your new outfit, I'm gonna tell you that you're naked. And if you're a doctor that's harming Fat people with weight stigma, I'm gonna tell you that you're negligent and a danger to society. Ps. The stars were my doing. This person did not actually give me a three star review. And if your instinct is to try and make me feel better, please don't. Take a moment to ask yourself why that's where your mind went (I'm sure it has something to do with your conditioning) and then remember that I LOVE this review. No hating on the reviewer.
344 14
14 days ago
Let's talk modern day eugenics. You don't have to look any further than obstetrics or fertility medicine. There is a literal BMI cutoff for assisted pregnancy. And while it's illegal to deny someone the right to continue a pregnancy they've conceived naturally, doctors sure know how to make Fat pregnant people miserable. I can attest to this from personal experience. During all three of the pregnancies I carried to term, I was made to feel inadequate and irresponsible solely because of my weight. I was told I was putting my baby at risk, myself at risk, and other professionals at risk. This last one was apparently because what if I had to be lifted during an emergency? What would that do to their backs? 🙄 I’ve lost count of how many of you have told me that you decided not to get pregnant again because you simply couldn’t go through the stigma and the trauma. So eugenics is WORKING. If you wanna know more, then check out this week's blog post. And if you're interested in working with me, don't forget to DM me or book a discovery call through my website.
210 19
16 days ago
Louis Dublin was a well-respected public health pioneer and played an important role in the growth of the American Public Health Association. Oh, and he worked for the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company for his entire career. In 1930, he published "The Money Value of a Man," during which he stressed that being Fat was a threat to longevity. That allowed his employer to charge high premiums to Fat people. He and his team developed standardized height/weight tables. Until the mid-1980s, medical professionals depended on these tables. In 1972, Ancel Keys introduced us to the Body Mass Index (BMI). He made it clear that it was NOT for individual assessment - it was for population studies only. But kn 1985, the first edition of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans incorporated BMI for individual assessments BASED ON THOSE HEIGHT/WEIGHT TABLES. Less than 15 years after that, the World Health Organization (WHO) decided to classify different BMI levels into “normal”, “ov*rweight”, “ob*se” and “m*rbidly ob*se” using a set of suspiciously simple cut-off points at 25, 30, and 40. YOUR "IDEAL WEIGHT" IS NOTHING BUT 🐂💩
400 16
19 days ago
I noticed a few haters in my comments rejoicing that I no longer have a licence to practice medicine. As if that wasn't MY CHOICE! I love where I am right now. I love what I'm doing. I love working with clients and watching them unlearn societal conditioning, find their voice, and take control of their healthcare. And most of all I love that I no longer have to worry about people trying to silence or censor me. I chose to take the GMC out of the equation. Best decision I ever made. Looking to work with someone who can help you stand up to your doctors? Then DM me. And why not let me know something you refuse to be silent about in the comments 👇 Description: Asher, a Fat Transmasc doctor is lying in bed and smiling instead of sitting at a desk and working. That's because he's doing what he loves and is no longer a slave to capitalism and white supremacy. The comments read "They say I'm a danger to society because I refuse to say that Fat is bad and weight loss improves your health. They keep trying to silence me They never will. I'm not going anywhere I never needed them anyway."
597 21
20 days ago
The more I think about how hard it is for Fat people to access healthcare, the more I come back to this one simple belief that we’ve been fed since we were infants - Fat is bad. It sounds so childlike when you say it out loud, but we learned it as children and we were never taught to question it, so it makes sense. “Bad” can mean a lot of different things, but it tends to evoke a similar emotional response. Bad is the opposite of good. And we want to be good, which means we don’t want to be bad. And if being Fat is bad, then becoming thin must be good. So, if I’m thin I’m good, and if I’m fat, I’m bad. Even though many of you have been challenging this belief, I believe that this binary, black-and-white thinking persists despite our efforts to have more nuanced discussions. For those of you that are still stuck on the idea that fat is bad and weight loss is essential in improving and maintaining health, I wonder if you might consider suspending your reality for a moment and ponder this... Despite all the efforts to prove it, there isn't any real evidence supporting the long-term health benefits of weight loss. None.
300 9
21 days ago