Jeanette Thompson-Wessen | Intuitive Eating & F@t Futurist UK


❤️Large bodied lifetime dieter? ➡️ Want to learn to have a future without shrinking & with nourishment? 🎉Release the Jiggle month all July inThe Table
I’m so fed up at not finding a Table I fit at physically and figuratively. So I’ve created my own. The Table - Intuitive eating and nutrition membership where you take what you want and leave the rest. Created with people like me in mind. The time poor, anti diet person who is craving nourishment away from diets. The person who wants to feel like they are looking after themselves and explore healthy behaviours away from weight loss. The person who wishes they had more time and wants to feel confident they are eating well. Think bite sized knowledge and bite sized tasks. Designed to take what you need and leave the rest. Want to build The Table with me? Our first workshop is Thursday 24th May 7.30pm (join live or catch up with the recording). Comment “TABLE” to be sent the 🔗 #gentlenutrition #intuitiveeating
44 14
1 month ago
I’m just not important…….unless…….. You are a large/fat person who needs a fat nutritionist who can help dampen that food noise, help you keep all kinds of food in the house, support you in working with emotional and boredom eating, help you nourish yourself through a compassionate lens. Bring you anti-diet facts. Evidence informed and lived experience informed approaches. A toolbox of skills for you to dip into throughout your life. Free from telling you “you must lose weight” but a lot of “this is actually why you don’t need to lose weight and this is how we can look after you without ever having to lose weight”. You don’t have to diet again. Food freedom and body freedom awaits! Have you seen my membership? L!nK !n B!0 Amazing photographs by the wonderful @catbrantphotography @intimatesbycat #intuiveeating #mindfuleating #foodfreedom #foodfreedomcoach #haes #bodyliberation #fatliberation
303 15
4 months ago
Who’s new to not dieting? I’m now 35. It takes a while to get to a place where you realise that dieting isn’t something you enjoy or actually feel good. But also doing nothing about how you look can feel odd but really hard because we have focused on our body’s for so long. I promise that you can thrive in a large body. You can even like or even love your large body. I know you can’t even imagine it now. Stopping dieting doesn’t mean that you are letting yourself go. It means that you are on the way to being the expert of your own body. On your way to reclaiming your body as your own. This comes with a huge amount of grief and sadness at the same time to work through. I’ve been there ❤️ I know what it’s like. I’m here to hold space. I see you. #antidietculture #dietsdontwork #nondietapproach #nondiet #fatacceptance #fatliberation #fatcommunity #fatpositive #fatpositivity #bodypositive #bodypositivity #haes #intuitiveeating
1,513 73
1 year ago
If you are thinking that I am lying because of my body size, here is your sign to challenge that thought! We are told from every angle, every day, that we should try to lose weight, no matter the cost to us (ironically that also includes health). There is so much more that goes into our size. We can eat the same, move the same, and still all look completely different. A “normal” or “healthy” weight doesn’t exist. What is a “healthy” weight for you won’t be for another person. And isn’t that fascinating!? How intensely complicated our bodies are?!? I love weight science and the more I read, the more I realise that there are no “weight experts”……because we do not know enough science wise to be experts. So no, I’m not an expert on weight but I do know how to help you find the weight that your body needs to be, and yes, that does include bodies that just happen to be fat as well. What if fat is your “healthy” weight? How would you feel? #ditchthediet #riotsnotdiets
480 43
12 hours ago
Yes I know I’m a fat nutritionist, I can know my stuff and also be fat. Why don’t I encourage weight loss? 1️⃣Well weightloss doesnt actually mean healthy. Let’s look at what you do while dieting. You begin to eat more fruits and vegetables, you drink more, you build exercise in, you probably meal plan (reducing the stress of decision making on the fly), you maybe find community. Is it the fruit and vegetables, the exercise, etc or is it the weight loss that causes in reduction of risk? We don’t know because health is only correlated with weight. It’s far more complicated than we can imagine. But in saying all this…… 2️⃣ Fruit and vegetables and exercise doesn’t cause weight loss, we are talking about restriction here. Restriction can cause a load of things. Restriction increases stress hormones (cortisol), it’s can cause binge eating, it causes a poor relationship with food, disordered eating and even worse….eating disorders. Plus, your body will fight you with your restriction. And once you have done dieting (the diet fails you, you don’t fail the diet) you will end up regaining the weight again. 3️⃣ People aren’t just large bodied/fat because of what/how much they eat and how much they exercise. Ever heard the whole….. we could eat the same, and move the same and still have completely different bodies? It’s true. DNA plays into weight in a big way. Epigenetics have an impact. How your body deals with nutrients. Sleep. So many things other than food and exercise impacts your weight. We cannot change our DNA. Nor our life experiences and how our body works (ok we can do that temporarily with medication). 🎉So what do I do instead? Do I just keep people fat? Nope. I take the focus away from weight. We work out compassionate intuitive eating skills, we explore healthy behaviours that are accessible to us regardless of our weight. Someone’s weight might stay the same, go up or down, but none of that influences what we do. We begin to accept our bodies as they are. Fancy it? I’d love to support you. #intuitiveeating #healthateverysize #antidiet
198 5
2 days ago
Even if this means you gain weight! Dieting isn’t a form of self care. It isn’t looking after yourself. Dieting raises cortisol, your stress hormone. Dieting causes you to have food noises. Dieting increases those feelings of shame. We don’t need that kind of energy tbh. In saying this, does the fear of weight gain hold you back?
397 19
3 days ago
Did you know my incredible friend @mollyjforbes wrote a book? I couldn’t have been more proud of her and all the hard work that has gone into Everybody. I was so lucky to be able to go to her book launch and also be on her panel (did you know I’m basically a speaker now?). Yes this was a couple of weeks ago now but strategically, I wanted to spread out the sharing of Molly’s masterpiece. Because if you haven’t seen this book, which is a book for 9-11 year olds, you need to. And the children in your life need it. Our children deserve better than the body image rubbish that we grew up with. Let’s break that cycle. All bodies are good bodies! #bodyimagemovement #everybody
103 7
4 days ago
Who’s spent a lot of their life dieting or wishing they were thinner? 🙋‍♀️ Me too. But not now. I’ve accepted my body. The body that carries me through life that actually, while I was dieting, I actually never looked after. As soon as I accepted my body, omg, it became so much easier to actually have healthy behaviours that lasted. And healthy behaviours that worked for me, in my life, meeting myself where I am at. Diets don’t do that. Diets prescribe what you should/shouldn’t do. They invite you back again and again. They blame you for the weight regain. They tell you that you just need to find the diet you can stick to. You deserve better! And you can experience better! In The Table, July is Release the Jiggle month. All about daily activities to help you accept your body regardless of your weight. Perfect for if you are stuck with how you feel about your body! How many diets do you think you’ve been on? #dietwhatdiet #slimmingworlduk #nondietnutrition
58 2
5 days ago
The amount of “experts” over stating the impact of food on hormones. As a nutritionist, I can say, food will not “fix” or “rebalance” your hormones. Food can be supportive and can have a small impact. But if you are worried about your hormones, please see an endocrinologist as well as finding how you can use food to support you. But food should support you in a non-fearful and non -restrictive way. Thinking about food all of the time and ignoring your hunger are things that can impact your hormones. Dieting causes stress in your body which also impacts your hormones. Liberating your self from diet/wellness culture does actually mean you better support your hormones! Edited to add….its never the individuals fault for seeking out support. Especially when our healthcare system has incredible amounts of medical weight stigma ❤️ #hormonesupport #wellnessculture #dietculture
206 11
6 days ago
The Table is made, we’ve got all the dishes and cutlery out and it’s missing something…….you!!!! In July we have our body image month coming, daily activities to help you with your body image. Always centering fatness but welcoming all sizes. In August, I am running cook alongs of delicious food that diet culture has us anxious about eating and anti fatness has us avoiding. Think caramel and honeycomb ❤️🍴 Are you ready to pull up a chair?
24 2
7 days ago
Who would have thought that eating as a healthy behaviour can go hand in hand with fat joy. This mum of 3 fat nutritionist isn’t trying to take over the world, I’m not interested in 6 figures profits. I’m interested in getting to know people and understanding how I can support people who are fed up of dieting and getting nowhere. People who are fed up of disliking their body. This summer I’d love to get to know you in my “Release the Jiggle” month in July! No more trying to get that “summer body” because the body you have now is a summer body. Release the Jiggle is part of my membership, The Table 🍴You will get one quick prompt a day to work on for the whole of July with the aim to help you feel better about your body. We start 1st July! You in? #gentlenutrition #riotsnotdiets #nondietapproach
173 0
8 days ago
There is so much crap going on in the world right now. Not just in the world, we also have so much rubbish going on the the U.K. We should be angry. We should be taking a stand. We should be coming together. Yet we are talking about who’s on weight loss drugs and whether celebrities are classed as fat or not. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that body positivity is “out” now. I think it’s well timed. We can’t collectively take a stand if we are hungry and therefore low on energy. We can’t come together collectively to make a change if our headspace is full of thinking about food and what we look like. Get that headspace back!!! Join my army of compassionate intuitive eaters and body/fat acceptors. #dietingsucks #enddietculture #bodypositive
166 0
9 days ago