Anisha Nayar


‘24 - ‘25 NAM Tx Jr. Teen ☆ personal account: @its._anishan._16 ❤️
I had an amazing day today volunteering and helping out at children’s hunger fund!!! Everyone was so nice and being able to help out millions of children around the globe feels like such an accomplishment 🌎
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3 days ago
Had a wonderful time shopping at and getting to meet Lisa Dean!!! I also got to meet our new North Texas Miss, Emory Wood!! I’m so happy to be able to meet a sister queen and had so much fun with Lisa! Sending lots of love they’re way ❤️❤️❤️ #shoping #nam #nationalamericanmiss #lisadean #lisadeanstyle #misssouthtexas #jrteentexas #missnorthtexasjrteen #statefinalist
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6 days ago
So delighted to get these colorful magazine donations to start my next piece of art towards my platform Xenia and to further help the Aasara foundation! I will keep you all posted on the journey ! 💗💗💗
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9 days ago
✨ Being crowned your Miss Tx Junior Teen still feels like a dream ✨
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15 days ago
Hey everybody!!! I am elated to be able to introduce myself as the newly crowned 2024 Miss Texas Junior Teen! I am so excited to have this chance to experience the amazing NAM sisterhood and show the younger generation of girls the things we can accomplish by having confidence!!! And remember WORK HARDER TODAY FOR A BETTER TOMORROW!! #jrteen #nationalamericanmiss #nationalamericanmisspageant #pageantlover #nam #nam2024 #namtx #namjrteen #sisterhood #texaspageants #pageantplanet #pageantlife #pageantqueen
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15 days ago
Martin Luther King Jr. Parade! ౨ৎ I was honored to represent NAM in my community’s parade. I had the opportunity to meet new faces as well as promote the positive benefits that National American Miss has to offer. (Long time, no see! I finally have my account back :) & so excited to start posting more content.) Personal account: @ariannaalora
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5 months ago
all checked in & ready to go for nationals! ❤︎₊ ⊹
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7 months ago
☆ The Power of Volunteering! ☆ Volunteering is a powerful way to make a positive impact on the world and create a better future yourself & others. It allows us to give back to our communities, support causes we care about, and make a difference in the lives of others. #volunteeringmatters
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7 months ago
Capturing my inner beauty and strength in these headshots. Embracing my unique qualities and radiating confidence, ready to make a statement at nationals! ☆
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8 months ago
Last week I attended @tarrantareafoodbank ‘s Disney themed volunteer shift with my incredible sister queens! We were able to donate 8,700 meals! ❄️
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10 months ago